The author really used the
she was just joking excuse for Justine Sacco.

That is used as cover for most racist comments and actions. Let me guess she also dated a black guy in college, has black friends and has had 3 black people in her house too.

He wanted us to shed a tear for her. She got another job just like most people who get busted that way once the public story dies down. Fuzzy Zoeller, Don Imus and people like that always land on their feet making more money. He said she isnt racist and her comment wasnt racist. The British author never considered that maybe he doesn't know what offends African Americans. Dan talks about losing his job with a reckless comment one day from him or Stu that's why he co signed this guys opinion.
This thread used to have a page or two of comments on the show everyday. Is the show falling off or is everybody just busier and cant comment. I only catch the second half of the show live and have to listen to the first half on podcast so maybe peoples posting times are thrown off by their move to an earlier timeslot.