OPEN Game of Thrones Season 8 SPOILERS and Leaks Discussion


Bang Bang Packers gang!
May 2, 2012
So. Cal
People are just mad the show is ending. Literally happened with all the greats;


Her being the Mad queen was foreshadowed heavy in the books.
Arya being a GOAT assassin foreshadowed.
Everyone hated Cersei both on screen and in the books.

Jon is the prince foretold....he literally did three things no one has done before. Become the youngest commander, united the wildlings, and was the catalyst for killing the Night King...some of you need to pay attention more. The only bad writing comes from Varys just giving up, and Tyrion cucking himself over Dany, even though she clearly went odd the deep end.

no idiot

Elle Seven

Mar 31, 2017
I'm going to spoiler this just in case someone pops in here by accident (I see dora upping old threads). Complete rundown of the finale.


Jon, Davos and Tyrion are walking through the aftermath of Kings Landing. Tyrion walks through what's left of the castle and sees Jaime's hand so he starts to uncover the rubble and he confirms both Cersei and Jaime are dead. They find Grey Worm and his men they have Lannister Soldiers trapped and they're about to kill them. Jon trys to tells Grey Worm to stop. Grey Worm tells Jon that its the queens orders. Then they cut to Dany giving a speech pretty much saying how she freed the people from Kings Landing and the new goal is freeing the rest of the world. Dany turns to Tyrion and tells him he committed treason. Tyrion tells her that she killed thousands of innocent people and he takes off the hands pin and throws it. Dany sends him to prison.

Jon goes to see her and she sitting on the Iron throne alone and John tells her that she needs to stop being a crazy bytch and that Grey Worm killed the Lannisters army from the previous scene. Dany tells Jon that she's doing it for the people. Jon pretends to understand and tricks her. When her guard is down he stabs her. Drogon comes and is standing over her body and he burns or melts the Iron throne and carries her away.

Grey Worm has Tyrion and Jon as his prisoners. The *council is (led by Sansa) tells Grey Worm to release Jon back to them but he refuses. That's when Tyrion says that the new King or Queen should decide what happens to Jon. Sam suggest for a democratic vote for the new king. Tyrion calls that idea stupid. The council votes and decide Bran Should be the King. Bran picks Tyrion as his hand.

Tyrion tells Jon that his punishment is going back to the wall and join the Knights Watch. Grey Worm accepts Jons punishment. He doesn't bend the knee leaves with his troops and Dothraki on ships to go free Slave cities. They show Tyrion leading the council. Jon says goodbye to Sansa and Arya. Arya tells them she isn't going back home. She's going to explore whatever is west of Westeros because that's where no one has been.

The final scene is a Closing montage. You see Arya on a ship, Sansa ruling Winterfell and Jon doesnt stay at the wall he reunites with Tormund and Ghost.

Council Members: Samwell Tarly the Grand Maester, Davos Seaworth Master of ships, Bronn Master of Coin and High Garden, Brienne (not sure) Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, Yara Greyjoy Lord of Iron Islands, Robin Arryn Lord of Kingdom of the Mountain and the Vale, Gendry Baratheon Lord of Storm's End, Yohn Royce Lord of Runestone, Hound doesn't get mentioned., Podrick is wheeling around Bran and he protects him.

Ellaria Sand doesn't get mentioned (i asked because she's alive). Sam mentions that they seen Drogon in some location but aren't sure. Bran just says, "ill look for him" They don't have a Master of Laws and Whisperers. Tyrion is looking for the right people to fill those spots. They don't clarify what Bran did when he was in warg during The Long Night. Did i forget to mention the most important detail about this entire episode? our good boy gets a pat from Jon.

May 16th Q&A (Finished)
Source hasn't answered the last 6+ questions so we'll stop taking questions for now to stop annoying them. Maybe more questions will be answered tomorrow.

Is Tyrion making decisions while being a prisoner?

Tyrion is in front of the council as a prisoner of Grey Worm he isn't making decision he is content with being a prisoner he makes suggestions only.

Does drogon have an emotional reaction?

Drogon is emotional as a dragon can get I guess. when Dany dies he comes stands over here and it's all the roar before he brings the iron throne and carries her away.

Why is Grey Worm taking Jon prisoner and later accepting his punishment and just going his merry way with the unsullied and dorthroki?

When Bran names Tyrion as his hand Grey Worm gets upset and says he must pay his crimes. He will by trying to make the world a better place for the rest of his life. Then Tyrion is the one telling Jon he is going back to the Nights Watch. He said Greyworm wanted him dead and Santa wanted him back home so nobody is getting what they want it's a fair compromise.

Does Jon actually leave the wall?

Yes. The last shot is him, Ghost, Tormund and a bunch of the wildings leaving the wall and heading north.

Does Rhaegar come back?


Do they show what Drogon does with Dany?


Does Arya travel alone?

No. With a whole crew. No one important that I noticed.

Does Arya have any main characters with her crew?


Does Tully and Riverrun get mentioned?

I don't recall that being mentioned.

Is the Montage Stark's + Wildings?


Does Jon Kill Danny with long claw?

No uses dagger.

Does Arya and Gendry talk?

They are both part of the Council that are voting for The King but they don't interact.

Does John interact with Arya before killing Dany?

He didn't know that she was there the whole time then he was burning King's landing.

Does Toby get mentioned?


Can you give more details about Jon killing Dany? And his emotional state? What made him kill her?

I would have to re-watch that scene.

How does Drogon pick up Dany?

With his feet.

Any signs of resurrection?


Any big final twist?


Any information about isla de las cars?


Does Dany threatened his siblings?

He's not sure. He skimmed through most of the episode.

Has source seen the entire episode?

No skimmed through parts of the episode.

I asked if this episode is based on a single day, weeks or months.

Source said this unfolds in weeks. Tyrion mentions having weeks to think while in prison.

May 17th Q&A (ongoing)
Do you know what Arya is doing in the scene from the preview?

Listening to Danys speech.

Does Bran, Sansa, Arya and John interact right before they separate?

All they do is say goodbye before Jon leaves.

This is the synopsis of the last episode? So, Dany is actually going to physically sit on the throne in the finale, though her vision always showed her not touching it?

Tasha And

Jan 11, 2016
This is the synopsis of the last episode? So, Dany is actually going to physically sit on the throne in the finale, though her vision always showed her not touching it?

I hope that part is wrong. Earlier leak said she is killed while reaching for the throne. But multiple endings were filmed in a closed set so maybe that ending was cut in favor of this one. This person says he actually saw the footage.


Jan 20, 2015
I'm going to spoiler this just in case someone pops in here by accident (I see dora upping old threads). Complete rundown of the finale.


Jon, Davos and Tyrion are walking through the aftermath of Kings Landing. Tyrion walks through what's left of the castle and sees Jaime's hand so he starts to uncover the rubble and he confirms both Cersei and Jaime are dead. They find Grey Worm and his men they have Lannister Soldiers trapped and they're about to kill them. Jon trys to tells Grey Worm to stop. Grey Worm tells Jon that its the queens orders. Then they cut to Dany giving a speech pretty much saying how she freed the people from Kings Landing and the new goal is freeing the rest of the world. Dany turns to Tyrion and tells him he committed treason. Tyrion tells her that she killed thousands of innocent people and he takes off the hands pin and throws it. Dany sends him to prison.

Jon goes to see her and she sitting on the Iron throne alone and John tells her that she needs to stop being a crazy bytch and that Grey Worm killed the Lannisters army from the previous scene. Dany tells Jon that she's doing it for the people. Jon pretends to understand and tricks her. When her guard is down he stabs her. Drogon comes and is standing over her body and he burns or melts the Iron throne and carries her away.

Grey Worm has Tyrion and Jon as his prisoners. The *council is (led by Sansa) tells Grey Worm to release Jon back to them but he refuses. That's when Tyrion says that the new King or Queen should decide what happens to Jon. Sam suggest for a democratic vote for the new king. Tyrion calls that idea stupid. The council votes and decide Bran Should be the King. Bran picks Tyrion as his hand.

Tyrion tells Jon that his punishment is going back to the wall and join the Knights Watch. Grey Worm accepts Jons punishment. He doesn't bend the knee leaves with his troops and Dothraki on ships to go free Slave cities. They show Tyrion leading the council. Jon says goodbye to Sansa and Arya. Arya tells them she isn't going back home. She's going to explore whatever is west of Westeros because that's where no one has been.

The final scene is a Closing montage. You see Arya on a ship, Sansa ruling Winterfell and Jon doesnt stay at the wall he reunites with Tormund and Ghost.

Council Members: Samwell Tarly the Grand Maester, Davos Seaworth Master of ships, Bronn Master of Coin and High Garden, Brienne (not sure) Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, Yara Greyjoy Lord of Iron Islands, Robin Arryn Lord of Kingdom of the Mountain and the Vale, Gendry Baratheon Lord of Storm's End, Yohn Royce Lord of Runestone, Hound doesn't get mentioned., Podrick is wheeling around Bran and he protects him.

Ellaria Sand doesn't get mentioned (i asked because she's alive). Sam mentions that they seen Drogon in some location but aren't sure. Bran just says, "ill look for him" They don't have a Master of Laws and Whisperers. Tyrion is looking for the right people to fill those spots. They don't clarify what Bran did when he was in warg during The Long Night. Did i forget to mention the most important detail about this entire episode? our good boy gets a pat from Jon.

May 16th Q&A (Finished)
Source hasn't answered the last 6+ questions so we'll stop taking questions for now to stop annoying them. Maybe more questions will be answered tomorrow.

Is Tyrion making decisions while being a prisoner?

Tyrion is in front of the council as a prisoner of Grey Worm he isn't making decision he is content with being a prisoner he makes suggestions only.

Does drogon have an emotional reaction?

Drogon is emotional as a dragon can get I guess. when Dany dies he comes stands over here and it's all the roar before he brings the iron throne and carries her away.

Why is Grey Worm taking Jon prisoner and later accepting his punishment and just going his merry way with the unsullied and dorthroki?

When Bran names Tyrion as his hand Grey Worm gets upset and says he must pay his crimes. He will by trying to make the world a better place for the rest of his life. Then Tyrion is the one telling Jon he is going back to the Nights Watch. He said Greyworm wanted him dead and Santa wanted him back home so nobody is getting what they want it's a fair compromise.

Does Jon actually leave the wall?

Yes. The last shot is him, Ghost, Tormund and a bunch of the wildings leaving the wall and heading north.

Does Rhaegar come back?


Do they show what Drogon does with Dany?


Does Arya travel alone?

No. With a whole crew. No one important that I noticed.

Does Arya have any main characters with her crew?


Does Tully and Riverrun get mentioned?

I don't recall that being mentioned.

Is the Montage Stark's + Wildings?


Does Jon Kill Danny with long claw?

No uses dagger.

Does Arya and Gendry talk?

They are both part of the Council that are voting for The King but they don't interact.

Does John interact with Arya before killing Dany?

He didn't know that she was there the whole time then he was burning King's landing.

Does Toby get mentioned?


Can you give more details about Jon killing Dany? And his emotional state? What made him kill her?

I would have to re-watch that scene.

How does Drogon pick up Dany?

With his feet.

Any signs of resurrection?


Any big final twist?


Any information about isla de las cars?


Does Dany threatened his siblings?

He's not sure. He skimmed through most of the episode.

Has source seen the entire episode?

No skimmed through parts of the episode.

I asked if this episode is based on a single day, weeks or months.

Source said this unfolds in weeks. Tyrion mentions having weeks to think while in prison.

May 17th Q&A (ongoing)
Do you know what Arya is doing in the scene from the preview?

Listening to Danys speech.

Does Bran, Sansa, Arya and John interact right before they separate?

All they do is say goodbye before Jon leaves.
The fact that Greyworm and the Dokhrati are okay with what Jon did just sounds stupid as hell. They were willing to die for her and killed all these innocent people but are willing to back down and go back home? lol


Thunderbolt Them Suckers
Oct 13, 2012
The fact that Greyworm and the Dokhrati are okay with what Jon did just sounds stupid as hell. They were willing to die for her and killed all these innocent people but are willing to back down and go back home? lol

Just really poor writing. It's like those guys didn't think things through. I can't believe HBO is letting this shyt slide. They should just make a Season 9 with a whole new story/cast/writers. Apparently they're doing a prequel but haven't heard anything about that.


Bang Bang Packers gang!
May 2, 2012
So. Cal
The fact that Greyworm and the Dokhrati are okay with what Jon did just sounds stupid as hell. They were willing to die for her and killed all these innocent people but are willing to back down and go back home? lol

the whole fukking finale is stupid as shyt. all these haste out of no where actions with no reasoning at all. fukk D&D for ruining the greatest show of all time. On God im putting hands on them if i ever come across them. And fukk any stans who disagree with how i feel about this whole finale and season

Red Shield

Global Domination
Dec 17, 2013
I'm going to spoiler this just in case someone pops in here by accident (I see dora upping old threads). Complete rundown of the finale.


Jon, Davos and Tyrion are walking through the aftermath of Kings Landing. Tyrion walks through what's left of the castle and sees Jaime's hand so he starts to uncover the rubble and he confirms both Cersei and Jaime are dead. They find Grey Worm and his men they have Lannister Soldiers trapped and they're about to kill them. Jon trys to tells Grey Worm to stop. Grey Worm tells Jon that its the queens orders. Then they cut to Dany giving a speech pretty much saying how she freed the people from Kings Landing and the new goal is freeing the rest of the world. Dany turns to Tyrion and tells him he committed treason. Tyrion tells her that she killed thousands of innocent people and he takes off the hands pin and throws it. Dany sends him to prison.

Jon goes to see her and she sitting on the Iron throne alone and John tells her that she needs to stop being a crazy bytch and that Grey Worm killed the Lannisters army from the previous scene. Dany tells Jon that she's doing it for the people. Jon pretends to understand and tricks her. When her guard is down he stabs her. Drogon comes and is standing over her body and he burns or melts the Iron throne and carries her away.

Grey Worm has Tyrion and Jon as his prisoners. The *council is (led by Sansa) tells Grey Worm to release Jon back to them but he refuses. That's when Tyrion says that the new King or Queen should decide what happens to Jon. Sam suggest for a democratic vote for the new king. Tyrion calls that idea stupid. The council votes and decide Bran Should be the King. Bran picks Tyrion as his hand.

Tyrion tells Jon that his punishment is going back to the wall and join the Knights Watch. Grey Worm accepts Jons punishment. He doesn't bend the knee leaves with his troops and Dothraki on ships to go free Slave cities. They show Tyrion leading the council. Jon says goodbye to Sansa and Arya. Arya tells them she isn't going back home. She's going to explore whatever is west of Westeros because that's where no one has been.

The final scene is a Closing montage. You see Arya on a ship, Sansa ruling Winterfell and Jon doesnt stay at the wall he reunites with Tormund and Ghost.

Council Members: Samwell Tarly the Grand Maester, Davos Seaworth Master of ships, Bronn Master of Coin and High Garden, Brienne (not sure) Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, Yara Greyjoy Lord of Iron Islands, Robin Arryn Lord of Kingdom of the Mountain and the Vale, Gendry Baratheon Lord of Storm's End, Yohn Royce Lord of Runestone, Hound doesn't get mentioned., Podrick is wheeling around Bran and he protects him.

Ellaria Sand doesn't get mentioned (i asked because she's alive). Sam mentions that they seen Drogon in some location but aren't sure. Bran just says, "ill look for him" They don't have a Master of Laws and Whisperers. Tyrion is looking for the right people to fill those spots. They don't clarify what Bran did when he was in warg during The Long Night. Did i forget to mention the most important detail about this entire episode? our good boy gets a pat from Jon.

May 16th Q&A (Finished)
Source hasn't answered the last 6+ questions so we'll stop taking questions for now to stop annoying them. Maybe more questions will be answered tomorrow.

Is Tyrion making decisions while being a prisoner?

Tyrion is in front of the council as a prisoner of Grey Worm he isn't making decision he is content with being a prisoner he makes suggestions only.

Does drogon have an emotional reaction?

Drogon is emotional as a dragon can get I guess. when Dany dies he comes stands over here and it's all the roar before he brings the iron throne and carries her away.

Why is Grey Worm taking Jon prisoner and later accepting his punishment and just going his merry way with the unsullied and dorthroki?

When Bran names Tyrion as his hand Grey Worm gets upset and says he must pay his crimes. He will by trying to make the world a better place for the rest of his life. Then Tyrion is the one telling Jon he is going back to the Nights Watch. He said Greyworm wanted him dead and Santa wanted him back home so nobody is getting what they want it's a fair compromise.

Does Jon actually leave the wall?

Yes. The last shot is him, Ghost, Tormund and a bunch of the wildings leaving the wall and heading north.

Does Rhaegar come back?


Do they show what Drogon does with Dany?


Does Arya travel alone?

No. With a whole crew. No one important that I noticed.

Does Arya have any main characters with her crew?


Does Tully and Riverrun get mentioned?

I don't recall that being mentioned.

Is the Montage Stark's + Wildings?


Does Jon Kill Danny with long claw?

No uses dagger.

Does Arya and Gendry talk?

They are both part of the Council that are voting for The King but they don't interact.

Does John interact with Arya before killing Dany?

He didn't know that she was there the whole time then he was burning King's landing.

Does Toby get mentioned?


Can you give more details about Jon killing Dany? And his emotional state? What made him kill her?

I would have to re-watch that scene.

How does Drogon pick up Dany?

With his feet.

Any signs of resurrection?


Any big final twist?


Any information about isla de las cars?


Does Dany threatened his siblings?

He's not sure. He skimmed through most of the episode.

Has source seen the entire episode?

No skimmed through parts of the episode.

I asked if this episode is based on a single day, weeks or months.

Source said this unfolds in weeks. Tyrion mentions having weeks to think while in prison.

May 17th Q&A (ongoing)
Do you know what Arya is doing in the scene from the preview?

Listening to Danys speech.

Does Bran, Sansa, Arya and John interact right before they separate?

All they do is say goodbye before Jon leaves.

Seesh :snoop:


May 1, 2012
I'm going to spoiler this just in case someone pops in here by accident (I see dora upping old threads). Complete rundown of the finale.


Jon, Davos and Tyrion are walking through the aftermath of Kings Landing. Tyrion walks through what's left of the castle and sees Jaime's hand so he starts to uncover the rubble and he confirms both Cersei and Jaime are dead. They find Grey Worm and his men they have Lannister Soldiers trapped and they're about to kill them. Jon trys to tells Grey Worm to stop. Grey Worm tells Jon that its the queens orders. Then they cut to Dany giving a speech pretty much saying how she freed the people from Kings Landing and the new goal is freeing the rest of the world. Dany turns to Tyrion and tells him he committed treason. Tyrion tells her that she killed thousands of innocent people and he takes off the hands pin and throws it. Dany sends him to prison.

Jon goes to see her and she sitting on the Iron throne alone and John tells her that she needs to stop being a crazy bytch and that Grey Worm killed the Lannisters army from the previous scene. Dany tells Jon that she's doing it for the people. Jon pretends to understand and tricks her. When her guard is down he stabs her. Drogon comes and is standing over her body and he burns or melts the Iron throne and carries her away.

Grey Worm has Tyrion and Jon as his prisoners. The *council is (led by Sansa) tells Grey Worm to release Jon back to them but he refuses. That's when Tyrion says that the new King or Queen should decide what happens to Jon. Sam suggest for a democratic vote for the new king. Tyrion calls that idea stupid. The council votes and decide Bran Should be the King. Bran picks Tyrion as his hand.

Tyrion tells Jon that his punishment is going back to the wall and join the Knights Watch. Grey Worm accepts Jons punishment. He doesn't bend the knee leaves with his troops and Dothraki on ships to go free Slave cities. They show Tyrion leading the council. Jon says goodbye to Sansa and Arya. Arya tells them she isn't going back home. She's going to explore whatever is west of Westeros because that's where no one has been.

The final scene is a Closing montage. You see Arya on a ship, Sansa ruling Winterfell and Jon doesnt stay at the wall he reunites with Tormund and Ghost.

Council Members: Samwell Tarly the Grand Maester, Davos Seaworth Master of ships, Bronn Master of Coin and High Garden, Brienne (not sure) Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, Yara Greyjoy Lord of Iron Islands, Robin Arryn Lord of Kingdom of the Mountain and the Vale, Gendry Baratheon Lord of Storm's End, Yohn Royce Lord of Runestone, Hound doesn't get mentioned., Podrick is wheeling around Bran and he protects him.

Ellaria Sand doesn't get mentioned (i asked because she's alive). Sam mentions that they seen Drogon in some location but aren't sure. Bran just says, "ill look for him" They don't have a Master of Laws and Whisperers. Tyrion is looking for the right people to fill those spots. They don't clarify what Bran did when he was in warg during The Long Night. Did i forget to mention the most important detail about this entire episode? our good boy gets a pat from Jon.

May 16th Q&A (Finished)
Source hasn't answered the last 6+ questions so we'll stop taking questions for now to stop annoying them. Maybe more questions will be answered tomorrow.

