President Obama bails on the 2012 NAACP convention, but VP Biden and Mitt Romney go


Solid Gold Dashikis
Apr 30, 2012
black love, unity, and music
Once again small minds can't process the big picture. It's not just the fact that he blew off the event, which in itself is still :childplease: worthy, but it's his reasoning, or that of his advisers, which is to not be seen at events that are "too black."

When it gets to the point where you're basically selling out for votes that are never coming (if a white person think Obama going to "black" events is an issue, they aren't going to vote a black man in as President anyway), maybe it's time to step back and reevaluate why you want the job to begin with.

This is a tad bigger than the NAACP folks.

Thank you brother for trying to educate the ignorant obama apologists that populate this forum. People here fail to realize that whatever you fukking opinion is of the NAACP, that organization carries HUGE weight in the history of America and was monumental in pushing forth numerous rights your nikkas take for granted these days. Just based on its legacy alone makes this a worthy destination for all potential political candidates. I know white people have taught you to shyt on anything that is majority black, so many of you fukkers feel the need to shyt of the NAACP for one dumb reason or the next, but if it wasn't for them many of you ******s would still be banned from white only restaurants. How many times have you heard Jews shytting on AIPAC? Cac's shytting on the NRA? Its only blacks that feel the need to discredit and shyt of its historically significant organizations.

Before Obama this organization could claim that it has hosted every major presidential candidate for a speech during the election year. Now that streak has been broken by the first "black" president no less. Obama is a "black" president that appears to be embarrassed to be associated with "black" causes, events, or organizations. And as many self-hating blacks have been taught, they immediately cosign such c00nish behavior in a pathetic attempt appease their white masters. This whole fiasco doesn't suprise me in the least really. He let us all know he didn't give a shyt about black people when immediately after being sworn into office he goes to Africa and openly shyts on African nations. An ironic stance by the first black president no less. Its truly demonic really.

At the end of the day, Obama can and will continue to shyt of black people any way he sees fit, simply because he understands that black people as a whole (with obvious exceptions) like to participate in group think. And the current trend is "support Obama no matter what he says, does, or not do." So expect more patronizing speechs, more silence after the passing of African-American icons, and other disrespectful actions/inactions to the African diaspora going forward.


Change is inevitable...
Jun 6, 2012
Brooklyn, NY
How many times have you heard Jews shytting on AIPAC? Cac's shytting on the NRA? Its only blacks that feel the need to discredit and shyt of its historically significant organizations.

Before Obama this organization could claim that it has hosted every major presidential candidate for a speech during the election year. Now that streak has been broken by the first "black" president no less. Obama is a "black" president that appears to be embarrassed to be associated with "black" causes, events, or organizations. And as many self-hating blacks have been taught, they immediately cosign such c00nish behavior in a pathetic attempt appease their white masters. This whole fiasco doesn't suprise me in the least really. He let us all know he didn't give a shyt about black people when immediately after being sworn into office he goes to Africa and openly shyts on African nations. An ironic stance by the first black president no less. Its truly demonic really.

At the end of the day, Obama can and will continue to shyt of black people any way he sees fit, simply because he understands that black people as a whole (with obvious exceptions) like to participate in group think. And the current trend is "support Obama no matter what he says, does, or not do." So expect more patronizing speechs, more silence after the passing of African-American icons, and other disrespectful actions/inactions to the African diaspora going forward.
Again, I don't think you're grasping the totality of Obama's position in history or in this country.

And comparing it to Jews and AIPAC or Whites and the NRA is laughable.

Jello Biafra

A true friend stabs you in the front
May 16, 2012
Behind You
If you sick then go lay down but it's the truth. There is no possible way he can accomplish anything by pandering to the black vote exclusively or more than other group.

We are a minority. No president, black, white can pander to any specific minority (ethnic, economic, etc.) and expect to be president very long. Hell, or even expect to be president PERIOD.

You want a black president who is accused of not even being American...who is accused of being a Muslim that believes in the radical teachings of a christian Reverend, to cater specifically to black people during a reelection campaign?

He shouldn't exclusively cater to the interests of black people (or anyone else) and no one in this thread has said he should. However he should acknowledge the oldest and most recognized black organization in the country as part of his re-election strategy (and no one has come up with a legit reason why he didn't show up at the convention) just like he does with every other group whose vote he expects to get come November.
Or should the black vote be the only vote that can be completely taken for granted just because the sitting president has darker skin than his predecessors?
Besides it seems like a wasted opportunioty to get in front of a slavishly pro-Obama crowd and create a visual of the beloved president which can never hurt when running for re-election.


Change is inevitable...
Jun 6, 2012
Brooklyn, NY
He shouldn't exclusively cater to the interests of black people (or anyone else) and no one in this thread has said he should. However he should acknowledge the oldest and most recognized black organization in the country as part of his re-election strategy (and no one has come up with a legit reason why he didn't show up at the convention) just like he does with every other group whose vote he expects to get come November.
Or should the black vote be the only vote that can be completely taken for granted just because the sitting president has darker skin than his predecessors?
Besides it seems like a wasted opportunioty to get in front of a slavishly pro-Obama crowd and create a visual of the beloved president which can never hurt when running for re-election.
Dog people have definitely been alluding to the fact that he has "done nothing for black folks" in this thread and for the life of me I cannot understand how Obama focusing on the groups that are necessary for him to remain in power in order to accomplish the goals he has set out to accomplish is construed as him disrespecting the NAACAP or black people.

The man is under intense scrutiny by his opposition and they will use any possible means in order to remove him from office including painting him as trying to uproot the white power structure by giving more to blacks.

I can understand if he was shrugging off the NAACP during his 2nd term. Then it would be like yo you have nothing to lose short of getting caught by TMZ getting a blowjob from a white house intern or something. But that's not the case. I'm all for scrutiny of Obama but it's still too soon given the circumstances of his position and the political climate of the country over the past 4 years.

If you don't agree with his policies fine that's cool. But if that's not the case then understand that you cannot defeat your opponents by fighting fair in war where the rules are loose and casual. The right-wing of this country has more or less gone on record saying that they will use any and every possible tactic to get this man out of office.

This is chess...not checkers...

Jello Biafra

A true friend stabs you in the front
May 16, 2012
Behind You
For the life of me I cannot understand how Obama focusing on the groups that are necessary for him to remain in power in order to accomplish the goals he has set out to accomplish is construed as him disrespecting the NAACAP.

The man is under intense scrutiny by his opposition and they will use any possible means in order to remove him from office including painting him as trying to uproot the white power structure by giving more to blacks.

I can understand if he was shrugging off the NAACP during his 2nd term. Then it would be like yo you have nothing to lose short of getting caught by TMZ getting a blowjob from a white house intern or something. But that's not the case. I'm all for scrutiny of Obama but it's still too soon given the circumstances of his position and the political climate of the country over the past 4 years.

If you don't agree with his policies fine that's cool. But if that's not the case then understand that you cannot defeat your opponents fighting fair in war where the rules are loose and casual. The right-wing of this country has more or less gone on record saying that they will use any and every possible tactic to get this man out of office.

This is chess...not checkers...


Wow, you hit all the Obama supporter memes in one post....his enemies are so scary that Obama has to be careful not to incite them; don't criticize him because its only been 4 years and he needs more time; black people are not the constituency that he needs to win; and then you pulled out the chess not checkers line.

I think I am done with this topic now.

Lil Wango

Jun 1, 2012
fukk the NAACP, dem nikkas don't do shyt but run they mouth. When I went to them after getting pulled out my whip and illegally searched by the cops 10 times in 6 months out here, dem c00ns was like, "what u want us to do?" :usure:


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
He shouldn't exclusively cater to the interests of black people (or anyone else) and no one in this thread has said he should. However he should acknowledge the oldest and most recognized black organization in the country as part of his re-election strategy (and no one has come up with a legit reason why he didn't show up at the convention) just like he does with every other group whose vote he expects to get come November.
Or should the black vote be the only vote that can be completely taken for granted just because the sitting president has darker skin than his predecessors?
Besides it seems like a wasted opportunioty to get in front of a slavishly pro-Obama crowd and create a visual of the beloved president which can never hurt when running for re-election.

I agree with you that he should have gone to the convention, and he should have to answer as to why or what he was doing that was more important. But the notion that he is somehow shytting on black people and a self hating c00n (as some people in this thread have said) because he missed the convention is just wrong.

We should hold him accountable for mistakes, but our goal should be reelection because he has helped out black people with policy and our cultural standing around the world.


Solid Gold Dashikis
Apr 30, 2012
black love, unity, and music

Wow, you hit all the Obama supporter memes in one post....his enemies are so scary that Obama has to be careful not to incite them; don't criticize him because its only been 4 years and he needs more time; black people are not the constituency that he needs to win; and then you pulled out the chess not checkers line.

I think I am done with this topic now.


Dude is irreparably programmed by four years of Obama kool-aid


All Star
May 6, 2012
I'm as big an Obama supporter as they come, but it was a bytch move by the President. He should have went there himself. He won NC by 14,000 votes last election with a lot of help from the black electorate. He shouldn't grow complacent.


Apr 30, 2012
1st Round Playoff Exits
I am so sick of people saying this dumb fukking line. True he is the president of all people in the US but he caters to people whose votes he covets except for black people. He continues the Democratic Party habit of taking the black vote for granted because "Where else are they going to go" but he bends over backwards to appease the gays/Latinos/women/insert any group but black folks and that is bullshyt.

i feel you breh he hasn't done sh*t for the black community.....

Reporting from Washington — President Obama acknowledged an uncomfortable reality as he unveiled the nation's first comprehensive national HIV/AIDS strategy at a White House ceremony Tuesday: Though the United States has made tremendous gains treating people infected with the virus, efforts to prevent the spread of the disease have continued to lag.

Even as the federal government has spent tens of billions of dollars to develop and administer drugs for HIV patients, the number of people newly infected every year has remained virtually unchanged for a decade. Today, an estimated 1.1 million people are infected with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.

"We are keeping pace when we should be gaining ground," Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said at the White House.

The president's plan, which includes targets for controlling the spread of the disease by 2015, calls for reducing new HIV infections annually by 25%, from an estimated 56,300 today.

It includes more than 100 directives to federal agencies including new standards for assessing prevention programs, new education campaigns for ethnic communities and increased screening of federal prisoners.

Dr. Georges C. Benjamin, executive director of the American Public Health Assn., called the strategy "a lifesaving public health intervention," echoing widespread praise.

For many who have been laboring to control the disease, the specific steps are particularly welcome after years of disappointing progress. "We should have been doing better," said David R. Holtgrave, an expert on HIV/AIDS policy at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

American public health efforts, which in the late 1980s and early 1990s helped dramatically cut new infections from a peak of about 130,000 a year, have barely moved the annual number since.

There are now more new infections annually than there were in the early 1990s, when they bottomed out about 49,000 a year, according to estimates by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Today, an estimated 20% of people infected with HIV do not know it. The new strategy aims to cut that in half by 2015.

[Particularly disturbing to many activists are the persistently high infection rates among gay and bisexual men, who account for more than half of all new infections, and among African Americans.

Black men and women account for 46% of people living with HIV, though they represent just 13% of the population, the CDC said.

U.S. officials and activists have made some progress reducing the likelihood that someone infected with the disease will transmit it. But many experts say the prevention efforts have not kept pace with the development of powerful drugs that allow many people with HIV to live relatively normal lives.

Part of the challenge is the success produced by medical breakthroughs, said Jennifer Kates, who directs the global health policy and HIV program at the nonprofit Kaiser Family Foundation.

"People are just not as concerned about HIV," Kates said. "There is a sense we have treatments, that HIV doesn't seem as bad as it used to…. There is more complacency."

Julie M. Scofield, executive director of the National Alliance of State and Territorial AIDS Directors, said Americans also continued to struggle with issues involving sex, race and homosexuality, all crucial topics in HIV prevention.

"One of the things that the strategy does very well is discuss those issues very directly," Scofield said, praising the Obama administration's report fortargeting specific populations.

But the strategy does not promise any more money.

And at a time when an estimated 4% of the federal government's $19-billion domestic HIV/AIDS budget goes to prevention, some activists said that could remain a barrier to this new effort to slow the spread of the disease.

Obama's HIV/AIDS policy hailed for targeting spread of disease - Los Angeles Times


want more links.....

I got plenty try me :pachaha:


Change is inevitable...
Jun 6, 2012
Brooklyn, NY

Wow, you hit all the Obama supporter memes in one post....his enemies are so scary that Obama has to be careful not to incite them; don't criticize him because its only been 4 years and he needs more time; black people are not the constituency that he needs to win; and then you pulled out the chess not checkers line.

I think I am done with this topic now.
That's it? :leostare: