Politico: Democrats Underperforming W/ Black Voters

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
As someone who believes the power of life and death is in the tongue I believe we have to get away from saying prison reform and the like are "black issues" all black people aren't criminals.
I definitely get that energy, and I respect you being careful in how you use the language.

But in a country where 1 in 12 Black males has lost their voting rights due to a felony conviction, where Black men are more than twice as likely to go to prison for a non-violent marijuana conviction even though White folk smoke pot at the exact same rates, where Black folk live in police jurisdictions that are far more likely to hit them with bullshyt fines, are less able to pay them off, and far more likely to catch a warrant for outstanding fines, we HAVE to treat criminal justice issues as issues that the Black community wants addressed. I don't know where you from but where I lived you could see what that shyt was doing.

Asset forfeiture, the War on Drugs, mandatory minimums, the disfranchisement of men with felony convictions, those are ALL important issues to the community. You don't have to call them Black issues but it's bullshyt to not treat them as important.

Why are we still saying voter Id laws are racist? I had to show ID to go to a rated R movie not too long ago, and I had to show id at the liquor store. Are they racist for that? Has anyone on this board ever met a person that cares about politics that couldn't afford an ID. When I think of people without IDs I immediately think of drug addicts and undocumented immigrants. In fact when you combine them not wanting people to have to show ID to vote with their calls for open borders, it starts to look like someone wants to be able to easily cheat at the polls :ohhh:
Breh, multiple federal court decisions proved that the voter ID laws were EXPLICITLY racist.

Federal judge blocks North Carolina's voter ID law, citing its discriminatory intent

The federal court in Richmond found that the primary purpose of North Carolina's wasn't to stop voter fraud, but rather to disenfranchise minority voters. The judges found that the provisions "target African Americans with almost surgical precision."

They purposely allowed voters to use ID that White people tended to have more often, like Concealed Carry Cards. But they purposely blocked the use of ID that Black people tended to have more often, like government employee IDs, student IDs, and welfare IDs.

That's right, they allowed you to use a fukking concealed carry card but not you government employment ID.

In particular, the court found that North Carolina lawmakers requested data on racial differences in voting behaviors in the state. "This data showed that African Americans disproportionately lacked the most common kind of photo ID, those issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)," the judges wrote.

So the legislators made it so that the only acceptable forms of voter identification were the ones disproportionately used by white people. "With race data in hand, the legislature amended the bill to exclude many of the alternative photo IDs used by African Americans," the judges wrote. "The bill retained only the kinds of IDs that white North Carolinians were more likely to possess."
Read that shyt again. They straight LOOKED for the racial data on Black folk when they were writing up the law. This shyt is documented.

The data also showed that black voters were more likely to make use of early voting — particularly the first seven days out of North Carolina's 17-day voting period. So lawmakers eliminated these seven days of voting. "After receipt of this racial data, the General Assembly amended the bill to eliminate the first week of early voting, shortening the total early voting period from seventeen to ten days," the court found.

Most strikingly, the judges point to a "smoking gun" in North Carolina's justification for the law, proving discriminatory intent. The state argued in court that "counties with Sunday voting in 2014 were disproportionately black" and "disproportionately Democratic," and said it did away with Sunday voting as a result.

"Thus, in what comes as close to a smoking gun as we are likely to see in modern times, the State’s very justification for a challenged statute hinges explicitly on race — specifically its concern that African Americans, who had overwhelmingly voted for Democrats, had too much access to the franchise," the judges write in their decision.

Again, read that shyt. They OPENLY admitted that they were looked to block the kinds of voting that black folk used the most.

Stone Cold

May 6, 2012
:comeon: really.
This alone could affect every AA on this board:

Sep 15: AG Sessions pulls out of a federal effort to reform police departments after officer-involved shootings
It’s proven to be more effective to let the state handle police department reform rather than the feds because its more localized

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
It’s proven to be more effective to let the state handle police department reform rather than the feds because its more localized

Yes, that'll work in the states that actually want police reform. What about the red states that are absolutely satisfied with police brutality and black folk getting shot.

I mean even fukking New York under that racist Bloomberg was treating young Black men like they were in occupied territory. :stopitslime:

Buttigieg is the fakest presidential candidate I've ever seen and that's saying something considering Hillary was in the last election.


Sep 14, 2019
It's affected close friends. I have Nigerian and Iranian friends who cannot visit their families. The fact that you scoff at the President rolling back protections for black folk because it hasn't affected you personally yet is disturbing and myopic as fukk.

Either your friends are lying to you or misheard. The visa ban for Nigeria only just came into effect and only applies to immigrant visas. Someone visiting their family member from Nigeria will still be able to get a visa.

No idea about Iran & don’t really care :yeshrug:

Stone Cold

May 6, 2012

Yes, that'll work in the states that actually want police reform. What about the red states that are absolutely satisfied with police brutality and black folk getting shot.

