On a serious note, who's been divorced or going through one right now?


Aug 20, 2013
Sound Reasoning
It's the old games many women play. You work so much your "not there for them", so the first person
to throw attention at them their emotions get the better of them.
Usually when the OW (other woman) tries to get ahold of you that means more than likely she found something
that incriminates your wife and her baby father, a text message, a email, pictures etc.
Right now, i'd get a keylogger and toss it on your pc, look at the cell bill, hire a private eye, buy a usb recorder and put it under the seat in your womans car.
This is war right now and you better be prepared

This is solid advice right here. @Blaxican707 you need to holla at a divorce lawyer YESTERDAY and get divorce papers drawn up. You also need to start working on protecting your assets and consulting a family lawyer on how to handle the children situation-if you have any with her.


If you want to protect your assets at this time, then the best bet may be a blind trust. Consult your lawyer. Move everything that is yours(not for family use) into said trust AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. A blind trust is not open to the public and would shield you from being fleeced.

Breh, with all this evidence, I would take a week off from work and start taking action now because I'm pretty sure you're going to uncover some stuff that's going to make it hard to "work things out."

You might want to also hire a PI, so that you can gather some evidence of her cheating. That will help immesnsely during the divorce proceedings.



Rap Guerilla
May 1, 2012
The Chi (South Side)
I just worked so much, I rarely called and when i did, it was only like a 5 minute conversation. We had a 'talk' a few months ago so we can ge tback on track. Then, she met some friends, starting smoking weed (not a big deal, but that's not like her). She would say "i'm fukked", and I would ask her "what's wrong", but she kept replying to stuff like "im fukked up" or "i need help" - she wasn't telling me what was going. These group of friends she kicks it with, I do not like at all so that plays a big role. For instance, the other week, the honda had a flat tire so she asked me what to do. I told her to call AAA and get it towed to the dealership to get a new one or get it patched. What she do? Call her friend, who is a older lady that has a son our age, asks that nikka to come to the house to change the tire. :dwillhuh: Really, bytch i told you to call AAA. I don't need this shyt right now. So I told her that nikka aint neve come over to my house again (he also brought over food when they had a bad snow storm). Then - get this, the son's BM, called my wife asking her why the fukk he is at our house changing her tire and shyt, saying that there is an emotional affair going on. This bytch now is trying to get ahold of me. <------This is what really set everything off.

So after that, i told her she can never speak to taht nikka ever again, or come over and cut off all ties. She's like fine. So I get over this BS. So yesterday, I call her asking her what's up and how she doing. Im thinking everythign is :blessed: She say's she's at her friends mother's house :dwillhuh::dwillhuh::dwillhuh: . So after I get over this shyt, this happens so know I'm like :camby:It feels like ripping off stitches from a gun shot wound to the chest - i'm just reliving shyt all over again.

Don't ge tme wrong, all married couples have issues and problems.

I may be overreacting (hopefully).

I already told my girl that If I see him, I'm going to hill him:demonic::demonic::demonic::demonic::demonic::demonic: I've did that shyt plenty of times in Iraq, and I'm down to do it again.

:huhldup: I dont care who she is, no woman is worth that kinda stress where you willing to throw ur life in the :bushess:


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
You don't know your wife until you see her in divorce court the old saying .

I caught a girl I was dating with a keylogger playing around on me

Smile up in her face but plot instead

This is solid advice right here. @Blaxican707 you need to holla at a divorce lawyer YESTERDAY and get divorce papers drawn up. You also need to start working on protecting your assets and consulting a family lawyer on how to handle the children situation-if you have any with her.


If you want to protect your assets at this time, then the best bet may be a blind trust. Consult your lawyer. Move everything that is yours(not for family use) into said trust AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. A blind trust is not open to the public and would shield you from being fleeced.

Breh, with all this evidence, I would take a week off from work and start taking action now because I'm pretty sure you're going to uncover some stuff that's going to make it hard to "work things out."

You might want to also hire a PI, so that you can gather some evidence of her cheating. That will help immesnsely during the divorce proceedings.