Is Tyrion making decisions while being a prisoner?

Tyrion is in front of the council as a prisoner of Grey Worm he isn't making decision he is content with being a prisoner he makes suggestions only.

Does drogon have an emotional reaction?

Drogon is emotional as a dragon can get I guess. when Dany dies he comes stands over here and it's all the roar before he brings the iron throne and carries her away.

Why is Grey Worm taking Jon prisoner and later accepting his punishment and just going his merry way with the unsullied and dorthroki?

When Bran names Tyrion as his hand Grey Worm gets upset and says he must pay his crimes. He will by trying to make the world a better place for the rest of his life. Then Tyrion is the one telling Jon he is going back to the Nights Watch. He said Greyworm wanted him dead and Santa wanted him back home so nobody is getting what they want it's a fair compromise.

Does Jon actually leave the wall?

Yes. The last shot is him, Ghost, Tormund and a bunch of the wildings leaving the wall and heading north.

Does Rhaegar come back?


Do they show what Drogon does with Dany?


Does Arya travel alone?

No. With a whole crew. No one important that I noticed.

Does Arya have any main characters with her crew?


Does Tully and Riverrun get mentioned?

I don't recall that being mentioned.

Is the Montage Stark's + Wildings?


Does Jon Kill Danny with long claw?

No uses dagger.

Does Arya and Gendry talk?

They are both part of the Council that are voting for The King but they don't interact.

Does John interact with Arya before killing Dany?

He didn't know that she was there the whole time then he was burning King's landing.

Does Toby get mentioned?


Can you give more details about Jon killing Dany? And his emotional state? What made him kill her?

I would have to re-watch that scene.

How does Drogon pick up Dany?

With his feet.

Any signs of resurrection?


Any big final twist?


Any information about isla de las cars?


Does Dany threatened his siblings?

He's not sure. He skimmed through most of the episode.

Has source seen the entire episode?

No skimmed through parts of the episode.

I asked if this episode is based on a single day, weeks or months.

Source said this unfolds in weeks. Tyrion mentions having weeks to think while in prison.

May 17th Q&A (ongoing)
Do you know what Arya is doing in the scene from the preview?

Listening to Danys speech.

Does Bran, Sansa, Arya and John interact right before they separate?

All they do is say goodbye before Jon leaves.
I’m not invested in this show at this point. But that’s a horrible ending :dead:

Mr Hate Coffee

Apr 30, 2012
I'm going to spoiler this just in case someone pops in here by accident (I see dora upping old threads). Complete rundown of the finale.


Jon, Davos and Tyrion are walking through the aftermath of Kings Landing. Tyrion walks through what's left of the castle and sees Jaime's hand so he starts to uncover the rubble and he confirms both Cersei and Jaime are dead. They find Grey Worm and his men they have Lannister Soldiers trapped and they're about to kill them. Jon trys to tells Grey Worm to stop. Grey Worm tells Jon that its the queens orders. Then they cut to Dany giving a speech pretty much saying how she freed the people from Kings Landing and the new goal is freeing the rest of the world. Dany turns to Tyrion and tells him he committed treason. Tyrion tells her that she killed thousands of innocent people and he takes off the hands pin and throws it. Dany sends him to prison.

Jon goes to see her and she sitting on the Iron throne alone and John tells her that she needs to stop being a crazy bytch and that Grey Worm killed the Lannisters army from the previous scene. Dany tells Jon that she's doing it for the people. Jon pretends to understand and tricks her. When her guard is down he stabs her. Drogon comes and is standing over her body and he burns or melts the Iron throne and carries her away.

Grey Worm has Tyrion and Jon as his prisoners. The *council is (led by Sansa) tells Grey Worm to release Jon back to them but he refuses. That's when Tyrion says that the new King or Queen should decide what happens to Jon. Sam suggest for a democratic vote for the new king. Tyrion calls that idea stupid. The council votes and decide Bran Should be the King. Bran picks Tyrion as his hand.

Tyrion tells Jon that his punishment is going back to the wall and join the Knights Watch. Grey Worm accepts Jons punishment. He doesn't bend the knee leaves with his troops and Dothraki on ships to go free Slave cities. They show Tyrion leading the council. Jon says goodbye to Sansa and Arya. Arya tells them she isn't going back home. She's going to explore whatever is west of Westeros because that's where no one has been.

