yea, I don't remember informer getting any play on the radio in philly either. same with most of the other artists you just mentioned.
thing is, theyre arguing over 2 separate things. east coast wasn't really playing the pop rappers on urban radio. BUT I'm sure they were getting play on the top 100 stations in these cities. i rarely listened to top 100 radio tho, so i mainly know these artists from TV. and it looks like that's what
@kingofnyc is saying.
I think that's where the argument stems from.
@OnlyInCalifornia is saying that its no way informer didn't get play in NYC.
I think I'm the only one that noticed
@kingofnyc at one point in the middle of the argument, said that it probably did get play. just not on WBLS or KISS or whatever the urban stations were in new York. it would've helped if he said that more than once tho.
cuz I'm sure most people didn't catch it.