I'm with you on this one.
And I'll take it a step further, people have the right to be racist.
What they DON'T have the right to do is discriminate BASED on race. to which it seem's she hasn't done.
like you said I'm always like OK and, when I hear shyt about someone SAYING the n word or a racial slur.
Your rights are still being violated when they use a racial slur towards you. The EEOC in part was set up because of this. So if a Black person at your job gets called n1gger or any other racial slur by a coworker or supervisor, you don't see a problem with it.
Harassment on the basis of race and/or color violates Title VII. Ethnic slurs, racial "jokes," offensive or derogatory comments, or other verbal or physical conduct based on an individual's race/color constitutes unlawful harassment if the conduct creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment, or interferes with the individual's work performance."