President Obama bails on the 2012 NAACP convention, but VP Biden and Mitt Romney go


Apr 30, 2012
Indeed, no need to respect the opinions of people who are not going to exercise their choice of vote anyway. :manny:

This is a very ignorant thing to say. African-Americans essentially operate in a one party system. Republicans don't care about their issues and Democrats take them for granted.

With all that said, I'm disgusted in what he's doing in this regard.

But as always Hip Hop is overreacting. 90% of the time he complained about Obama and the black community he was wrong and was sounding like someone who had never studied politics and understood that appearing to be a "black" candidate doesn't allow you to win broad elections.

I don't co-sign this behavior however.

Tony D'Amato

It's all about the inches
May 1, 2012
That Mitt Romney speech should be interesting tho :leon:

I feel for Barack. Aint nuthin harder than having to please n1ggaz. Aint no pleasin you ungrateful n1ggaz. Homey gets it from all sides. Nutty azz c@cs stay on his azz rejecting proposal after proposal. And now he's getting criticized for not showing up to some conference. I woulda quit after the inauguration and just let Biden take over. Knowing damn well it would get no better than Jan 20th 2009.

Young People and N1ggaz, and don't even get me started on young n1ggaz


They fukked him in the midterms and they'll no doubt fukk him in the general. Let that ole cyborg c@c win and just let him finish destroying the nation


EscoBeard Season Has Returned
May 1, 2012
#CertLife #ITGang
That Mitt Romney speech should be interesting tho :leon:

I feel for Barack. Aint nuthin harder than having to please n1ggaz. Aint no pleasin you ungrateful n1ggaz. Homey gets it from all sides. Nutty azz c@cs stay on his azz rejecting proposal after proposal. And now he's getting criticized for not showing up to some conference. I woulda quit after the inauguration and just let Biden take over. Knowing damn well it would get no better than Jan 20th 2009.

Young People and N1ggaz, and don't even get me started on young n1ggaz


They fukked him in the midterms and they'll no doubt fukk him in the general. Let that ole cyborg c@c win and just let him finish destroying the nation

Who gives a fukk, anyway? We all gotta die some day. Why not this POS country?


Apr 30, 2012
1st Round Playoff Exits

not that I would watch this sh*t anyways...

We bout to :eat: good off of Romney swagless performance in front of a black audience.

:birdman: Hopefully, he slips up and says something in a subtle racist manner. :obama:


May 1, 2012
What has Barack done for black people? :yeshrug:

Nothing breh. :leon:

Oh wait :obama:

President Obama is focused on creating jobs and restoring economic security for African Americans
and all Americans. He understands that too many African Americans have been hurt by a decade of
declining wages and unemployment and he’s fought for policies that give everyone a fair shot and the
opportunity to succeed. That’s why he’s pushing for job training and education reforms, ending health
disparities and cracking down on credit card and mortgage abuses by the biggest banks. He knows
that the American people live up to their responsibilities each and every day and it’s time that their
leaders in Washington live up to theirs.
Since his first days in office, President Obama has fought to restore the economic security that has been
eroding for America’s families for a decade.
• Through the Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA), the Obama administration helped
African-American clients secure more than $929 million in contracts and financing in 2009 and $2.4
billion in 2010, that’s helped businesses create and save jobs for African Americans.
• When President Obama signed the Small Business Jobs Act of 2010 it put more capital into the hands
of minority-owned businesses, supporting more than $12 billion in small business lending.
• A 21 Percent share of Jobs Act loans went to minority-owned businesses, according to data from the
Small Business Administration.
• President Obama established the interagency task force on federal contracting opportunities for small
businesses to help ensure that that minority-owned businesses have a fair shot at securing work (doing
what kind of work to improve the country and communities…)
• President Obama’s White House Business Council launched a series of Urban Entrepreneurship Forums
aimed at connecting local entrepreneurs to public and private resources to help them expand, grow and
create jobs.
President Obama signed into law the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to get the economy moving
again, create jobs, and make historic investments in our country’s transportation infrastructure to benefit
African Americans and all Americans.
• The Recovery Act that President Obama signed into law kept 1.4 million African Americans out of poverty
through tax credits, improvements in unemployment insurance, an increase in food stamps, and relief for
retirees, veterans, and people with disabilities. More than one billion dollars for job training and summer
jobs programs for urban youth were provided through the Obama administration’s Recovery Act.
• The President’s Recovery Act allotted $1.25 billion in funding to help re-train the unemployed so they
could find work.
• The Recovery Act provided $750 million in funding for specialized worker training in growing industries like
clean energy.
• $250 Million in Recovery Act funds were utilized to build and improve career training centers.
• The Recovery Act also provides earned income and child tax credits that will help an estimated 2.2 million
African-American families and 4.7 million African-American children by allowing working Americans to
keep more of what they earn.
President Obama has called education equality the “civil rights issue of our time” and has made it a priority
in his administration. He’s pushed for changes to improve our nation’s schools in order to put an outstanding
education within reach of every American.
• The Recovery Act included $5 billion for early learning programs, such as Head Start, Early Head Start,
child care, and programs for children with special needs.
• The Obama administration launched Race to the Top, an initiative that allows schools to compete for $4.35
billion in federal school improvement money after they lift barriers to charter schools.
• Charter schools are an important investment, and currently educate 31 percent African-American students.
President Obama has focused on higher education opportunities benefiting the African American community.
• President Obama’s policies will benefit the significant number of African-American students who apply for
Pell grants, by providing 820,000 more grants by 2020.
• 46 Percent of African Americans in undergraduate programs received Pell grants—higher than any other group.
• The President also secured a $2.55 billion investment in HBCUs and minority-serving institutions across ten
years to ensure more African Americans have access to higher education.
• Loan Forgiveness and Income-Based Repayment Programs will help all students make school more affordable.
President Obama pushed for and signed the Affordable Care Act, which improved access to health care for
all Americans, because access to quality, affordable health care is at the very heart of a family’s security
and well-being. The Affordable Care Act also provides free access to preventive care for people with new
insurance plans.
• Expanded access to preventive care will reduce health disparities for 41 Million African Americans, by helping
to prevent and treat many diseases and conditions that affect African Americans at a higher death rate,
such as: heart disease, stroke, cancer, asthma, influenza, diabetes and HIV/AIDS.
• Under the Act, nearly a quarter of African Americans will no longer be denied access to health insurance
because of pre-existing conditions.
• The Affordable Care Act raises Medicaid eligibility, giving four million more African Americans access to
health insurance coverage.
• President Obama’s agenda provides $11 billion for infrastructure enhancements to community health
centers, which will allow them to provide access and treatment to 40 million patients by 2019.
President Obama has shown from day one a commitment to revitalizing urban communities around the country.
• The President launched the first ever White House Office on Urban Affairs.
• The Obama administration has provided nearly $150 Million, the largest single round of Community
Development Financial Institution Fund awards, to go directly to financial institutions in urban and rural
communities for the purpose of increasing lending for low-income Americans and expanding access to
affordable financial products and services.
• The Obama administration launched the “Strong Cities, Strong Communities” pilot program focused on
Three Key Elements to Enhance Local-Federal Relationships.
- Improving the way federal government does business, by cutting through red tape to ease local
governments’ interactions with federal agencies and programs.
- Providing assistance and support by working with local communities to find ground up, not top down
solutions tailored to local government needs.
- Developing critical partnerships with key local and regional stakeholders that encompass not only
municipal and state governments, but also new partnerships with the business community, and other
public, private, and philanthropic leaders.
• The Obama Administration is implementing the Neighborhood Revitalization Initiative, to combat poverty
in American cities.
- Critical to this venture are the Choice Neighborhood Program, which seeks to revitalize public housing,
and the Promise Neighborhood Program, which looks to strengthen educational opportunities in
distressed communities.
From his days as a community organizer to his time as a civil rights lawyer, President Obama has a consistent
record of fighting for fairness for all Americans. That commitment continues in his actions as President.
• President Obama signed the Fair Sentencing Act into law, narrowing the disparity between those convicted
of possessing crack cocaine and powered cocaine.
• The President also released the administration’s national drug control strategy to cut drug use among
youths, and decrease drug-induced death by 15 percent over five years.
• The Obama administration announced the settlement of the longstanding Pigford II litigation and signed a
bill providing funding for African Americans who were discriminated against by the USDA.


The Chosen 1
May 2, 2012
Yup. And this is why most politicians dont give a fukk about the black constituency

We're stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Dems take blacks for granted, and Republicans don't care at all about black issues and tend to antagonize blacks (as well as other minorities, immigrants, and gays) to get votes from white people that feel threatened.

Not voting or voting third party would really only serve to help Republicans.

Mr Uncle Leroy

All Star
May 19, 2012
NAACP went out of their way to cast a "symbolic" vote supporting same sex marriage just to keep this nikka in the good graces of black folk and he still shyts on them; sends the dumb dummy who started the whole mess instead. :snoop:

I keep telling blacks to stop waiting for some magical negro messiah type to save us. I had hopes that his presidency would at least mobilize blacks, give the youth something to aspire to. looks like that aint the case.

thats ok I am the one, yall need, I will make time for events and have the balls to attend events and not give a fkkk what racist kkkakk will say.

Rarely-Wrong Liggins

Name another Liggins hot I'm just honest.
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012

Obama and his people stay trying to tread lightly on whitey's fragile feelings.

It's pathetic. Get it through your head Obama; they don't like nor respect you and never will. Doesn't matter how well you speak, the fact you went to Harvard, your law career, your white blood, or the fact that your white grand parents raised you; you're black and you hold a position of power. White people are disgusted and would rather you strung up with your genitals in your mouth than support you. They'll never like you, no matter how well you tapdance.

Such an intelligent man but he's trying to impress the stupid, vapid high school princess.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I997 using Tapatalk 2


Allahu Akbar
May 5, 2012
The Ummah!
Nothing breh. :leon:

Oh wait :obama:

