Poster @HellRell804 says he might have bought Dylan Roof a whopper for showing him mercy.

Let A Fro Be A Fro

Jan 26, 2018
Dirty South
King c00n has deserved this ban for a long ass time for multiple reasons. I just hope it lasts.

I just want to give my opinion real quick, respectfully

I'm :flabbynsick:but I can't picture anyone of my ethnic background saying "nikka Nerd"
Not saying it's not possible and I hate to generalize but I can see Nerd nikka or Nerd Ass nikka
But through history of slang and insults..white people always reverse insults, they would mos def say "nikka Nerd" while meaning "nikka with a hard E Nerd"

We always put nikka at the end of insults it's just weird to see nikka in the beginning

Like bytch Ass nikka......nikka...bytch Ass? bytch nikka Ass:dwillhuh:..nikka Nerd is just new to me I must be old as fukk

I even typed Nerd nikka by reaction I had to focus to type Nerd nikka SEE I DID IT AGAIN...I mean nikka Nerd

Aiight I'm out y'all have a blessed day:hubie:

He's :flabbynsick: as well.

I agree with what you're saying. It's also odd that he brings that shyt up so often out of nowhere. Every other post of his is basically just...


I have not heard people complain about nerds that much since junior high. Grow folks have bigger concerns.
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