OR you're just unrealistic as fukk.That's all they do man. Been like that for 100+ years during the modern day labor movements. Same shyt over and over.
You can go back in time and pull out the same arguments you're hearing hear today. All you have to do is replace the labor issues at hand.
This is why I'm on that Extreme far left tip now. You have to go very far left to get a true compromise in the middle from these people. You can't start at the compromise because all they'll do is make a new middle ground.
Minimum wage is at $7-something = Get rid of min. wage!
Move min. wage to $10.10 = Keep at 7!
Min. age at $15 = It should be $10!
Give us total Democratic Socialism and we'll get rid of minimum wage = "Hmmm...let me think about it"
This is why the US even got these very progressive policies passed under FDR. After the depression hit, the people at the top were dead scared of a full-blown communist uprising by the people and labor force. They already had to stomp it out in the 1910s and early 20s so they knew the possibility during the depression was very real.
As much as I expect shyt like that from Anarchos like Dead7, what really surprises me are these so-called liberals and progressives. Once Obama and the Dems mouthed the words "10.10" they somehow formulated in their little brain that it was a fair wage limit. Huffington Post is full of people like this. These people make me sick. The backlash from the left about this Seattle wage increasing is demoralizing. It becomes very clear why we get Clinton and Obama types in the White House pushing their Reagonomics-lite.
Minimum wage does NOT need to be 15 fukking dollars.
10? Definitely.
Minimum wage IS NOT supposed to support your fukking family.
I get tired of repeating this shyt.
You have a COMPLETELY flawed idea of how this is supposed to work.
AND MOST COMPANIES DO NOT PAY THEIR EMPLOYEES THIS AMOUNT...so if you're making minimum wage you are CLEARLY doing the bare minimum.