Oralndo Anderson's Cousin Bragging on Twitter About Killing 2Pac


All Star
Nov 17, 2016
more rambling...

nobody is justifying it. I've said it myself it was stupid to associate with any gang. Suge should of been smarter and kept pac away from it. I just don't get what's the point of bringing any of this up except with the intentions of trying to discredit what he did.

You, and others, are justifying it by saying "well he just got influenced by the gangbanging environment in LA" "well he just wanted backup for in case Henchmen tried to whoop his ass" "well Suge was a blood so Pac felt like he had to become on" There's no justification and no excuse.


Failure is not a option
Sep 7, 2013
Planet of Hip Hop
You just furthered my point. Whenever someone addresses Tupac's deranged behavior and life choices they get labeled. "Hater" "Closet Fan" - it's getting old and tiresome. Those of us who do not view this man as some sort of celestial martyr simply see through the revisionist facade and can easily acknowledge the stupidity of his actions.

And yet another sad excuse to justify a grown man's decision to join a gang. Are you telling me that he was that easily influenced to where he became whatever his surrounding were? Interesting, considering the fact that Ive stated that numerous time myself. What's the next excuse for Pac? The marijuana activated a gangbanging region of his brain? It was his panther duty to bang and bomb on crips? Him joining a gang couldn't simply be because he lacked critical thinking, wanted to be feared, and was a follower?

You have yet to explain how Tupac joining a gang at 25 is any different from CB joining a gang. Are the same actions not being performed? Joining a gang is joining a gang. Chris didn't grow up in Compton - Pac didn't either. Chris acquired wealth at a young age - so did Pac. Chris decided to become a blood and involve himself in a culture that he did not grow up in - so did Pac. There is no difference. None, zip, nada.
This...there is none...now lets watch the stan @Palm Tree's & Blunts goal post movements for mc new York begin:mjgrin:
Stalking? this the first time I ever quoted you and last time I'll ever engage with you :mjlol:

Thanks for confirming that you're a troll with the intentions of being an annoying idiot :umad:
bytch nikka you stalked my posts, talked shyt and now when you got the attention you wanted you negged me when it came time to post receipts...moist ass groupie:laff:
and I got a hobby its called making $$$


Apr 30, 2012
Boogie Down BX
Man kill.that dumb shyt you talking..you must be 2pac lite because you stay fascinated with who official. But you from England so I doubt you know any real hitters otherwise you wouldn't be so concerned with how the next man was moving. The nikka died how he died. You dont gotta be fukkin Tony Montana to get clipped out here. Its nikkas that die over way more petty shyt. You on this nikka dikk hard " I..I.. tolds yall pac wasnt a gangster". He won't fearing jimmy when he told him to his face he set him up. Any body can be touched up. He could've been p*ssy like biggie and puffy and let them nikkas eat his lunch..but he felt he didn't have to lay down some nikkas that bleed just like him..you should salute any nikka thats willing to stand on his own two and get down for his.

Oct 29, 2013
Westside Atl Perry Homes
I see a lot of nikkaz just be talking. Why did he do this? Why did he do that? I wish some of you Motherfukkers could be charged with rape (even tho you didn't do it ), get set up to be shot, have your label disappear on ya, and have your whole outlook looking bleak. Then, a mogul come save you from the depths of prison hell. Now, if that was you, what would you do? How would you operate? I'm only saying this cause like I said before, put yourself in his shoes at 24-25. Everything in his life got real. Real fast.

The Plug

plug couldnt trust you now u cant trust the plug
Feb 11, 2017
Those aren't a few bad decisions though, they led to his death


Tupac KONY and GOAT
Jun 23, 2013
Isnt it humorous how whenever someone merely comments on Tupac's irrational and nonsensical behavior they get labeled with some unhinged title? His decisions and actions are trying to be passed off by fanatics as some sort of act of courageousness or heroic passage. He made the exact same stupid decision as CB and SB. His life choices can be scrutinized just as everyone else's, he isn't magically exempt just because he's dead or because he's "Tupac". Like I said, this is a hip hop message board, not a counseling center for grieving fans. This is a place meant for discussion and not nonstop praise to make fans feel good inside.
You're just obsessed with the whole Pac "joining a gang" narrative because you think you sound different from the rest of the guys.
You can link videos upon videos of people saying Pac "joined" the Piru and I could find videos of people saying Pac was only affiliated.
There's a difference in pointing out a person's mistakes and obsessively dissecting a man's actions that happened 20 years ago.
And ironically you put him in a pedestal
Oct 29, 2013
Westside Atl Perry Homes
Clearly you've exposed yourself as someone who not only wasn't listening to/following hip hop during that time, but haven't made any attempt to actually know what the fukk youre talking about

The only reason Im even going to reply to a loser ass troll like you is to educate any lurkers or young posters who weren't around then and are subject to misinformation by wierdos with an agenda such as yourself

1-He was barely 25, not "damn near 30 years old" :pacspit:

2-There is no comparison between CB/SB and Pac

a- CB/SB blew up, had money and then decided, STRICTLY for the sake of being social and gaining "points" decided to affiliate themselves with gang members...strictly for image and social status (as they defined it)

Pac affiliated himself with the Mob for a REASON; They were the only ones who could provide him protection and strength against real fukking wolves who were at his head, who had him set up and shot; It just so happens those same people he affiliated himself with, had a pre-existing issue with affiliates (SSCC) of those same wolves who were at Pacs head. It was an alliance of mutual benefit. Suges issue with Puffy was completely separate than Pacs issue with em, and Suge and Pac had a pre-existing relationship

b-CB/SB have ALWAYS been seen as FOOD. NO ONE can say Pac was food to the Mob; EVERY fukkING interview with Mob affiliates from Timmy Ru to Kurt Kobain have spoken on how Pac was LOVED and RESPECTED. No one was chumping Pac. He didn't pay a single CENT of "protection money". He wasn't hanging around the Mob to look cool in clubs

3-Call him naïve or irresponsible (which the luxury of 20 years after the fact provides your sheltered ass), but Pacs vision of gangs was different. He saw them as resources, he saw a potential in them being utilized in a different way. He never had a chance to bear out that vision, and for all we know, he would've eventually seen the futility in that approach, but all you need to do is look at his initial conception of Thug Life, the projects he had in mind, the phone call he had with Monster Kody etc. to understand his mindset

What gets me is how pussies and cowards such as yourself will attack a man 20 years later for making a conscious decision to not accept his set up and shooting (which he could've done, and which 99% of men would've), and decided to turn up against the people who did it by calling them out and attacking the face (Bad Boy). He needed resources to do that. For better or for worse, he saw Suge and the Mob as being that resource
End thread.


All Star
Nov 17, 2016
I wish some of you Motherfukkers could be charged with rape (even tho you didn't do it ),

You have zero proof that he had no part of the occurence or that he was undeserving of his sentencing. He himself admitted that he was wrong for leaving the room while she was getting raped. Also, most of us are smart enough to know that watching someone getting raped is a felony as is partaking in a rape. Apparently this tidbit of information never reached Tupac.

get set up to be shot

He ran his mouth towards Henchmen and Tut numerous times beforehand, including in Quad studio. His big mouth is why he got shot, there was no secretive plan. Henchmen and Tut themselves said that they had no intentions of shooting Pac - it was when he started running his mouth that they popped him. So in yet another situation his big mouth lands him either jail or the hospital - in this case, both.

have your label disappear on ya, and have your whole outlook looking bleak.

His label abandoned him because he repeatedly got himself into dumb situations that required him to be bailed out of jail and have a lawyer - both of which are COSTLY. He got kicked to the curb because he acted like a child and didn't manage his own monetary funds but expected his label to come to his rescue whenever he screwed up. He had one too many chances and he blew them all so they left him label-less in that prison cell. He brought that on himself.

Then, a mogul come save you from the depths of prison hell. Now, if that was you, what would you do?

Hmm, what would I do after I'd just got out prison and gotten shot? Let's see, perhaps I would attempt to start acting like an adult rather than a misbehaved teenager, manage my monetary accounts rather than blow it on drugs, alcohol, and weaponry, focus on my craft to make money and take care of myself and my career, and learn from my past mistakes.

How would you operate?

Like an adult and not like an adolescent throwing a temper tantrum because their actions finally caught up with them and their unsatisfied with their current life situation as a result of their own puerile decisions.

I'm only saying this cause like I said before, put yourself in his shoes at 24-25. Everything in his life got real. Real fast.

25 is five years away from thirty. 25 is not the age of a child. He was not a fourteen year old high school freshman unaware of the realities of the world, he was a grown man who was encapsulated with thug and gang culture and purposely involved himself with criminals and gangbangers. He did it all to himself.


Apr 30, 2012
Boogie Down BX
You can't disregard his wrongdoings because of "panther blood" or panther lineage when he did the complete opposite of a panther which is beat the shyt out of numerous black men, attack numerous black men and women, and spend the last night of his life and months prior going on a hate campaign towards numerous black artist.

You guys try to separate his gang incidences from Chris Brown and soulja boy when he did the exact same stupid thing that they are doing. The audacity to claim that Pac was a panther when he encouraged alcoholism and drug Usage to the black youth and publicly attacked his own kind. Stop likening this man to actual civil rights activists who put themselves on the line for a cause. At the age of 25 you're common sense should tell you not to join a gang.

There is no infatuation with his mistakes. The issue lies in the fact that fanatics try to sweep his negative incidences under the rug because of "Changes" "Keep Ya Head Up" and it's absolutely ridiculous. He spoke about unity on wax but in real life he beat on his own kind.

