All Star
Guess I'll pass on this too smh
So they didn't have any kids? I know I sure as hell ain't pulling out
I just came back from it and I while I think the movie made some poor decisions in its storytelling, it's also a big example of how in today's culture everything has to be put under a magnifying glass by social justice warriors.
Harrison Ford in the flesh thenIf only Chris Pratt would've said yes to that Uncharted role
i see that it says there's nudity in this flick on the rating so is this man ass since its pg-13 or is finally showing off them nips on the big screen....for scientific purposes of course
I genuinely enjoyed the film, I did feel that it should have embraced it's dark premise just a bit more and had the characters discussed the actions and motivations a bit
I think of better ending or last sequence would have been Aurora possibly forgiving him but not want to be with him romantically. them being friends for a bit, him dying to fix the ship, seeing her alone for a few years and then her doing the same thing with a different "passenger"
showing that this is not so much about sex as just show a genuine need for human connection
or make jlaw a serial killer/ evil who was escaping earth and she turns out to be a nightmare to be with