The Coli's dirty Afro-Mexicano
Sep 8, 2013
California (Live in GA)
This is solid advice right here. @Blaxican707 you need to holla at a divorce lawyer YESTERDAY and get divorce papers drawn up. You also need to start working on protecting your assets and consulting a family lawyer on how to handle the children situation-if you have any with her.


If you want to protect your assets at this time, then the best bet may be a blind trust. Consult your lawyer. Move everything that is yours(not for family use) into said trust AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. A blind trust is not open to the public and would shield you from being fleeced.

Breh, with all this evidence, I would take a week off from work and start taking action now because I'm pretty sure you're going to uncover some stuff that's going to make it hard to "work things out."

You might want to also hire a PI, so that you can gather some evidence of her cheating. That will help immesnsely during the divorce proceedings.


Yeah, I go home in two weeks.

61 Corpses

The Breh
May 26, 2012
if you gonna do it, do it...as someone who's just gotten out of one, there's nothing worse than dreading coming home to someone that you love (in principle) but just overall makes your life feel worthless. My ex was just a Debbie Downer type mf and could sap the fun out of kid's birthday party....
This. It used to take everything in my power to come home after work sometimes. Used to try and work extra hours to prolong having to come home. Only saving grace was that i could spend time with my daughter.

61 Corpses

The Breh
May 26, 2012
On the plus side, dude has a good case of getting custody of the kids if ole girl has drug issues. Just hope he gets a good lawyer worth a shyt.

You don't know your wife until you see her in divorce court the old saying .

I caught a girl I was dating with a keylogger playing around on me

Smile up in her face but plot instead

:to: :to: :to:

Dameon Farrow

Jan 19, 2014
Playa, don't be a cupcake and trip on the dude. The fact is, YOUR WIFE is the one that is supposed to be committed to you...not some random dude that she's spending time with. YOUR WIFE is the one who is betraying her marriage to you. YOUR WIFE is the one associating with a man that is NOT her husband. YOUR WIFE is the one treating you like a third wheel.

Because even if you kill dude, your wife will just find someone else to mess around with after you go to jail. And she'll be sponsoring him with the money you worked for. And she'll be smashing him in the house you paid for.


wanted to pos rep you for this bit of information but it gave me some error about giving it to 40 others first. Kats forget this piece of information. If you wig out on dude it will really just embolden her to keep up her wreckless behavior as she likes the attention it garners. She'll surely just find somebody else to fool around with. Cycle continues.


Newly-wed :blessed:
May 16, 2013
That's exactly it, i told her my work schedule is crazy as hell, I can't help but work. I'm all alone were i'm at, she has herself, friends and the kids. I even paid her sisters airplane ticket so she could be with her.

I just want things fixed. I don't want to give up 15 years of hard work without trying.

Knew it. Breh I'm not even going to make things worse but nothing is worse than a woman when she 'isn't getting enough attention'. All that it takes is one dude to give them one compliment and they can snake their husband of 20 years. It's just how they are.

As @Emperor_ReinScarf and @mcdivit85 said you need to be prepared for the worst at this point. Breh my boy is a Dr and his wife was happy around town said she's married to 'a doctor' but guess what ? when he had to start working night shift on the ward this dumb bytch started having men in the house when he went to work. Women want a man with a career and money but the moment you actually have to work they start playing up.

He confronted her with the evidence and she LIED, LIED, LIED. Here he was thinking the worse was maybe she slept with a dude he had heard about. He had to get a P.I AND a lie detector test because this bytch was a LIAR.. At first she tried to say she would not take the test because 'he doesn't trust her he is insecure' She had to take it and it turns out she'd slept with FOUR dudes not just the one he heard of.

You need to be prepared for the VERY worst at this point. If this dude could get that comfy in your house he might not be the very first. She's been around new people and I'm sure your investigations will show you ALOT more.

With everything remain calm, don't become a maniac, don't become the crazy one, smile in her face and stay cool while you gather your evidence. If she has been cheating. You're battle clad. If not then you can stay.

Sleep with your eyes open breh. There's always more where this came from.


