Lakers Offseason
On the cool, you c00n ass nikkas, that stimulus check would be nice. GW was a terrible president but at least he gave us stimulus checks. I'm not going to be sheep that follows some half white nikka. He's turned our economy into shyt, is threatening Iran who we really have no excuse to have beef with. Didn't close Gitmo, still has troops in Afghanistan and Iraq. Supports the terrorist state of Israel. You acting like I'm supposed to have the answeres you bytch ass nikka I never tried to be president and sell people false dreams. He does owe black people more than white, u know why that bytch oprah supported him? U know why camel supported him? You know why alot of white youth supported him? Part of it was because he was black, a change, something new. I voted for Barack, but not again. You still have not gave me an example of what he did that actually helped black people. His health care fiasco is a joke. And no I'm not a CAC, but I bet you a 100% c00n. Good day.
Breah, there's so manyh L's in this post I don't even know where to start. Please don't speak for black people in public.