Winning a big lottery jackpot is my dream.
All 3 hours are on ESPNu today
Don't know if this means first take had bad ratings on ESPN or the lebatard show had low ratings on ESPN 2.
Dan just said ESPN moved them without telling them why.
If they move us again we will find out about it in a press release. -dan
First take was back on ESPN one today so Dan intentionally trolling espn 2 viewers in the final hour with weird non sports interviews and inside jokes finally cost him ratings and his shows promotion to a better and easier to find channel. No ESPN 2 means no more Dos Minutos
He can keep saying he doesn't care but Dan loves being rich and famous. That's why he told us Jim Rome and Jon grudens yearly pay because he wants that
Dan wouldn't quit they will have to fire him like Phil Jackson so he can get his full millions.
Dan took it easy on Chael and Brian Kenny yesterday when they were caping for McGregor as not racist. Chael is a proud racist who said racist things about his Latin opponents and black opponents . Brian Kenny is old school you can tell by his Howie Long haircut and the hate he showed for Mayweather in every interview. Guys with those haircuts wish they became cops or joined the military so they are very conservative. So Dan went harder on Cote than them because he regrets not checking them. I am surprised Dan hasn't brought up the racist stuff Connor said about Latin people during his other fights.
Cote is a lost cause on race issues when he speaks from the heart. Mike Ryan came to Cote rescue on the Kaep stuff people keep ignoring Mike Ryan going full many times on this show against black people. Somebody called out Mike Ryan and he talked about his black internet friends. Next Mike Ryan will tell us how many black people have been in his house. Greg can't wait to instill his all American values in that grandchild
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