On a serious note, who's been divorced or going through one right now?


The Coli's dirty Afro-Mexicano
Sep 8, 2013
California (Live in GA)
I work crazy hours too (I'm corporate) my Fiance is the lower earner I'm literally working HARD and breaking my back not only to be a good PROVIDER but also a good S.O emotionally. IF SHE EVERR tried this shyt. BUSHES. I've been with her 7 years and her cheating or exhibiting bird like behaviour is something I can't accept. From time another man can be casually in my crib and shyt it's a wrap. From time she started adopting a demonic lifestyle.... my fiance gets depression I can deal with that but another man in my home is shyt I can't deal with.

as @Steve Piffler said. I think it's best you get your distance because the frustration of working hard and having a woman do shyt like this can make you wanna kill her.

I think some distance to clear your head is crucial right now then once you get home face to face you guys need to decide where y'all are going whats going on etc. As @Hiphoplives4eva said if you do love her and want to make it work I'd recommend couples counselling.

Don't be surprised when y'all go couples counselling and she says something like she wasn't getting enough attention. Women would do ANYTHING when they feel they're not getting enough attention. I bet thats her problem...

That's exactly it, i told her my work schedule is crazy as hell, I can't help but work. I'm all alone were i'm at, she has herself, friends and the kids. I even paid her sisters airplane ticket so she could be with her.

I just want things fixed. I don't want to give up 15 years of hard work without trying.


Thanks to the lawyers uh, I marbled the foyer
Mar 19, 2013
Somewhere tropic...
That's exactly it, i told her my work schedule is crazy as hell, I can't help but work. I'm all alone were i'm at, she has herself, friends and the kids. I even paid her sisters airplane ticket so she could be with her.

I just want things fixed. I don't want to give up 15 years of hard work without trying.

I wish you the best, breh.


May 5, 2012
I just worked so much, I rarely called and when i did, it was only like a 5 minute conversation. We had a 'talk' a few months ago so we can ge tback on track. Then, she met some friends, starting smoking weed (not a big deal, but that's not like her). She would say "i'm fukked", and I would ask her "what's wrong", but she kept replying to stuff like "im fukked up" or "i need help" - she wasn't telling me what was going. These group of friends she kicks it with, I do not like at all so that plays a big role. For instance, the other week, the honda had a flat tire so she asked me what to do. I told her to call AAA and get it towed to the dealership to get a new one or get it patched. What she do? Call her friend, who is a older lady that has a son our age, asks that nikka to come to the house to change the tire. :dwillhuh: Really, bytch i told you to call AAA. I don't need this shyt right now. So I told her that nikka aint neve come over to my house again (he also brought over food when they had a bad snow storm). Then - get this, the son's BM, called my wife asking her why the fukk he is at our house changing her tire and shyt, saying that there is an emotional affair going on. This bytch now is trying to get ahold of me. <------This is what really set everything off.

So after that, i told her she can never speak to taht nikka ever again, or come over and cut off all ties. She's like fine. So I get over this BS. So yesterday, I call her asking her what's up and how she doing. Im thinking everythign is :blessed: She say's she's at her friends mother's house :dwillhuh::dwillhuh::dwillhuh: . So after I get over this shyt, this happens so know I'm like :camby:It feels like ripping off stitches from a gun shot wound to the chest - i'm just reliving shyt all over again.

Don't ge tme wrong, all married couples have issues and problems.

I may be overreacting (hopefully).

I already told my girl that If I see him, I'm going to hill him:demonic::demonic::demonic::demonic::demonic::demonic: I've did that shyt plenty of times in Iraq, and I'm down to do it again.

Breh, I'm gonna need you to start prepping your mind and heart for the fact that's she's been sleeping around.


Aug 20, 2013
Sound Reasoning
I just worked so much, I rarely called and when i did, it was only like a 5 minute conversation. We had a 'talk' a few months ago so we can ge tback on track. Then, she met some friends, starting smoking weed (not a big deal, but that's not like her). She would say "i'm fukked", and I would ask her "what's wrong", but she kept replying to stuff like "im fukked up" or "i need help" - she wasn't telling me what was going. These group of friends she kicks it with, I do not like at all so that plays a big role. For instance, the other week, the honda had a flat tire so she asked me what to do. I told her to call AAA and get it towed to the dealership to get a new one or get it patched. What she do? Call her friend, who is a older lady that has a son our age, asks that nikka to come to the house to change the tire. :dwillhuh: Really, bytch i told you to call AAA. I don't need this shyt right now. So I told her that nikka aint neve come over to my house again (he also brought over food when they had a bad snow storm). Then - get this, the son's BM, called my wife asking her why the fukk he is at our house changing her tire and shyt, saying that there is an emotional affair going on. This bytch now is trying to get ahold of me. <------This is what really set everything off.