I mean even fukking New York under that racist Bloomberg was treating young Black men like they were in occupied territory. :stopitslime:

Buttigieg is the fakest presidential candidate I've ever seen and that's saying something considering Hillary was in the last election.
So you prefer the DOJ handle oversight? :mjgrin:


Love, Peace, Health, and Wealth
Oct 27, 2016
The Keystone State
None of the candidates are really exciting me now.

I think the Pa primary is in late April or May so who knows who I'll even be able to choose from.

I was feeling Yang but he's gone.

I was tryna feel out that governor from Montana (I think) but he's gone.

I'm meh on Bernie - not convinced that antisemitism/ageism/socialism will allow him to beat Trump. I do like his stance on weed and student loans...he gets a side eye on guns and modern black issues. I do think he cares about people's lives tho.

Buttegieg- meh - if Black folks in Indiana want smoke I cant see him winning shyt in the south. - also, as soon as he starts bringing his husband out I think its a wrap (sorry to say). I do think he has the swag to win a federal office.. but not president.

Biden - smdh - the crime bill will continue to stick to him. However i think he's likeable and a familiar face and probably overall means well. - if he can find Obama's speech writer and not act like he has dementia or drop dead, he can get the nom.

Friskburg - I'm 90% sure I don't vote 4 him. I'm having a hard time with him trying to buy his way to the top.... I don't trust him at all... he's basically a well articulated Trump. I think he'd personally have to give me money for me to vote for him. I don't see why he has to be president to invest in AA.

Warren - I feel like Warren will some how end up on the ticket. Maybe Biden VP? She not perfect but can get her point across. I honestly think she would be a better choice than the sister from Ga. She may be the balance to Biden's moderate. Plus I don't think she's afraid of most black issues.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
I always thought this talk was weird when folks got on TV or when I was in college and said it was racial voter suppression. I never knew anyone over 18 that didn't have an ID.

Look at the links and quotes I posted on the last page. The Republicans literally went through looking for the IDs White people had the most and made those valid for elections, but left off the ones that Black folk used. They also eliminated the voting days and places that Black folk were most likely to use. This isn't speculation, in North Carolina they were caught explicitly using racial voting data to fukk over Black people.

There was explicit racist discrimination against Black folk in the voting laws on at least three different levels - they tried to fukk Black people over on IDs, on voting days, and on gerrymandering districts. And none of this is guesswork - there were receipts showing they had been explicitly racist on ALL three of those:

Supreme Court thwarts voter ID law that targeted black voters with 'almost surgical precision'


New Files From GOP Operative’s Hard Drive Suggest N.C. Republicans Lied in Court to Maintain Racial Gerrymander

N.C. Republicans lied to federal court about racial gerrymander


Love, Peace, Health, and Wealth
Oct 27, 2016
The Keystone State
I don’t want to live in a society shaped by the current Democratic party. There, I said it. All of this trans, non-binary, cishet, #metoo, open borders, globalization, gentrification, multicultural bullshyt can kick fukking rocks. I’m good, and I think a not insignificant number of black people are tired of it, too. If that makes me a Trump supporter, well...:yeshrug:

Yes. Vote Trump. That way all the Americans u can't stomach and topics u cant comprehend will magically disappear.


Love, Peace, Health, and Wealth
Oct 27, 2016
The Keystone State

Yes, that'll work in the states that actually want police reform. What about the red states that are absolutely satisfied with police brutality and black folk getting shot.

I mean even fukking New York under that racist Bloomberg was treating young Black men like they were in occupied territory. :stopitslime:

Buttigieg is the fakest presidential candidate I've ever seen and that's saying something considering Hillary was in the last election.

Clear as day he's trying to copy Obama's entire political swag.


May 7, 2012
I definitely get that energy, and I respect you being careful in how you use the language.

But in a country where 1 in 12 Black males has lost their voting rights due to a felony conviction, where Black men are more than twice as likely to go to prison for a non-violent marijuana conviction even though White folk smoke pot at the exact same rates, where Black folk live in police jurisdictions that are far more likely to hit them with bullshyt fines, are less able to pay them off, and far more likely to catch a warrant for outstanding fines, we HAVE to treat criminal justice issues as issues that the Black community wants addressed. I don't know where you from but where I lived you could see what that shyt was doing.

Asset forfeiture, the War on Drugs, mandatory minimums, the disfranchisement of men with felony convictions, those are ALL important issues to the community. You don't have to call them Black issues but it's bullshyt to not treat them as important.

Breh, multiple federal court decisions proved that the voter ID laws were EXPLICITLY racist.

Federal judge blocks North Carolina's voter ID law, citing its discriminatory intent


They purposely allowed voters to use ID that White people tended to have more often, like Concealed Carry Cards. But they purposely blocked the use of ID that Black people tended to have more often, like government employee IDs, student IDs, and welfare IDs.

