Police shoot unarmed black man in Tulsa...


Sep 10, 2015
Only certain footage is going to evoke the emotional response needed to make this a storyline for the next 10 to 20 days.....

If its clear cut the police's fault... the footage probably won't be released... If the video shows there is the slightest possible way to past some blame to the victim, regardless of how ludicrous the reasoning is... that will be the footage that gets released to the public....
Real talk. It's all just entertainment and getting the masses riled up. Same response and same result after every unlawful death of a black person at the hands of police. Prior to posting on thecoli I didn't pay attention to any of the cases let alone watch the news. I still don't aside from lurking in threads made on them.

Once the news stops reporting on these stories, people slowly forget and move onto the latest news story. There was a story of a cop killing a boy who claims to have reached in his pocket for a gun when he never had one. Seems like that one blew over.


Student of life
Feb 8, 2016
Has anyone kept a list of all the people killed by these b*stards yet?

2016 ain't no where near over.

I think July never ended.


Sep 11, 2015
That shyt was bad,

I can't even feel sad or sorry for anything that will happen to these ppl or this country...


Sep 11, 2015
Somebody should show this shyt to Obama, and see if the black vote will stop this shyt..since he was so adamant about it black folk voting..

For what..for this shyt to continue to keep happening smh


Jul 5, 2012
had his hands way up...i dont know why so many cops swarmed on him like that...somebody must have told the cops he had a gun or a bb gun...empty hands..gun..toy gun it is all the same to these pigs...shoot a nigguh and get paid leave...


Sep 6, 2016
FBA hairline
I hate that the black community has allowed the white community to define what successful is to us. Being successful in America is dangerous for black people.

I know I sound crazy right now, but the more successful I became the further removed I was from my community. All that AP class bullshyt was just them separating the smart ones from the soldiers. Soldiers needs to be lead and leaders need to be protected.

It's no surprise black leaders are educated with non blacks from the beginning of their education.

People like Hova and Diddy will always be thirsty for white approval. That's why they keep making more money and doing more shyt. They're already legends in their own community. That's not enough for them.

I'm not on some stay in the hood physically and mentally shyt. Or even on some don't date outside the race shyt. All I'm saying is we need to have a serious conversation about providing black spaces for black people. The government will not do it. We have to.

There's a China, Japan, and Korea Town in every major city on the west coast that I've been to. Also little Mexicos. There's no reason black people can't do the same thing.

That means realizing junior college and cert life should be pushed on all the black youth. It's affordable and it's gets them in the work force quickly making a liveable wage. From there if they choose to go further with their education they should.

mmigrants and special interest groups don't care what mainstream America does or thinks. They have certain industries they go into it and different standards of success.

Wealth and happiness in the US is determined by how much money you owe on top of how much you're making, i think. I don't make much money. But I have very little debt and a low cost life. Nobody calls me sir anymore but I have mobility in my life because I'm not tied down by debt. I also have done enough college so I don't have to work customer service because I have skills.

If I choose to try to achieve the American Dream again I can. But for now I'm living the dream of every black kid where I'm from. I got my own spot. I got my dream car. Dream job for now. And I don't deal with social pressure from people who don't want me around.

I want all black people to have this feeling. I feel secure for once in my life. I could be a cook forever. I love this shyt. My life isn't glamorous anymore but it's real and it's beautiful.

My advice is stick to your own, stay connected to whatever struggle you identify with even if you got out of it. Exploit the man and system for as much as you can and be what you are.

I know I said a lot. I had a lot to say.

I feel you for the most part, it's very hard for me to have a stick to your own mentality though. If anything it makes me feel like everyone is out to get me and I'm stuck in my head/paranoid. I'm good as long as my core group of friends are black. I don't feel comfortable at all white events, I don't like being the only black dude in the crew that shyt is not what's up, as long as its a mixed crowd/all black and my core group of friends are black I'm good. We don't have strictly defined black spaces because we don't really have our own culture like Mexicans and Asians. It's a culture problem in my opinion, but we do have different inner city programs for children and recs where it is predominately black/minority. If our community was wealthier as a whole we wouldn't have a lot of the problems we have and we could really unite. Most don't worry uniting because everyone is too busy out trying to get theirs and pull themselves out of poverty. It's getting better and better though for sure. The biggest demographic attending college is black women, shyt at least last I checked. Meaning the next generation of kids, theoretically should have mothers that have a bigger slice of America's pie. It just gets better with time.