A poster on Reddit was fondly reminiscing about WWE in 2006. I sat there reading that post and hitting the

to the entire thing. Let me remind you all of the terrible things that happened that year:
- Edge successfully cashing in his MITB contract at New Year's Revolution only to drop the belt back to Cena three weeks later.
- HHH and HBK reform DX. They look like two sad 40-year-old men having a mid-life crisis on live television.
- Vince starting a feud with HBK because Shawn wouldn't badmouth Bret. The whole thing lasts from Dec. 05 to Sept. 06, including a match where Vince & Shane fought HBK & "God" and also a match where Vince's bloody face was shoved into The Big Show's anus.
- The new up & coming stable, The Spirit Squad, was promptly fed to & buried by DX.
- RVD winning the WWE title and then getting popped by the cops for weed. He lost the belt the following week.
- Rey Mysterio Jr. winning the World Heavyweight Championship and then jobbing every week on television until he drops the belt.
- Randy Orton: "Eddie is not in heaven, Eddie is in hell."
- Kane vs. "Kane."
- Mick Foley's bizarre & confusing heel turn.
- ECW returning to TV and immediately flopping with their first match out of the gate being The Sandman vs. The Zombie.
- ECW December to Dismember,
- The Undertaker vs. The Great Khali.
- The debut of the Punjabi Prison Match.
- Kurt Angle left the company due to his body falling apart and his addiction starting to get the best of him.
- Trish Stratus and Lita both retired.
- WWE promotes Brooke Hoegan's abortion of a music career.
Were there more terrible years? Probably. As someone said on the first page, 2007 is another good candidate for all time worst, but 2006 wasn't anything to write home about in a positive light.