President Obama bails on the 2012 NAACP convention, but VP Biden and Mitt Romney go

Lakers Offseason

May 21, 2012
On the cool, you c00n ass nikkas, that stimulus check would be nice. GW was a terrible president but at least he gave us stimulus checks. I'm not going to be sheep that follows some half white nikka. He's turned our economy into shyt, is threatening Iran who we really have no excuse to have beef with. Didn't close Gitmo, still has troops in Afghanistan and Iraq. Supports the terrorist state of Israel. You acting like I'm supposed to have the answeres you bytch ass nikka I never tried to be president and sell people false dreams. He does owe black people more than white, u know why that bytch oprah supported him? U know why camel supported him? You know why alot of white youth supported him? Part of it was because he was black, a change, something new. I voted for Barack, but not again. You still have not gave me an example of what he did that actually helped black people. His health care fiasco is a joke. And no I'm not a CAC, but I bet you a 100% c00n. Good day.

Breah, there's so manyh L's in this post I don't even know where to start. Please don't speak for black people in public. :ohlawd:
May 1, 2012
The bold is just not true. Historically the naacp have done a massive amount for the Black community. I would hope that you knew that. I agree that the current day naacp leave much to be desired. With that said the quality varies from branch to branch. I volunteered for the naacp when I was in Florida. The Pensacola branch was not well funded but they were active in the community, and was doing things to better the community. The Pan-Handle of Florida is racist as hell. The naacp branch in Pensacola would give free legal advice to people that needed it, and was fighting to stop school rezoning. These were real issues that people in that community were worried about. However when I left Florida and came back home to Buffalo, there was a big difference. I called the branch in Buffalo to see if i could volunteered like I did in Pensacola and they talked to me in a condescending matter. The naacp branch in buffalo does next to nothing. Again this is not even the point but i had to address the last part of your statement.
Now back to the main point of your argument. Have some of Obama policies helped Black people? The answer is yes. I never said that it didn't. Parts of the Affordable Care Act will help many in the Black community. But some of his policies are also hurting the Black community. You mentioned the Rockefeller Drug Laws, and how the Obama Administration supported abolishing it. However the Obama Administration have heighten the war on drugs and cracked down on marijuana even harder than Bush. This hurts everyone but it hurts Black people more, because the cops fukk with us more.

You asked how has Obama shytted on Black people. Let me ask you this. Would Obama skip a AIPAC convention? How about a major Hispanic LGBT convention? I know the naacp don't represent the views of all Black people, but do AIPAC represent the view of all Jewish people? But I forgot. Because we are Black we should stop complaining.
Obama tells blacks to 'stop complainin' and fight - YouTube
But it is okay for all other groups to complain. And the CBC was trying to do more than complain. They were trying to get the White House to help come up with a strategy to solve long term Black unemployment. I don't fukk with a lot of the members of the CBC, but I have to side with them on this issue.
With that said I still think we should vote for him in 2012 because there is really no other option for us. But we have to find a way to put more pressure on him. We can't just turn a blind eye when he fukks up.

nah, obama is a new politician, one not given to playing the old political games of yore. he told the naacp to fukk off, and rightly so. these black groups are doing shyt. they're enriching themselves off the very real plight of black america. where are they mobilizing black educators to teach and educate these youths being neglected at schools? where are those efforts? all i see from the naacp are the same allegiances with safe white liberals that keep blacks in the role of perpetual victim.


Jun 3, 2012
What y'all don't understand is that Obama is not just the black peoples President. He is ALL the people's president. And rather you like it or not without support outside the black community he could not be successful. We as black people are a minority and there is nothing Obama or any other President can do about that. So when making policy decisions he would be failing as a president if he picked any one minority and concentrated on it. He has not "shytted" on anybody. He has really tried to help the lower and middle class, not just black folks. For those of y'all saying fukk the NAACP that is the type of orginization y'all should support if y'all want somebody to concentrate on black people's issues. Why are y'all not going to their events and supporting them?
I hate when Black people say this. This is a straw man argument. Who is saying that he should be the president for Black People only? Everyone knows this. He is not the President for gay people either but worked to end DADT, came out in support of gay marriage, and stopped enforcing the Defense of Marriage Act. Even though he has done all that for them the LGBT groups are still putting pressure on him (no homo).

Most of his policies has helped the rich. Yea he did payroll tax cuts, and that gives middle class, and working class people more money in there pay checks, but that is also how social security is funded. He already tried to cut social security. Remember the Grand Bargain he was trying to do with Boehner? I guess trying to make a deal to cut social security with the republicans is really helping the middle class :dry:. He didn't let the Bush tax cuts run out. I like a lot of things in the Affordable Care Act, but he didn't fight for the public option, and that would of really helped the average person. Plus the insurance companies are going to make a ton of money because of the mandate. He didn't prosecute anyone from the big banks that crashed the economy, and the banks can are still doing whatever they want (Dodd Frank is a joke).

Listen i understand the president is not all powerful and a lot of these problems were there way before he took office. My problem is when he says things like "08 can't happen again", because it is not true. There is nothing in Dodd Frank to stop the big banks from crashing the economy again. And when it happens again who will it hurt the most? Things like this always hit Black people harder.


Jun 3, 2012
nah, obama is a new politician, one not given to playing the old political games of yore. he told the naacp to fukk off, and rightly so. these black groups are doing shyt. they're enriching themselves off the very real plight of black america. where are they mobilizing black educators to teach and educate these youths being neglected at schools? where are those efforts? all i see from the naacp are the same allegiances with safe white liberals that keep blacks in the role of perpetual victim.

