well IMO.
Everything happens for a reason. If an evil person kills a lil girl in a Drunk hit and run accidence, doesn't get caught, hits the lottery, becomes a venture capitalist - then funds my bright idea, I use the profits from that, to assist young children in Africa who might have died from preventable diseases..
That may have just been the balance of the universe at play. Sure that man should have been caught, but it's possible that those 100's of children might have died years later. It's also possible that that first lil girl would have grew up to chop her husbands penis off because of a jealous rage. We don't know why everything happens, but many people believe in a balanced universe.
Faith actually helps you in life if you stay positive and faithful. I don't know if it's the law of attraction or god or what.. but there are a lot of dumb muthfackas who make it big from being positive and confident. There are people with advance degrees and high IQ's who will live meager unfulfilled lives because they have no faith and do not subscribe to a balanced universe.
Nikola Tesla states that : The gift of mental power comes from God, Divine Being, and if we concentrate our minds on that truth, we become in tune with this great power.
RZA said... God is like the Ocean, we are like drops of water... each drop might not have the magnitude of the Ocean itself, but on the other hand within each drop of water you can see the vastness of the Ocean.
We are all connected- so the commandments, rules, and laws all help keep shyt on balance. The Balance isn't fair to each drop of water and doesn't negate pain or suffering on Earth. That's not what it's for.
so your stance is more about collective impact than any given individual's life?
if that is the case, then personal sinning should not be important enough to have divine morality attached to it. people think "impure thoughts", covet things, have beef with their parents and there is little to no impact on society. so if somebody has disrespect for his parents, but that disrespect does not harm society, should god care one way or the other?
faith can help or hurt. some people leave things up to chance when they should have been making preparations, and ultimately suffer for it. typically, those who make preperations for something will improve their chances for success. also, successful dumb people might have other qualities that actually helped them, charisma, persistence, nepotism, or just weak competition.technology has made thousands of millionares out of otherwise dumb people since we need singers and athletes to entertain us, and technology helps scale the entertainment business enough to sustain high salaries.
but i agree, some smart folks will talk themselves out of great opportunities because their sensible assessment for potential failure turns into some neurotic pathology that causes them to see disaster and failure too much. but also, the other side of the "lucky dumb millionaire athlete" coin is true for smart people - sometimes you are knowledgable about something that is not very marketable. teachers should be paid more, scientists never should have a problem getting funding in the richest planet in human history, yet that is reality.
on tesla, im sure lots of folks with mutually exclusive gods think like this, and use their supposedly god given thoughts to oppose each other. i remember that evangelical american general that was caught telling his troops that their god was better than allah and they would use that to help them kill more islamic combatants. that might be some kind of cosmic balance, but disturbing as hell, LOL. maybe both the evangelical god and allah exist at the same time and let people go against each other like a big game of chess, maybe one of them is wrong and only one god is real and the other guy is just talking to himself, maybe they are both wrong and just interpreting things to justify their behavior...
what rza said sounds nice. i have no idea how true it is, but i like it.