That's right, they allowed you to use a fukking concealed carry card but not you government employment ID.

Read that shyt again. They straight LOOKED for the racial data on Black folk when they were writing up the law. This shyt is documented.

Again, read that shyt. They OPENLY admitted that they were looked to block the kinds of voting that black folk used the most.

Again both these things you state only target a fraction of black people.

There are no people in prison for simple possession, nikkas are in jail for distribution and trafficking. Iys hard for me to feel sorry for you when you knew from jump the consequences of the game you were playing.

Also mandatory minimums were a gift from our friends in team blue. You don't get credit for promising to "look into" a problem you created

And as far as the id thing goes, I still don't know any non drug addicted people that don't have an id. How many people did that actually stop from voting? How serious could they actually be about voting if they couldn't get to a dmv within the 2 to 4 years between local and federal elections?

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Either your friends are lying to you or misheard. The visa ban for Nigeria only just came into effect and only applies to immigrant visas. Someone visiting their family member from Nigeria will still be able to get a visa.

No idea about Iran & don’t really care :yeshrug:
I think you misunderstood him. Nigerians here on the USA on valid student/work visas are afraid to return to Nigeria to visit their families, because lots of fools have already gotten blocked when they tried to come back even though their visa was still valid.

So you prefer the DOJ handle oversight? :mjgrin:
The DOJ is racist

Many state governments are even more racist

Many police departments are even more racist than their states

From literally the moment this country was founded through Reconstruction through the Civil Rights Era up until this very moment (look at those fed cases against North Carolina I just posted), it's been proven over and over that the racist federal government is still the best legal line of defense against the worst racists who operate at the local and state level. No one is ever gonna wave a magic wand and make all those powerful white folk anti-racist. But half the Black folk in the country live in the South, and if you wanna claim that the governments of Mississippi and South Carolina aren't significantly more racist than the federal government, you playing.

I'm meh on Bernie - not convinced that antisemitism/ageism/socialism will allow him to beat Trump. I do like his stance on weed and student loans...he gets a side eye on guns and modern black issues. I do think he cares about people's lives tho.

Buttegieg- meh - if Black folks in Indiana want smoke I cant see him winning shyt in the south. - also, as soon as he starts bringing his husband out I think its a wrap (sorry to say). I do think he has the swag to win a fede ral office.. but not president.

Biden - smdh - the crime bill will continue to stick to him. However i think he's likeable and a familiar face and probably overall means well. - if he can find Obama's speech writer and not act like he has dementia or drop dead, he can get the nom.

Friskburg - I'm 90% sure I don't vote 4 him. I'm having a hard time with him trying to buy his way to the top.... I don't trust him at all... he's basically a well articulated Trump. I think he'd personally have to give me money for me to vote for him. I don't see why he has to be president to invest in AA.

Warren - I feel like Warren will some how end up on the ticket. Maybe Biden VP? She not perfect but can get her point across. I honestly think she would be a better choice than the sister from Ga. She may be the balance to Biden's moderate. Plus I don't think she's afraid of most black issues.

Other than having stronger opinions than you I pretty much have the same stances. I'd vote for Sanders or Warren, their entire platform is to make shyt better. Not Buttigieg/Biden/Bloomberg. Buttigieg and Biden would just maintain the status quo, Bloomberg is suddenly claiming a Black agenda but he governed as a smarter Trump.


Sep 23, 2014
Tariffs wars that jacked up the Sunday Daily News Paper from 1.50 to 2.50

Net Neutrality is dead

Food prices rising

Travel bans and the Coronavirus
But under Trump I have become a home owner. Obama ain't do shyt for me, I mean even George Bush gave me an $800 check at least. Republic policies are better for our bank accounts. Dems policies are murder on our bank accounts.

Stone Cold

May 6, 2012
I think you misunderstood him. Nigerians here on the USA on valid student/work visas are afraid to return to Nigeria to visit their families, because lots of fools have already gotten blocked when they tried to come back even though their visa was still valid.

The DOJ is racist

Many state governments are even more racist

Many police departments are even more racist than their states

From literally the moment this country was founded through Reconstruction through the Civil Rights Era up until this very moment (look at those fed cases against North Carolina I just posted), it's been proven over and over that the racist federal government is still the best legal line of defense against the worst racists who operate at the local and state level. No one is ever gonna wave a magic wand and make all those powerful white folk anti-racist. But half the Black folk in the country live in the South, and if you wanna claim that the governments of Mississippi and South Carolina aren't significantly more racist than the federal government, you playing.

Other than having stronger opinions than you I pretty much have the same stances. I'd vote for Sanders or Warren, their entire platform is to make shyt better. Not Buttigieg/Biden/Bloomberg. Buttigieg and Biden would just maintain the status quo, Bloomberg is suddenly claiming a Black agenda but he governed as a smarter Trump.
You can always vote state officials out. Federal officials are usually appointed/hired.

I get your point though