Couple inaccuracies here.
- Mexicans are not a foundational population to Houston. Their community arrived long after the city was built from the ground up by African-American slaves and who economy was driven almost completely by the cotton production of the surrounding areas. The city was a typical southern white anglophone(with some lousiana francophones) and African-American city for the mid to late 19th and early 20th century.
- TX was only apart of Mexico for a short 15 years. And was part of antebellum America for at least 29(really longer than that, because Mexico and Spain before that gave land grants to US and Louisiana slave owners).
But, sure Houston does have huge hispanic popualation, but that has little to no effect on the culture of the AA population here. They assimilate to our culture, not the other way around.
Whereas in Atlanta since the end of the civil war has been on a self desouthernization process that Houston hasn't by adopting a "New South" policy which sought to shed the ways of the traditional old south in favor of upscale modernization in politics and culture and was adopted by both the white elite & black bourgeois in the city. It had effects such as killing the blues(and country) music scene in the city as it was seen as uncouth. True it did help ATL become an importance place during the civil rights movement, but it also helped atl become the

capital of America overtaking san francisco, especially for blacks, which is the antithesis of southerness. Atlanta has always been sort of a self hating southern city.
And if ATL has all of these black migrants from other places in the south why don't they thriving geechee community or culture like Jacksonville FL or even Miami FL despite being the in same state as GA geechees? The truth is that geechees tended to migrate up north or to florida rather than to atlanta like a lot of other black southerners. Unlike Houston which actually did attract the people who carried the tradition of the rural TX cowboy and the Louisiana creole to the city, especially to our black communities.
Now if you want to say that white Houstonians are less southern than white Atliens then I wont argue with you there as in the early to mid 20th century there was a mass exodus of old generation white houstonians from the city due to some bad riots that took place here and the of desegregation to the city, many of them fled to the outer suburbs and rural areas. This is the reason why there's no redneck culture in the city of houston but there is in other southern cities like atl.
But black houstonians are without a DOUBT more southern than black atliens.