Aug 20, 2013
Sound Reasoning
Knew it. Breh I'm not even going to make things worse but nothing is worse than a woman when she 'isn't getting enough attention'. All that it takes is one dude to give them one compliment and they can snake their husband of 20 years. It's just how they are.

As @Emperor_ReinScarf and @mcdivit85 said you need to be prepared for the worst at this point. Breh my boy is a Dr and his wife was happy around town said she's married to 'a doctor' but guess what ? when he had to start working night shift on the ward this dumb bytch started having men in the house when he went to work. Women want a man with a career and money but the moment you actually have to work they start playing up.

He confronted her with the evidence and she LIED, LIED, LIED. Here he was thinking the worse was maybe she slept with a dude he had heard about. He had to get a P.I AND a lie detector test because this bytch was a LIAR.. At first she tried to say she would not take the test because 'he doesn't trust her he is insecure' She had to take it and it turns out she'd slept with FOUR dudes not just the one he heard of.

You need to be prepared for the VERY worst at this point. If this dude could get that comfy in your house he might not be the very first. She's been around new people and I'm sure your investigations will show you ALOT more.

With everything remain calm, don't become a maniac, don't become the crazy one, smile in her face and stay cool while you gather your evidence. If she has been cheating. You're battle clad. If not then you can stay.

Sleep with your eyes open breh. There's always more where this came from.

Yup, the things you know about are just the tip of the iceberg.

Dude needs to start getting to work on this thing now before he learns more and finds out that it could be worse than he thought.

And that's real sh#t breh. Women want a dude with money but don't want what comes with the dude who's got the money. That usually means he's working a lot or traveling a lot to get that bread. So, he's going to be busy. He's going to be at the office. He's going to be running the business. He's going to be in meetings and conferences. He's going to be cecking emails on his Blackberry.

Any man that is working hard to provide a nice lifestyle for himself and his woman deserves that understanding and good treatment. He deserves to know that he has a woman who understands that with such a lifestyle comes a price....a price that her broke a## can't pay. A price that requires him to work long hours at the job or managing the business. A price that requires him to be away from home. A price that requires him to miss some dinners.

I would be g#t-d#mned if I'm providing a great life for my woman and she is anything but grateful for that lifestyle. There is no way I would allow a woman to live off my dime yet not appreciate what I have to go through for her to not have to worry about anything. If the only thing a woman has to worry about is keeping a smile on her man's face, then that b#tch is lucky and needs to be grateful for such a position.



Rap Guerilla
May 1, 2012
The Chi (South Side)
Knew it. Breh I'm not even going to make things worse but nothing is worse than a woman when she 'isn't getting enough attention'. All that it takes is one dude to give them one compliment and they can snake their husband of 20 years. It's just how they are.

As @Emperor_ReinScarf and @mcdivit85 said you need to be prepared for the worst at this point. Breh my boy is a Dr and his wife was happy around town said she's married to 'a doctor' but guess what ? when he had to start working night shift on the ward this dumb bytch started having men in the house when he went to work. Women want a man with a career and money but the moment you actually have to work they start playing up.

He confronted her with the evidence and she LIED, LIED, LIED. Here he was thinking the worse was maybe she slept with a dude he had heard about. He had to get a P.I AND a lie detector test because this bytch was a LIAR.. At first she tried to say she would not take the test because 'he doesn't trust her he is insecure' She had to take it and it turns out she'd slept with FOUR dudes not just the one he heard of.

You need to be prepared for the VERY worst at this point. If this dude could get that comfy in your house he might not be the very first. She's been around new people and I'm sure your investigations will show you ALOT more.

With everything remain calm, don't become a maniac, don't become the crazy one, smile in her face and stay cool while you gather your evidence. If she has been cheating. You're battle clad. If not then you can stay.

Sleep with your eyes open breh. There's always more where this came from.

so what ended up happening? did dude get divorced? did he get the evidence? did he kick that bytch to the curb?


The World Is My Country, To Do Good Is My Religion
Dec 15, 2013
Damn :wow:,

I have dreams of getting into a career that demands 100+ hours a week,

I hope this shyt doesn't happen to me