I got a funny gym story for yall.
So today I'm driving back to the 'burbs, at night, in a fukking THUNDERSTORM. I'm like, surely nobody will be out and I can claim a gym until the weather clears up tomorrow. So I go to the first stop, it's only a Level 2 gym... Easy pickings. But it would've had to get out of the car so I said fukk it. I see this dude riding a bike around the area.
Remember, there's a fukking THUNDERSTORM GOING ON OUTSIDE. So I'm like, "That's strange."

But I keep it moving and drive further down the street to another gym. It's slightly stronger but still takeable. There were like 4 cars in the parking lot of this Forest Preserve but nobody was around. I took the gym easily, dropped off my Graveler and kept it moving.
I go back to the main roads and see that the dude on the bike rode further down and is now doubling back.
Remember, THERE'S A fukkING THUNDERSTORM GOING ON!! :breh: I'm like why the fukk is this guy riding a bike in this torrential downpour? But I didn't have time to dwell on it so I drove down a couple of miles down the street to this place that's like a catholic sanctuary. I have no idea what it is but there's always a bunch of Mexicans there. Here's the site:
Santuario de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
The rain subsided a bit so I pulled my car in the lot and saw a weak gym by the exhibits. There was a family around so I played my shyt on mute and took it over. Dropped my Snorlax in there like
After that I realized I needed to take my ass home and bounced. I saw that someone took my first gym back but my 'Lax is still going strong.
I'm gonna drive around, find a triple lure, and upgrade my Pokemon tomorrow. Then post up on a Mystic gym on my way back.