Tell me sir, do I not have the exact same panel as anyone with an OLED since LG is the only ones making them at the moment? Did you think you had a custom made one?
Let me ask you this, because you're clearly a sheep. 7yrs ago we didn't have 4k right? Y'all nikkaz was big on downloading Blu-Ray rips to your PS3 and you claimed the picture quality was perfect. You had big screens, you paid for whatever brand you Stan but the picture, especially because of Blu-Ray was perfect.
Now 4k out and you're like "yeah I can see it!!!"
Here's what's happening in a nutshell. 4k wasn't selling, HDR is what you're seeing today that makes your picture better than 1080p Blu-Ray. Not 4k, and there's just millions of articles explaining this to you (here's one)
How 4K and HDR Work Together to Improve Video Quality.
But here's where they get you. Smart people started asking why not put HDR on a 1080p set and be done with it?
Well sir, then nobody would need to buy a new TV. And before that angle was explored they decided to drop the prices of 4k so it plummeted quickly, Now you can get one for as low as $200 or a cool guy like yourself will pay $2000 and feel special. No, you're a dumbass. Now you're not even questioning anymore why 1080p can't get HDR. You've never once in your life asked that question. And that's the idea, that's how you remain ignorant about the truth. That's why you think your TV is better than mine like if there's different oleds? Show me how your OLED displays more colors than mine, I'll wait
The question you never asked, the answer is it's possible in 1080p but they don't make TV's at that resolution with HDR. Not because they can't, why do that is their angle. Here's proof...
Do you need an Ultra HD '4K' TV for HDR?
Now please, STFU about this subject because I'll make you look fukkin stupid every time. Fall the fukk back, my setup is awesome