Field Marshall Bradley
I don't respect it because a fukked up youth is an instant red flag for bad parenting.
Not necessarily......
I don't respect it because a fukked up youth is an instant red flag for bad parenting.
Mansfield, live next to hella rich black people.What kind of suburb?
No but I had an ex that moved to Mansfield and I used to be in Arlington alot summer of 2018. I was messing with two different females who both happened to be in Arlington.Mansfield, live next to hella rich black people.
you stay around Arlington?
Nah I can’t respect that.
I had a cousin involved in street shyt and everybody in the family knew it. One day he got shot up and left for dead after leaving the barbershop. Luckily someone called the paramedics and he ended up surviving. But if he died and my aunt and uncle said some shyt like this in their obituary, everybody in the family would give them the![]()
I don’t know how old everybody is on here but I’ll tell you from experience there’s no greater pain to have to go through than having a child go against everything you’ve worked hard to instill in them their entire lives. On top of that, as this thread shows people will blame you and say you didn’t do enough.
Some kids are just selfish hearted and want what they want.
I disagree fam. What’s even worse is propping a degenerate up as a saint in death. When you engage in these things, you devalue life and the living. Speak truth to power, maybe save a life that is worth living.
Point a finger at someone and 5 more are pointing at youHow can y’all blame the parents in this? Even by the way the letter is written you can tell they tried but the son was hard headed.
as a good parent you do your best for your kids try and give them all the tools to succeed but for some kids nothing is more enticing than the streets. You try and pull them back but they gotta learn on their own. Hopefully they make it thru without disgracing the family.
I’m speaking as one of those kids that made it thru. I look at my past life and just smh.
I respect their choice, i don’t respect their execution, it’s no need to say all that to the public, you were better off saying nothing at all.
A lot of black parents don't get that their kids could have mental health and stability issues. My father and I were talking about something similar."tough love"
Most kids can't handle "touch love
Black parents need to learn from their predecessor
Yup.. Funerals are for the living
I just get a sense that they're angry at him. I don't know much about their parenting, but from what the little that I read, it seems as if they were frustrated parents who tried over and over and over to keep their son away from the foolishness. He was a young dude. Only 22. I can see the frustration in their words. They basically took a "Well, we told him so. Why cry now?" approach. I don't know....I guess this is their closure.I don't respect that.
Things like that stand out as red flags to me. When a kid is messed up, the first thing I will do is look at the parents so it doesn't sit right when their port of call is to demonstrate that they did their job when dealing with the demise of their son.
I'm left with the impression that their image is and was always more important than what their son was going through.