Matter of factfukk that.
Ghost, tomny,julio,dre,Ghost New security and Kanan .. needs to come together to kill lobos ... I don't see how Tommy and ghost could do it on their own

Matter of factfukk that.
Ghost, tomny,julio,dre,Ghost New security and Kanan .. needs to come together to kill lobos ... I don't see how Tommy and ghost could do it on their own
shytI'm not a lawyer and I don't feel like reading up on it so I'll take y'all word on it but I feel like it's not that simple because nothing with the death penalty is that simple.
Oh he was going there to kill Tommy. Dressed in all black with the black gloves..and he broke almost got dropped in front of his son to.
I'm not a lawyer and I don't feel like reading up on it so I'll take y'all word on it but I feel like it's not that simple because nothing with the death penalty is that simple.
The death penalty exists on a federal level but it's rarely used
They would only use that for someone like Timothy McVeigh or the Boston Bomber. Whatever homicides Ruiz is charged with would most likely be done on a state level, leaving him with Life Without Parole as the worst case scenario.
So you're thinking he Ghost thought he survived Tommy's assassination attempt and showed up to Tommy's house announcing his presence calling out Tommy's name and shyt?
After getting rid of Holly's body, Tommy says "So the Koreans, that was you?" Ghost responds "Yea. And someone tried to take me out tonight while I was with Tariq" Tommy says "Tariq was with you?" and that clearly catches Ghost off guard when he asks "That was you?" You can hear it in his voice.
I'll agree, Ghost breaking in to Tommy's apt makes no sense, but that's Power writing.
True, but the fact that Nomar fukked a 14 year old would have prevented that from going very farNomar was a federal CI, that's what would have made his murder a federal case
Before he sees Holly, he's calling out Tommy's name...why would he do that if he thought he just survived Tommy's assassination attempt? Ghost probably expected to find Tommy dead in his bed.I thought he was coming to kill Tommy. He couldn't get in touch with him all day so he could use the breaking in as he was concerned that something had happened to Tommy and once Tommy guard was down Ghost would kill his ass. Ghost didn't expect to see a dead Holly and a distraught Tommy when he walked in.
True, but the fact that Nomar fukked a 14 year old would have prevented that from going very far
Yeah I don't think he would've got it, but it made sense to use it as a scare tactic to get him to cooperate because he killed a federal witnessI'm not a lawyer and I don't feel like reading up on it so I'll take y'all word on it but I feel like it's not that simple because nothing with the death penalty is that simple.