@ Sony stans - Gamepass is here to stay. There may be growing pains right now with how and what works on the service, but it isn't going anywhere no matter how you feel about it because one day Microsoft is going to make boatloads of money off of it. You are also in denial if you think Sony isn't getting ready to drop their subscription service on you, it will just operate different from Gamepass in how you can access and consume the content. Gamepass is like Netflix, Sony's will be like Disney+.
Sony has had PS Now in place since 2015. Before Gamepass.
The fact you don't know this is a testament to how shytty Sony has marketed PS Now. The biggest difference is also that Sony doesn't put their AAA games on PS Now day 1, and they don't have to because they make way more money doing it via the traditional model. They put their AAA games on PS Now down the line, as they should IMO.