Please elaborate?
He believes black nationalist hip hoppers need to create a new empire based on the principles of Austrian free market economics. How these four disparate ideologies are to be reconciled is left as an exercise for the reader
Please elaborate?
Please elaborate?
i think if you create an open intellectual environment with good open discussion the good ideas will naturally float to the top
Dudes like this Brother Polight and his ilk would be better off focusing on just community activism and organization to tackle unemployment, education, housing discrimination, disparities in the criminal justice system, etc. rather than all this new age quasi-Nuwabian/5%er stuff about having super-powered melanin that contains dark matter and all that bullshyt, lol.
Nuwabians and 5%ers don't deal with the community, unemployment, education, criminal justice etc??
that's news to me...
Its one thing to criticize, but who has the ideas, influence, ambition to make a change?
for those who consider themselves "pro black" and dont like polight's method, are you doing anything on polights level in terms of business, uniting like-minds, or acquiring knowledge? Do you have a plan to raise awareness, power, and unity within black communities? What would you suggest to polight?
Basically, if polight is a scammer, or detrimental to black americans, what are YOUR solutions, and have you implemented them within your community yet?
I dont know dude, but his mind is obviously on a different level than most. His family loves and appreciates him, hes about his business, and he challenges ideas he doesn't agree with. I dont agree with everything i've heard from him so far, but i wont let that take away from the big picture.
He believes black nationalist hip hoppers need to create a new empire based on the principles of Austrian free market economics. How these four disparate ideologies are to be reconciled is left as an exercise for the reader
yeah pretty much, but i wouldn't limit it to four, there are infinite ideologies and philosophies in this world that black people need to study and apply it to our situation and it most definitely is left to the reader, any real solution to black problems have to come from inside the black mind not from outside of it, so the most important thing is the intellectual development of the black mind and that requires a free open environment
Is that Dr. york in the background.
POLIGHT 24/7 1st Round Knockout Seti vs POLIGHT Debate (The 1st Presentation POLIGHT) - YouTube
These battle structured debates are fun though.
i dunno if you know what you did there...