Do you really think that is the reason Obama didn't go to the convention? Why would he send Biden then? If that was the reason he didn't go than I could respect it. But we all know, that he didn't go because it would make him look too Black during an election year.

And :heh: at Obama being a new politician. He play just as many political games as any other politician.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
I hate when Black people say this. This is a straw man argument. Who is saying that he should be the president for Black People only? Everyone knows this. He is not the President for gay people either but worked to end DADT, came out in support of gay marriage, and stopped enforcing the Defense of Marriage Act. Even though he has done all that for them the LGBT groups are still putting pressure on him (no homo).

Most of his policies has helped the rich. Yea he did payroll tax cuts, and that gives middle class, and working class people more money in there pay checks, but that is also how social security is funded. He already tried to cut social security. Remember the Grand Bargain he was trying to do with Boehner? I guess trying to make a deal to cut social security with the republicans is really helping the middle class :dry:. He didn't let the Bush tax cuts run out. I like a lot of things in the Affordable Care Act, but he didn't fight for the public option, and that would of really helped the average person. Plus the insurance companies are going to make a ton of money because of the mandate. He didn't prosecute anyone from the big banks that crashed the economy, and the banks can are still doing whatever they want (Dodd Frank is a joke).

Listen i understand the president is not all powerful and a lot of these problems were there way before he took office. My problem is when he says things like "08 can't happen again", because it is not true. There is nothing in Dodd Frank to stop the big banks from crashing the economy again. And when it happens again who will it hurt the most? Things like this always hit Black people harder.

I hate when people say this. Just cause you quote your intro to logic class doesn't make your argument any more valid.

I was responding to people in this thread that said Obama was a self hating c00n who panders to white people while ignoring blacks. And even in your post you didn't exclusively say that obama should be for black people. But if you say he has done SOME for black people, but not enough then you are in fact saying that he should cater more to blacks than anyone else. We make up less than 18% of voters so his policy should only pander to us 18% of the time. He has gone above and beyond this. His policies on Helthcare, student loans,education, stimulus, tax breaks and more hav helped black people. No he has not been perfect, but given what he walked into I think he's done a great job. Yes the healthcare bill could have been more robust, but he was trying to gain support from the most people possible, in hindsight this might have been a mistake but at the time it seemed like a good idea. We should be hold him accountable for mistakes but saying he doesn't do enough for black people is not only false but counterproductive.

Guess Who

May 5, 2012
I'm surprised Obama hasn't gone crazy since dude is put in the precarious position of being over-scrutinized by whites and having the pressure to save the black race in 4-8 years. People forget that he can't just do whatever the fukk he wants just because he is president. There is still a political process and it isn't easy to implement new policies or reform old ones. Each individual black person has the responsibility to do the best for his/herself, despite the disadvantages placed in front of us. We will achieve much more by doing that than waiting for other successful blacks to raise up the race...though I believe that we should all help each other.

As for this particular move, take a step back for a second--if Obama swings a few more white votes by appearing more "safe" resulting in winning the presidency again, then it will be worth it. Then he will have the opportunity to be as black as he damn well wants in his second and final term. Think about the big picture. He achieves more by doing this than he loses since black people are going to vote for him anyway, even if they do so with a bitter taste in their mouths. Meanwhile, he may get a few extra white votes as well. And really, you don't think Barack and especially Michelle Obama, a strong black woman, haven't realized how this will look to black people in the short term? But they're more concerned with winning NOW so they can achieve more later, even if it means doing something unpopular in the moment.

Be impressive black people, be impressive. Stop waiting for the world to fix itself or for someone to fix it for you and start fixing it yourself.

Be impressive.


Jun 3, 2012
I hate when people say this. Just cause you quote your intro to logic class doesn't make your argument any more valid.

I was responding to people in this thread that said Obama was a self hating c00n who panders to white people while ignoring blacks. And even in your post you didn't exclusively say that obama should be for black people. But if you say he has done SOME for black people, but not enough then you are in fact saying that he should cater more to blacks than anyone else. We make up less than 18% of voters so his policy should only pander to us 18% of the time. He has gone above and beyond this. His policies on Helthcare, student loans,education, stimulus, tax breaks and more hav helped black people. No he has not been perfect, but given what he walked into I think he's done a great job. Yes the healthcare bill could have been more robust, but he was trying to gain support from the most people possible, in hindsight this might have been a mistake but at the time it seemed like a good idea. We should be hold him accountable for mistakes but saying he doesn't do enough for black people is not only false but counterproductive.
First off, I never said my argument was more valid than yours. If you took it that way then that's on you.
You took the part i put in bold completely taken out of context. I never said that Obama has done SOME for Black people. I said some of his policies have helped Black people. Not that he made those polices exclusively for the betterment of the Black people. There is a difference.
The percentage of a voting population and how much a politician pander is not one in the same. Its about the political power of a particular group. Not just the size of the voting block.
If Obama was white i would be saying the same things. A lot of Black people give Obama a pass because he is Black/biracial. When Bush didn't show up to the NAACP convention a few years ago, people thought it was disrespectful. Now that Obama did it its all good :dwillhuh: I disagree that he has gone above and and beyond. I think most democrats would of did the things you mentioned, and those tax cuts put social security at risk.