Homeboy Runny-Ray
From Around The Way
I wasn't referencing the argument you started. I'm talking about you jumping into the whole "artists needed a mainstream single to go platinum" argument.
You're saying they weren't as popular when Midnight is one of their biggest albums. They were still a huge deal in 93-94. That album is considered one of the best produced albums in the genre, yet its not celebrated according to you
Outside of "Baby I Got Your Money" and the remix of "All I Need" what other Wu singles were really mainstream? By your logic any song getting airplay on major stations is mainstream which imcludes Mobb's singles.
Regarding the whole Kendrick/Drake/Nas comparison, it definitely stands because comparisons are drawn between them and Nas and Jay. They are held in that regard by this generation. They same way Nas and his generation of MC drew comparisons to Ra, though it was different eras. If you agree with Ra being amongst the best the rest is irrelebant. You're arguing for the sake of arguing.
My point is that Juvenile Hell was a non factor that even Mobb fans don't acknowledge. You can't say the same about other elite groups at the time.
In the mid 90's Kast and LB had 2 albums a piece. LB's 95/96 album is slept on outside of "Renee" and "Jeeps, Bimaz, and Benzes". The same doesn' t hold true for Kast who had 2 huge albums and soundtrack songs that wrre big at the time.
youre doing it again. I never said midnight marauders wasn't celebrated. I just said that it wasn't as celebrated as their 1st 2. and they lost a step in popularity. some of their fans had kinda already moved on. chit kept moving back then.
I think you have a different definition of mainstream. particularly for back then.
this generation does not regard Kendrick & drake as the new nas & jay. that's some chit the media tries to force, and the only people that swallow it are rap fans that have no real connection to the culture(half the posters on his board for example). and before Kendrick, they were trying to force j.cole as the new nas. like I said, horrible comparison.
that juvenile hell statement is stupid. like I said, they were looked at like the youngstas and them at the time.
lol @ the lost boyz debut album being slept on. YOURE INSANE.
when it comes to mobb deep in 1993, on 4th& broadway...
they were thought of perception wise as the youngsta's with an unfocused bootie record.
also,..back in that exact time...
a kid group were not allowed to permeate as adults.
plus, regardless of their content,..were never going to be given credence in convincability.
as all kid teen groups failed from:
kris kross
also,....culturally, and content wise mobb deep was not focused at all.
they were thought of as fodder and until mobb deep made infamous.
no teenage rap group ever permeated, that was thought of as underage

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!