Tide Run This
Power Power Power Power Power
This is me too. When he get on the high horse with the morality I'm like see ya later. Ain't nobody got time for that. Like most bad things you think the people that's really beating chicks up are the majority of your listeners? Hell no so dude needs stop preaching to innocent people about the perils of doing bad stuff when I'm sure the majority records is just as clean as yours.I'm still a fan of Bomani's overall, but when he gets on his high horse about morality I start to tune dude out. His whole thing is that he isn't being *liberal* but rather adhering to a common sense of decency. He doesn't get that his standards of *common decency* may differ from others. He feels that his standards are the be-all-end-all and gets sensitive when challenged.![]()
Yeah this dude just like the stereotype of liberals. The only things that's really different is his religious views from what I can tell. A lot of other stuff esp about women this cat is textbook liberal. I don't really care because he still cool overall but that Hermione Granger know it all stuff is annoying no matter who does it.Bomani thinks he is like Chris Rock in the clip below but he is nothing like that. Bo admitted he borrows a lot from Chris Rock and Dave Chappelle with his comedy takes. I don't know if the clip below will work but Rock says he is liberal on some stuff(drugs and prostitution) and conservative on other stuff. Bomani thinks him being from Texas and Georgia and not having a problem with gun owners means his conservative on some things but really he is 99.9% liberal on topics and if its involves women he is 100% liberal on the topic.
Of course Anthony Scaramucci went to the same high school as Stugotz
They need to start a new game called 6 degrees of Stugotz because all these infamous people have a connection to him![]()
"Is he a wrestler?"
I missed this. what happened?![]()
"Is he a wrestler?"
I missed this. what happened?
Fridays show national hour one Dan brought up that Mooch was an NC-17 version of a real life my cousin Vinny. Stu said they went to the same high school.Which podcast episode did they talk about that?