So after that, i told her she can never speak to taht nikka ever again, or come over and cut off all ties. She's like fine. So I get over this BS. So yesterday, I call her asking her what's up and how she doing. Im thinking everythign is :blessed: She say's she's at her friends mother's house :dwillhuh::dwillhuh::dwillhuh: . So after I get over this shyt, this happens so know I'm like :camby:It feels like ripping off stitches from a gun shot wound to the chest - i'm just reliving shyt all over again.

Don't ge tme wrong, all married couples have issues and problems.

I may be overreacting (hopefully).

I already told my girl that If I see him, I'm going to hill him:demonic::demonic::demonic::demonic::demonic::demonic: I've did that shyt plenty of times in Iraq, and I'm down to do it again.

Breh, there is absolutely NO DOUBT that you share that girl.

Whenever a chick starts doing things that she never did before like smoke weed or drink or go clubbing, then there is a dude or the desire for a dude in the picture. Especially, if she knows that you don't like that stuff.

And she called ANOTHER DUDE to fix her flat tire after you told her to call a company that fixes flat tires? And he's been the crib on several occassions while you were away? And the BM is calling that sh#t out for being foul?

Playa, don't be a cupcake and trip on the dude. The fact is, YOUR WIFE is the one that is supposed to be committed to you...not some random dude that she's spending time with. YOUR WIFE is the one who is betraying her marriage to you. YOUR WIFE is the one associating with a man that is NOT her husband. YOUR WIFE is the one treating you like a third wheel.

Because even if you kill dude, your wife will just find someone else to mess around with after you go to jail. And she'll be sponsoring him with the money you worked for. And she'll be smashing him in the house you paid for.

Don't be a cupcake playa.



Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
It's the old games many women play. You work so much your "not there for them", so the first person
to throw attention at them their emotions get the better of them.
Usually when the OW (other woman) tries to get ahold of you that means more than likely she found something
that incriminates your wife and her baby father, a text message, a email, pictures etc.
Right now, i'd get a keylogger and toss it on your pc, look at the cell bill, hire a private eye, buy a usb recorder and put it under the seat in your womans car.
This is war right now and you better be prepared


Dreams Are Colder Than Death...
Apr 30, 2012
I know breh, but this shyt is killing me. I'm going to call her today and talk this shyt out. I'm not a quitter. :to:
if you gonna do it, do it...as someone who's just gotten out of one, there's nothing worse than dreading coming home to someone that you love (in principle) but just overall makes your life feel worthless. My ex was just a Debbie Downer type mf and could sap the fun out of kid's birthday party....


May 18, 2012
It's the old games many women play. You work so much your "not there for them", so the first person
to throw attention at them their emotions get the better of them.
Usually when the OW (other woman) tries to get ahold of you that means more than likely she found something
that incriminates your wife and her baby father, a text message, a email, pictures etc.
Right now, i'd get a keylogger and toss it on your pc, look at the cell bill, hire a private eye, buy a usb recorder and put it under the seat in your womans car.
This is war right now and you better be prepared

not bad advice. this will come in handy when it comes to child custody, alimony, and all that jazz


May 18, 2012
Hopefully? :dahell:

That boat sailed, crashed into an iceberg and sunk 100 leagues into the deep sea awhile ago.

:wow: I know breh. Im just trying to keep hope alive. If it were me she wouldn't even have to have physically cheated. What she's done already is enough to have broken the trust and that's not going to be able to ever be reconciled


Steve Piffler

I got them CERTS
May 1, 2012
That's exactly it, i told her my work schedule is crazy as hell, I can't help but work. I'm all alone were i'm at, she has herself, friends and the kids. I even paid her sisters airplane ticket so she could be with her.

I just want things fixed. I don't want to give up 15 years of hard work without trying.

i can respect that. i been with my wife for 15 years too. it's hard to just walk away with all the time invested and the kids and all. but how valuable is your sanity to you? would you rather stay with her to keep a facade going on just to keep up a 15 year lie or do you want to snap out of it and stop living a lie with someone that is daydreaming about another dikk while sitting next to you? it's not going to EVER be the same even if ya'll "fix" things. in the back of your mind you will be like :patrice: wondering if she is still stepping out when you aren't around. and she has gotten some new dikk in her life, so your dikk will never suffice anymore. at this point, she is just settling for your dikk because she can't have the one that she really desires openly. you provide money, shelter, and a father to her children, so you are the most valuable dikk. the other dikk provides the excitement and orgasms, so that is the most desirable dikk. the husband is supposed to possess both types of dikk in one. when you lose that title, it's time to kick that bytch to the curb and start over. 15 years or not. don't play second fiddle to some loser ass nikka that brings nothing to the table except some sneaky dikk. show that hoe the bushes :camby: