I'll never forget when back in undergrad I was beasting on NCAA footbalI dynasty mode. I mean I won just about every national championship, and I was the top recruiter in the country (pipelines in Texas, Florida, California, Ohio, PA and New Jersey

). I called my best friend to tell him how well I was doing.
shyt went like:
"Yo man I'm just about unstoppable on here. The comp can't even catch me.

"Oh yeah? I haven't won a championship yet. The computer is hard


guess you need to practice."
"What difficulty you playing on?

"All American


You don't play on Heisman?


no...should I?"

"How hard is it..?


Never played a game I was accustomed to on normal ever again. Now if I'm new to a series or type of game, I'll start out normal, but later I'll change the difficulty or start over.
By the way, how hard is Persona 5?