Post About The Biggest Ether You Dropped On A Female


Dec 8, 2012
I don't know if it's ether or not. BUT I had my first like freak at like 20. And i would pick her up and smash and go to sleep, and she would do nice shyt like buy me food and White T's and shyt lol. So my homie who didn't have a place to stay was staying with me and my family. Turns out when I'd finish smashing, he would smash too. Cool. So eventually everybody on the block recognized what it was, and I got the call put in to set her out. I was pretty green around that time(yeah early 20's still green IDK IDK) but I didn't even like really have a conversation with her about it. Because she use to come over and hang she pretty much knew all my peoples and was an associate anyway. So I tell her I have a room at the motel up the street and what not it's gonna just be her and my other homie who was smashing at the time. She was like BET. So, I put the word out and when she got there, I'm nowhere to be found, it's like 15 nikkas there, some she cool with others she never even seen before, straight vicious shyt. I'm at the house, talking to a chick I really did like a the time. She call's me crying cussing me the fukk out calling me all types of bytches and hoes, saying I ain't shyt, I set her up etc. etc.. So it turns out she not having that shyt. nikkas calling me like come here, talk to her, she not putting out, etc..I'm telling them nikkas why the fukk you bring some ole anonymous cats around and people she never met. etc...just a lot of excess shyt. And to this day that bytch HATES ME. Like with the fury of 100 suns. Telling anybody who know me I got the baby dikk and shyt like that lol. It was crazy. But I haven't PHYSICALLY seen her in like a decade +, and I wish I could cause even now I'm thinking that was some scumbag shyt. And I could understand how you would feel if someone who you was cool with, basically served your ass up on a platter. luckily my homies ain't to crazy and didn't do any retarded shyt. But I still hate I did that.

Breh you had her set up to be ganged raped. Should could have been on a milk carton. Whats wrong with some of you coli nikkas?:snoop:
May 30, 2014
Midwest/East Coast/Tx (Now in Canada)
I'm fukkin it up for dominicans now too when they ask race I know they thank I'm black so I flex em and tell I'm dominican we won't be tha only ones get discriminated against
Dominican is black. White people just made up a special name for y'all when you gather in large numbers.


May 6, 2012
  • mine is a little mild. was talking to this chick at a restaurant (we were both feeling eachother but she was feeling me more than i was feeling her) and she was explaining some shyt she was doing financially. forgot what it was exactly but shyt didn't make sense at all. so we were kind of debating cause i was trying to explain to her why what she was saying didn't make sense but she didn't agree. Now over the years i've mellowed out a little and if it happened today i would probably just :manny: and let her do her. but back then i was trying to drag the horse to the water and force her to drink it. she kept arguing and at some point i just let her finish, looked at her with disdain and said "You will always be broke." I don't know if it's the tone in which i said it or the fact she felt the sincerity in which i said it but right at that point she just gulped, had a nervous smile for a second, signaled with her hand that she was done eating and called me an a$$hole. but as she was saying it, her voice cracked a little and the tears started to drop. she was trying to fight the tears too.
can't even lie, i really felt :mjcry: when i saw her reaction. i think it's the fact that she really looked up to me that made her feel that way. like i said, it's a mild one but i was feeling some type of way about it for a little bit.

  • some white chick from work, happy hour after work, we were all sitting at the same table and at some point she asks me in a way that everyone could hear if she could buy me a drink. i looked at her like :beli: and just said "No." very deadpan. everyone looked at me and i was :francis:, some of the people (both men and women) were :mjlol:, she turned red as fukk and the whole mood was awkward. eventually someone must have just said or did something to change the subject. Chick has been flirting heavy at work ever since.

  • Some other chick i was talking to on the phone. we had known each other for a while at that point but she was more like a friend. we had been talking for maybe 2 or 3 hours on the phone (yeah, i know :snoop:) and we were both getting a little sleepy but we still wanted to stay on the phone. at some point the convo gets a little sexier and she asked me when was my last time, i asked her the same, blablabla. her guard was a little down cause she was tired. then there was a silence (but more like a natural pause in the convo). and then she just says in her slightly sleepy voice "Let's just do it..." and i just replied "naw, i'm good...". after a moment of silence she just said "ok...". we always clown on eachother and maybe a year later i brought it up and she acted like she didn't remember :lolbron:

that's all i could remember for now.