:salute: absolutely real talk

Ive tried really hard to ignore the stupid points you raise, on principle, because the very idea that someone like you can question someone like Pac 20 years after his death, is insulting to him and elevates your useless ass to a place that's undeserving

But anyone who tries to claim what you did in the bolded is a fukking retard who has NO CLUE about the circumstances leading up to Pacs death and WHY he affiliated himself with the Mob Piru

Only a fukking simpleton would try to compare that situation to Soulja Boy and Chris Brown, but useless pathetic online trolls gon troll I guess

it's a ton of black people i can name that pac went at - so, i'll drop 3 (and honestly tell me if it was justified)

  1. jay z
  2. the hughs brothers
  3. faith evans

:sas2: i'll wait.....


Staff member
May 14, 2012
You're just obsessed with the whole Pac "joining a gang" narrative because you think you sound different from the rest of the guys.
You can link videos upon videos of people saying Pac "joined" the Piru and I could find videos of people saying Pac was only affiliated.
There's a difference in pointing out a person's mistakes and obsessively dissecting a man's actions that happened 20 years ago.
And ironically you put him in a pedestal

Mans has over 70 posts in this thread, damn near triple the amount anyone has and the thread was started before the user's join date

Oct 29, 2013
Westside Atl Perry Homes
You have zero proof that he had no part of the occurence or that he was undeserving of his sentencing. He himself admitted that he was wrong for leaving the room while she was getting raped. Also, most of us are smart enough to know that watching someone getting raped is a felony as is partaking in a rape. Apparently this tidbit of information never reached Tupac.

He ran his mouth towards Henchmen and Tut numerous times beforehand, including in Quad studio. His big mouth is why he got shot, there was no secretive plan. Henchmen and Tut themselves said that they had no intentions of shooting Pac - it was when he started running his mouth that they popped him. So in yet another situation his big mouth lands him either jail or the hospital - in this case, both.

His label abandoned him because he repeatedly got himself into dumb situations that required him to be bailed out of jail and have a lawyer - both of which are COSTLY. He got kicked to the curb because he acted like a child and didn't manage his own monetary funds but expected his label to come to his rescue whenever he screwed up. He had one too many chances and he blew them all so they left him label-less in that prison cell. He brought that on himself.

Hmm, what would I do after I'd just got out prison and gotten shot? Let's see, perhaps I would attempt to start acting like an adult rather than a misbehaved teenager, manage my monetary accounts rather than blow it on drugs, alcohol, and weaponry, focus on my craft to make money and take care of myself and my career, and learn from my past mistakes.

Like an adult and not like an adolescent throwing a temper tantrum because their actions finally caught up with them and their unsatisfied with their current life situation as a result of their own puerile decisions.

25 is five years away from thirty. 25 is not the age of a child. He was not a fourteen year old high school freshman unaware of the realities of the world, he was a grown man who was encapsulated with thug and gang culture and purposely involved himself with criminals and gangbangers. He did it all to himself.
Man, shut the fukk up. It's like you can tell that some of you ppl have never been in life and death situations. Real ones. Everybody saying what they would have done. No the fukk you would have not. You probably would have made the same mistakes, if that's how you see it. You don't know what 8ts like to have killers on your head. Plus, fukk that bytch. Broad didn't even get raped. Like, the fukk. A lot of you guys haven't lived real life. The I got to get it life. Hanging with murderers. Pimps. Thieves. So, if you're not cut from that cloth, then you can't explain real street shyt to me. So yeah, I understand his position and what he felt like he had to do. Can't make it seem like he was wrong, because in his mind, he was doing what he had to do to protect his ass. Cmon now.


All Star
May 10, 2012
Yea nikka p*ssy like biggie and puffy and half the rappers from NY who was talking that mafia don shyt but was getting leaned on something serious. Say what you lame nikkas want but when push came to shove he didn't back down and let them nikkas take his money. He got his position and money up and for 9 months gave them nikkas hell on records and in the streets and turned biggie into a sympathic victim. Is he so p*ssy..why dont you nikkas go find the real g nikkas in your vicinity and press them? But you know you wont. Its easy to sit here and say what the next man should've done but you nikkas p*ssy. Even the nikkas he was shyttin on recognize his G and give it up out of love or grudgingly ..from henchmen to puffy to prodigy.


All Star
May 10, 2012
Man, shut the fukk up. It's like you can tell that some of you ppl have never been in life and death situations. Real ones. Everybody saying what they would have done. No the fukk you would have not. You probably would have made the same mistakes, if that's how you see it. You don't know what 8ts like to have killers on your head. Plus, fukk that bytch. Broad didn't even get raped. Like, the fukk. A lot of you guys haven't lived real life. The I got to get it life. Hanging with murderers. Pimps. Thieves. So, if you're not cut from that cloth, then you can't explain real street shyt to me. So yeah, I understand his position and what he felt like he had to do. Can't make it seem like he was wrong, because in his mind, he was doing what he had to do to protect his ass. Cmon now.
Yo Tell these stupid ass after school special ass nikkas.."oh oh gangs are wrong guys" ..This nikka had dudes that wanted him dead. What would you do?