2011 Good:
Hall Of Pain
Orton vs Christian (the matches, not the booking)
CM Punk
Cody Rhodes various gimmicks
2011 Bad:
Pretty much everything else. Extremely watered down time. Somebody correct me if I’m fusing years together, but 2011 is where Edge went from a fantastic ruthless heel to a garbage generic rockstar face, remnants of Nexus were still around (Otunga and McGillicutty winning the tag titles
), Santino was still a staple, as was Khali. Christian vs Orton had some dope matches, but it was mostly Orton winning all of them, and Christian only winning in p*ssy fashion and DQs. Sheamus vs Dolph was shytty too. You had a heel Dolph having all the logic and reasoning in dealing with a Sheamus that was basically a dikk and a jerk. It was a horrendous feud and the only highlight was a hardcore match where Sheamus Brogue Kicked Dolph through a drum. Del Rio was boring as shyt too, as at this point, I think they had removed his scarf, all his cars, pyro, and maybe even Ricardo.