President Obama is focused on creating jobs and restoring economic security for African Americans
and all Americans. He understands that too many African Americans have been hurt by a decade of
declining wages and unemployment and he’s fought for policies that give everyone a fair shot and the
opportunity to succeed. That’s why he’s pushing for job training and education reforms, ending health
disparities and cracking down on credit card and mortgage abuses by the biggest banks. He knows
that the American people live up to their responsibilities each and every day and it’s time that their
leaders in Washington live up to theirs.
Since his first days in office, President Obama has fought to restore the economic security that has been
eroding for America’s families for a decade.
• Through the Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA), the Obama administration helped
African-American clients secure more than $929 million in contracts and financing in 2009 and $2.4
billion in 2010, that’s helped businesses create and save jobs for African Americans.
• When President Obama signed the Small Business Jobs Act of 2010 it put more capital into the hands
of minority-owned businesses, supporting more than $12 billion in small business lending.
• A 21 Percent share of Jobs Act loans went to minority-owned businesses, according to data from the
Small Business Administration.
• President Obama established the interagency task force on federal contracting opportunities for small
businesses to help ensure that that minority-owned businesses have a fair shot at securing work (doing
what kind of work to improve the country and communities…)
• President Obama’s White House Business Council launched a series of Urban Entrepreneurship Forums
aimed at connecting local entrepreneurs to public and private resources to help them expand, grow and
create jobs.
President Obama signed into law the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to get the economy moving
again, create jobs, and make historic investments in our country’s transportation infrastructure to benefit
African Americans and all Americans.
• The Recovery Act that President Obama signed into law kept 1.4 million African Americans out of poverty
through tax credits, improvements in unemployment insurance, an increase in food stamps, and relief for
retirees, veterans, and people with disabilities. More than one billion dollars for job training and summer
jobs programs for urban youth were provided through the Obama administration’s Recovery Act.
• The President’s Recovery Act allotted $1.25 billion in funding to help re-train the unemployed so they
could find work.
• The Recovery Act provided $750 million in funding for specialized worker training in growing industries like
clean energy.
• $250 Million in Recovery Act funds were utilized to build and improve career training centers.
• The Recovery Act also provides earned income and child tax credits that will help an estimated 2.2 million
African-American families and 4.7 million African-American children by allowing working Americans to
keep more of what they earn.
President Obama has called education equality the “civil rights issue of our time” and has made it a priority
in his administration. He’s pushed for changes to improve our nation’s schools in order to put an outstanding
education within reach of every American.
• The Recovery Act included $5 billion for early learning programs, such as Head Start, Early Head Start,
child care, and programs for children with special needs.
• The Obama administration launched Race to the Top, an initiative that allows schools to compete for $4.35
billion in federal school improvement money after they lift barriers to charter schools.
• Charter schools are an important investment, and currently educate 31 percent African-American students.
President Obama has focused on higher education opportunities benefiting the African American community.
• President Obama’s policies will benefit the significant number of African-American students who apply for
Pell grants, by providing 820,000 more grants by 2020.
• 46 Percent of African Americans in undergraduate programs received Pell grants—higher than any other group.
• The President also secured a $2.55 billion investment in HBCUs and minority-serving institutions across ten
years to ensure more African Americans have access to higher education.
• Loan Forgiveness and Income-Based Repayment Programs will help all students make school more affordable.
President Obama pushed for and signed the Affordable Care Act, which improved access to health care for
all Americans, because access to quality, affordable health care is at the very heart of a family’s security
and well-being. The Affordable Care Act also provides free access to preventive care for people with new
insurance plans.
• Expanded access to preventive care will reduce health disparities for 41 Million African Americans, by helping
to prevent and treat many diseases and conditions that affect African Americans at a higher death rate,
such as: heart disease, stroke, cancer, asthma, influenza, diabetes and HIV/AIDS.
• Under the Act, nearly a quarter of African Americans will no longer be denied access to health insurance
because of pre-existing conditions.
• The Affordable Care Act raises Medicaid eligibility, giving four million more African Americans access to
health insurance coverage.
• President Obama’s agenda provides $11 billion for infrastructure enhancements to community health
centers, which will allow them to provide access and treatment to 40 million patients by 2019.
President Obama has shown from day one a commitment to revitalizing urban communities around the country.
• The President launched the first ever White House Office on Urban Affairs.
• The Obama administration has provided nearly $150 Million, the largest single round of Community
Development Financial Institution Fund awards, to go directly to financial institutions in urban and rural
communities for the purpose of increasing lending for low-income Americans and expanding access to
affordable financial products and services.
• The Obama administration launched the “Strong Cities, Strong Communities” pilot program focused on
Three Key Elements to Enhance Local-Federal Relationships.
- Improving the way federal government does business, by cutting through red tape to ease local
governments’ interactions with federal agencies and programs.
- Providing assistance and support by working with local communities to find ground up, not top down
solutions tailored to local government needs.
- Developing critical partnerships with key local and regional stakeholders that encompass not only
municipal and state governments, but also new partnerships with the business community, and other
public, private, and philanthropic leaders.
• The Obama Administration is implementing the Neighborhood Revitalization Initiative, to combat poverty
in American cities.
- Critical to this venture are the Choice Neighborhood Program, which seeks to revitalize public housing,
and the Promise Neighborhood Program, which looks to strengthen educational opportunities in
distressed communities.
From his days as a community organizer to his time as a civil rights lawyer, President Obama has a consistent
record of fighting for fairness for all Americans. That commitment continues in his actions as President.
• President Obama signed the Fair Sentencing Act into law, narrowing the disparity between those convicted
of possessing crack cocaine and powered cocaine.
• The President also released the administration’s national drug control strategy to cut drug use among
youths, and decrease drug-induced death by 15 percent over five years.
• The Obama administration announced the settlement of the longstanding Pigford II litigation and signed a
bill providing funding for African Americans who were discriminated against by the USDA.

Let's be honest bro, there are really no direct results from this stuff for the majority of Afro Americans. But what should we expect from a cross breed nigha whos first loves were white women, and married a hideous women for his political aspirations in Chicagos south side.


May 2, 2012
Ohio, Iowa, & Minnesota

Obama and his people stay trying to tread lightly on whitey's fragile feelings.

It's pathetic. Get it through your head Obama; they don't like nor respect you and never will. Doesn't matter how well you speak, the fact you went to Harvard, your law career, your white blood, or the fact that your white grand parents raised you; you're black and you hold a position of power. White people are disgusted and would rather you strung up with your genitals in your mouth than support you. They'll never like you, no matter how well you tapdance.

Such an intelligent man but he's trying to impress the stupid, vapid high school princess.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I997 using Tapatalk 2
white people got him elected:childplease:


May 1, 2012
Let's be honest bro, there are really no direct results from this stuff for the majority of Afro Americans. But what should we expect from a cross breed nigha whos first loves were white women, and married a hideous women for his political aspirations in Chicagos south side.

So what should he do to help the black community breh? You tell me.