These stories do not surprise me at all.
Years ago I used to work as a server at an assisted living in this rich white city. This particular day some event was going on so staff was supposed to park at the country club down the street
. A few minutes after arriving i realize i forgot my phone in my ride so i walk back to get it.
Soon as i get to my car a cop rolls up on me asking me what im doing, tell him im just getting my phone and that i work at the assised living a block away.
I'm in full uniform btw, white dress shirt, apron and black pants. Cop asks for my ID and another cop rolls up, i give them my id and they continues to ask me stupid questions. Im being polite so we can speed things up and i can get back to work. Stupid fukking cops treated me like a crimminal, i had my hands in my pockets just chillin and they were like "sir take your hands out of your pockets"
im like bruh chill.
They kept me there for like 15 min until this white lady at my work could vouch that i worked at the assisted living
I had he gotdamn company logo on my apron and they still didnt believe me