Box office does not equal quality.
Avengers was in 3d which added huge numbers to its total.
Not that it matters because again box office doesnt equal quality.
Quality, ESPECIALLY for something as varied as ARTFORMS, is subjective.
Some people like Nas, some people like Jay. To have one over the other in either case is not wrong, its your personal preference.
What makes something entertaining is ALSO subjective. You like TDK better than Avengers, I like Avengers better than TDK. Neither of us is wrong by saying we LIKE the film better. Its when you claim that one is superior than the other that the claims start to make less sense if you don't' give specifics. There are several things Avengers does better than TDK, there are several things TDK does better than Avengers.
Box office and sales numbers matter as far as objective support. How do you judge who is a fan of something? Its traditionally by who supports the product and their isn't a more thorough way of supporting a movie than financially. So once again, fans FINANCIALLY supported Avengers more than they did TDK, because of that, its a logical conclusion that more people enjoyed it more.
The argument you are attempting to make has no relevance to my initial point, hence me NOT understanding why you are so committed to arguing this senseless debate. Just enjoy the feast we are getting.