The real Republican agenda is to destroy America from the inside out how could anybody with a functioning brain even support that.
People really think that I would vote for somebody who wanted to stop Corona virus testing cut funding to the WHO and CDC and has actively engaged every asinine and ridiculous conspiracy theory that could even be concocted.
Trump's administration has led to more needless deaths from Corona virus than there should have been and that's all due to his criminal levels of negligence.
That's aside from all the active amounts of racism he engages in and the criminality that he conducts on a daily basis.
Hes already crashed the economy and left tens of millions jobless from his terrible and incompetent leadership.
I mean I actually want a president who's going to do things instead of playing golf and blame all his problems currently on Obama.
Which leads me to question God forbid the man gets another 4 years is I still gonna complain about Obama?