Jul 11, 2015
i was dating this one chick in college and heading for a bad break up. lots of fighting and words that could never be taken back. we were pretty much already broken up, but still having sex. so anyway im chillin at my place and she tries to hit me with some ETHER over text. unprovoked she sends me a pic of her kissing some dude she knew from high school. i was taken aback but i didnt respond at first. i really took some time to think about how i was going to get her back.

i decided i would respond by saying, its ok, i deserve that for all the things ive done to you behind your back.

her: what do you mean all the things youve done behind my back ?

me: its not important, but i guess we are even now.

her: what have you done? :lupe:

i continued to bait her, then suggested we talk face to face when after i get off work the next day.

she comes over, and im wearing nothing but a robe.

i start to tell her, well, you remember that girl who you hate that you almost got into a fight with at that party when you overheard her telling me i can do better than you ? well, a few weeks after that, i fukked her.

and that so and so's friend that came to my party that was flirting with me right in your face, i fukked her too, when i told you i was too drunk to come over.

her: stop how many girls were there ? :sadbron:

me: about 4 :mjpls: (really closer to 10, but i didnt feel like going through them)

her: youre so sneaky! :to:

i opened my robe and started strokin off

her: what are you doing ? why are you doing that?

me: i dont know thinking about all this sex turns me on

her: youre unbelievable! (comes and lays down next to me)

we start fukkin, and i call her another girls name :lolbron::banderas:

she ignored it but i could hear wimpers as if she was holding back tears

pull out and nutted on her ass :ahh:

we continued to fukk for a few months after also:manny:

:gladbron::gladbron: You a savage got damnnnnnnnnn

Edit: Nevermind. I didn't read the part where the bytch tried to play you....Revenge game Freddy Krueger


Jul 11, 2015
Told this chick to eat a thousand baby dikks and die after she got mad when I told her I aint like her like that anymore.


Jul 11, 2015
This one chick that flaked on me two times (i made threads about it) just contacted me out of the blue a month after flaking trying to explain herself and why she flaked. I sent her a :mjlol: and she replied what does that face mean......still aint replied to the bytch. I know my shyt is lukewarm compared to you savages in here though


May 29, 2014
In college dated this real sweet girl who loved the shyt outta me but I was a fukking dog a$$hole master cocksman at the time, I was hitting everything moving and stayed high. I messed with her cause of the crew she ran with and I could always lay up at her crib.

Xmas comes and she's telling me she got gifts for me. I'm like cool I'll be over in a bit. I'm at my boys parents crib and tell him I'm about to go to this chick house to pick up my gifts, he's like damn you ain't got nothing for her?? I was like hope, but let me take this over there, I grab a candy cane off his Xmas tree and put it in my jacket.

Go over and she's all happy to see me and gives me my gifts, a champion hoody(this was in style then) and a pair of jeans. I gave her a hug and kiss and was like all I could grab was this and gave her the candy cane. This chick face hit the floor, I can still see the anger and confusion till this day. I just turned around and left after that. We never spoke again. I don't even know why I was such a b*stard to her.

Heard thru the grapevine later that she cried but was laughing about it by the end of the night. She said she ain't expect much but that shyt was just uncalled for.


May 29, 2014
I was around 19-20...started this new job at one of those places where adults got to have drinks and play games (like Dave and busters)

There's this cutie like white gurl feeling the kid :obama: always come out her way to come see me and what not. At the time I was more on my paper grind then worrying about birds but I figured it would be a quick knock down.

Boy boy boy :mjcry: this was the 1st real nympho I ever deal with. I would beat that box out the frame but sure enough 10-15 mins later she would be giving me head. :usure: I knew I was lucky to find a little freak like that so I did everything I could to that chick. We had fun til she started coming around with that 'I think I love you' shyt :scust:

To make a long story short...I banged her out for a couple of months then slept with 4 of her best friends. Had them birds fighting each other. She had a bad black home girl that I kicked it with for like 6 months. She was the winner of the 5 way death match that I started :skip:

Now I'm trying to protect my daughter from scumbags like I use to be
Good luck, y'all doMt known the bad things ya'll do gets passed on to your children?

Kal El

All Star
May 18, 2012
I was in high school, and I just finished listening to a Tariq podcast about how guys and girls couldn't be friends.

The next day this girl who friendzoned me calls me on the phone, and I say, "We can't be friends anymore. We don't have anything in common. If you want a friend, go buy a dog."

She was dead silent on the other end. Came up to me the next day at school and told me I made her cry.

God's son across the belly


Blazé Blazé
Apr 6, 2015
Guess I'll drop a story.

Earlier this year I got into contact again with this chick I used to chill with back in the day. We met around 2009 when AIM was still popping and been kicking it for a while since then. The thing I liked about her was that she never overstepped boundaries (throwing shade when I talked to other females, trying to be my girl forcefully, being clingy) and we had a usual routine of her coming over, cooking, watching a movie on demand (the original netflix)and fckn for a few hours.

So around 2011/12 is when we completely lost contact, which was fine because I'd met the love of my life at this point and was trying to clear out my roster to insure a happy relationship. But had always wondered what happened to her because I did care and she was cool people's.

Fast forward to this year, I'm randomly on tagged :snoop: and I come across a picture of what I think is a familiar face and it turns out to be her. I'm all:gladbron: at the thought of reconnecting with one of the coolest females I've ever met and so I hit her up and sure enough she recognizes me.

So she tells me that she had moved to texas for a while and had lost contact with everyone from cali but that she was back out this way for good since Texas didn't work out.

Then begins the fukkery.......she tells me that she's short on cash since she's back in town with no job and she need money to buy a new state ID. Of course I simp:cape: up and say "I'll help" being the great guy I am and we plan to meet up one day after work.

We meet at a happy hour spot and when she rolls up she's all :gladbron::gladbron: "long time no see! You look great, blah blah". We chop it up for a while then go our separate ways with us planning to chill again soon and that she'd pay me back.

A week goes by and I don't hear from her so I'm all:patrice: as to why like I don't already know the reason. One day, in the wee hours of the morning I get a phone call from a unfamiliar number:martin:and I decide to answer, it's her and the conversation goes as such

Me: hello:leostare:

Her: hey you, it's France

Me:oh hey:wtb:

France: I need a favor, I'm stranded and have no way of getting home, I need a place to crash and you're the only person I know near by :sadcam:.

Me: ok, gimme a sec and I'll call you right back:youngsabo:

France: thank you so much:mjcry:.

I proceeded to silence my phone, turn over towards my girl and fall straight to sleep:pachaha:. Had a few text from the chick when I woke up that I ain't even respond to and came to find out later that she was hoeing on backpage :beli: and had most likely gotten robbed after meeting up with a jon the morning she called me. She still hasn't called me since:mjlol:

Tldr: I simped but got that just desserts in the end.


May 29, 2014
Those Damn tattoos ........eugh


May 29, 2014
This isn't ether

But I've been choppin it up with this chick off soul swipe for the last few weeks but we haven't met in person yet. I asked her if she is busy tomorrow. She said no. I asked her if she wanted to come out my way (I live about 40 minutes away, I live by myself out by LA) and she said not really :dahell: We've talked about kickin it plenty of times and talked about her coming through out to my city. I replied "ok" then she gon text me "you don't want to come out here?"

Deleted her number asap:mjlol:

Selfish ass girl just wants me to drive to her city, but she lives with her damn parents and I live alone. A lot more flexibility out my way. Oh well :mjlol:
Maybe she doesn't feel safe.


Aug 19, 2012
:beli:Some other chick i was talking to on the phone. we had known each other for a while at that point but she was more like a friend. we had been talking for maybe 2 or 3 hours on the phone (yeah, i know :snoop:) and we were both getting a little sleepy but we still wanted to stay on the phone. at some point the convo gets a little sexier and she asked me when was my last time, i asked her the same, blablabla. her guard was a little down cause she was tired. then there was a silence (but more like a natural pause in the convo). and then she just says in her slightly sleepy voice "Let's just do it..." and i just replied "naw, i'm good...". after a moment of silence she just said "ok...". we always clown on eachother and maybe a year later i brought it up and she acted like she didn't remember




Apr 17, 2015
Guess I'll drop a story.

Earlier this year I got into contact again with this chick I used to chill with back in the day. We met around 2009 when AIM was still popping and been kicking it for a while since then. The thing I liked about her was that she never overstepped boundaries (throwing shade when I talked to other females, trying to be my girl forcefully, being clingy) and we had a usual routine of her coming over, cooking, watching a movie on demand (the original netflix)and fckn for a few hours.

So around 2011/12 is when we completely lost contact, which was fine because I'd met the love of my life at this point and was trying to clear out my roster to insure a happy relationship. But had always wondered what happened to her because I did care and she was cool people's.

Fast forward to this year, I'm randomly on tagged :snoop: and I come across a picture of what I think is a familiar face and it turns out to be her. I'm all:gladbron: at the thought of reconnecting with one of the coolest females I've ever met and so I hit her up and sure enough she recognizes me.

So she tells me that she had moved to texas for a while and had lost contact with everyone from cali but that she was back out this way for good since Texas didn't work out.

Then begins the fukkery.......she tells me that she's short on cash since she's back in town with no job and she need money to buy a new state ID. Of course I simp:cape: up and say "I'll help" being the great guy I am and we plan to meet up one day after work.

We meet at a happy hour spot and when she rolls up she's all :gladbron::gladbron: "long time no see! You look great, blah blah". We chop it up for a while then go our separate ways with us planning to chill again soon and that she'd pay me back.

A week goes by and I don't hear from her so I'm all:patrice: as to why like I don't already know the reason. One day, in the wee hours of the morning I get a phone call from a unfamiliar number:martin:and I decide to answer, it's her and the conversation goes as such

Me: hello:leostare:

Her: hey you, it's France

Me:oh hey:wtb:

France: I need a favor, I'm stranded and have no way of getting home, I need a place to crash and you're the only person I know near by :sadcam:.

Me: ok, gimme a sec and I'll call you right back:youngsabo:

France: thank you so much:mjcry:.

I proceeded to silence my phone, turn over towards my girl and fall straight to sleep:pachaha:. Had a few text from the chick when I woke up that I ain't even respond to and came to find out later that she was hoeing on backpage :beli: and had most likely gotten robbed after meeting up with a jon the morning she called me. She still hasn't called me since:mjlol:

Tldr: I simped but got that just desserts in the end.
Did you make a thread about this?
I read a thread on here where someone did the exact same thing except the girl was beat up by some dude she was messing with