The final scene is a Closing montage. You see Arya on a ship, Sansa ruling Winterfell and Jon doesnt stay at the wall he reunites with Tormund and Ghost.

Council Members: Samwell Tarly the Grand Maester, Davos Seaworth Master of ships, Bronn Master of Coin and High Garden, Brienne (not sure) Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, Yara Greyjoy Lord of Iron Islands, Robin Arryn Lord of Kingdom of the Mountain and the Vale, Gendry Baratheon Lord of Storm's End, Yohn Royce Lord of Runestone, Hound doesn't get mentioned., Podrick is wheeling around Bran and he protects him.

Ellaria Sand doesn't get mentioned (i asked because she's alive). Sam mentions that they seen Drogon in some location but aren't sure. Bran just says, "ill look for him" They don't have a Master of Laws and Whisperers. Tyrion is looking for the right people to fill those spots. They don't clarify what Bran did when he was in warg during The Long Night. Did i forget to mention the most important detail about this entire episode? our good boy gets a pat from Jon.

May 16th Q&A (Finished)
Source hasn't answered the last 6+ questions so we'll stop taking questions for now to stop annoying them. Maybe more questions will be answered tomorrow.

Is Tyrion making decisions while being a prisoner?

Tyrion is in front of the council as a prisoner of Grey Worm he isn't making decision he is content with being a prisoner he makes suggestions only.

Does drogon have an emotional reaction?

Drogon is emotional as a dragon can get I guess. when Dany dies he comes stands over here and it's all the roar before he brings the iron throne and carries her away.

Why is Grey Worm taking Jon prisoner and later accepting his punishment and just going his merry way with the unsullied and dorthroki?

When Bran names Tyrion as his hand Grey Worm gets upset and says he must pay his crimes. He will by trying to make the world a better place for the rest of his life. Then Tyrion is the one telling Jon he is going back to the Nights Watch. He said Greyworm wanted him dead and Santa wanted him back home so nobody is getting what they want it's a fair compromise.

Does Jon actually leave the wall?

Yes. The last shot is him, Ghost, Tormund and a bunch of the wildings leaving the wall and heading north.

Does Rhaegar come back?


Do they show what Drogon does with Dany?


Does Arya travel alone?

No. With a whole crew. No one important that I noticed.

Does Arya have any main characters with her crew?


Does Tully and Riverrun get mentioned?

I don't recall that being mentioned.

Is the Montage Stark's + Wildings?


Does Jon Kill Danny with long claw?

No uses dagger.

Does Arya and Gendry talk?

They are both part of the Council that are voting for The King but they don't interact.

Does John interact with Arya before killing Dany?

He didn't know that she was there the whole time then he was burning King's landing.

Does Toby get mentioned?


Can you give more details about Jon killing Dany? And his emotional state? What made him kill her?

I would have to re-watch that scene.

How does Drogon pick up Dany?

With his feet.

Any signs of resurrection?


Any big final twist?


Any information about isla de las cars?


Does Dany threatened his siblings?

He's not sure. He skimmed through most of the episode.

Has source seen the entire episode?

No skimmed through parts of the episode.

I asked if this episode is based on a single day, weeks or months.

Source said this unfolds in weeks. Tyrion mentions having weeks to think while in prison.

May 17th Q&A (ongoing)
Do you know what Arya is doing in the scene from the preview?

Listening to Danys speech.

Does Bran, Sansa, Arya and John interact right before they separate?

All they do is say goodbye before Jon leaves.


:mjlol: This shyt is basura. I hope it happens too. My girl wants to throw a party and i told her I'm down. She doesn't know I read these shyts. I cant wait to see the looks on everyone's faces while I go "what's wrong??" :troll:


Music & Arts
May 9, 2014
If that is the actual ending then this is hands down the worst ending of all time.

HBO don't bother with your prequel shyt or anything else to do with the game of thrones world, also the amount of money they are going to lose because ain't nobody buying the Blu-ray set of this shyt or watching any of it again on streaming services.


Bang Bang Packers gang!
May 2, 2012
So. Cal
Make a prequel for a storyline that failed as the worse white walkers of all time brehs.

Seriously, most stories of the white walkers was about them causing chaos through out westeros while all we got was some bullshyt that couldnt even make it past winterfell.

Aint nobody checking for the long night :heh: