Obama promised universal health care, did stuff for HBCUs, and basically a whole bunch of stuff that sounded good, but didn't really change anything. All the stuff you mentioned isn't specific to black people, and we've heard it all before. Maybe a couple of new things this time, but still not reparations, and black people are past impatient with the Democrats.
Wait, your knock on unkept promises is Obama promising a universal health care bill that he literally delivered on and which only had a diluted impact because conservatives blocked everything they could at every possible level and the courts ruled that red states didn't have to go along if they didn't want to?
And that Obama "did stuff you HBCUs"....how is that a knock on him?
What do you want at that point? Like what the fukk do you want if you consider someone delivering on his exact fukking promise, and only being blocked by racist state-level governments he has no control over, as some sort of "unkept promise"?
And those two moves by Obama (good but not nearly enough) are nowhere near comparable to what Bernie is running on. Bernie Sanders literally considered running a primary challenge on Obama cause he was concerned Obama wasn't doing enough for low-income folk.
You didn't answer the questions at all. Why is the Democrat Party going crazy trying to stop Bernie and talking like his programs will usher in an apocalypse if free tuition at HBCUs, increased funding for HBCUs, Medicare For All, a living wage, a Federal Jobs Guarantee, ending redlining and discrimination in banking, ending environmental racism, H.R. 40, and all the other shyt he's promising is meaningless and won't help nobody?
Why are Republicans AND Establishment Democrats talking like this is a game-changer and shook as fukk?