Dusty Bake Activate
Fukk your corny debates
I personally feel it's great that someone is out there at least trying but I'm just ultimately left unimpressed with these individuals. I'd rather hear the ideas of a tried and true intellectual instead of these dudes who have an inflated sense of self worth fueled by the insular and wacky "black power/pro-black" sub-culture.
What I notice from a lot of these smartdumb types--not just Brother Polight and them, but dudes who I know and have encountered and conversed with in my life--is that they place an emphasis on memorizing talking points and being able to deliver them aggressively, rambling on and one like it's performance poetry the whole, all the while not being open-minded enough to really critique them or listen to any other opinion.
Like others have already said, they approach knowledge as if it's a rap battle, and that's not doing anything to advance dialogue and open exchange of information.
I love to debate and I've had quite a few exchanges with these smartdumb type dudes and I always challenge their ideas bluntly, which they're not used to, and the response is always anger like "How dare you tell me this knowledge I define myself by is not true!" I remember this one dude was damn near ready to swing on me inside the workplace with like a 100 people around a long time ago, lol. Me and him got cool later and we still talked about politics, race, and the like, but he always checked his tone with me after that.