That's a click bait headline.
That's a click bait headline.
When starz said no, they shouldve recrafted the story. A whole episode of Tommy sounds stupid anyway. Same as a whole episode dedicated to Kanan, Ghost & Tariq.I just posted it because alot of people said the episode seem rush..thats why because it was suppose to be a 2 parter
You got be wrong. I'm still investigating.
True that, go awayInvestigate all day. Numbers don't lie
It's funny seeing Jukebox smiling and feminine.
She played that Jukebox dyke role well.
Really Tommy
come the fukk on...why was this written into the show...
Exactly. She had to go. He knew damn well she'd take him out with no hesitation.
Also aside from that last bit the episode was slow and kinda meandered. Felt like an episode where they really wanted to do the next episode but had to do this one first
That's not why he killed her. He killed her cause she was about to clap Tariq and Kanaan loves Tariq![]()
He's originally from Chicago so when he's trying to imitate a NY accent, it comes out as a bootleg boston accent cuz of it when you mix the two. I should know![]()