Hmmm . . . I'm thinking this is the better tact for Progressives. It keeps you off the radar of Centrists and Republicans and you aren't a lightning rod. I like the squad a lot but maybe being on the national stage all the time taking arrows and dishing them out isn't that effective.
You have to have firebrands though to stoke the base. That’s what “safe” seats are for. The Squad. Bernie. Liz. They set the highest of expectations for the progressive agenda. We all know it’s gonna take it’s sweet ass time to happen (because old ass cacs can’t bring themselves to stop being selfish), but in the mean time, build a more welcoming environment for those ideals.
The Whitehouses and Browns do work in states where cacs have free reign and decide elections. They have to be the passive ones. It’s a team effort, and I think some progressives and some moderates forgot that. Which reminds me? Where is Kristen Gillibrand at?
There is a generation of Dems don’t like to campaign and that’s why messaging is off. The entire message doesn’t have to be the same everywhere, but the basics do. What’s ailing you? We have a way to fix it? You want to lower insurance premiums. The Republicans will call it socialism. You say “We want to put more money in your pocket. Can’t the little guy win a little?” And you slip a little something else in. You want to pass a green new deal, get some pork in it for the front line soldiers. Make jobs that create jobs. People still “fighting” for their 2nd amendment rights? We will not take away your guns, but you don’t want the bad guys to have them, right? Oh okay...... How do we do that? Make people feel like their concerns are important and then go to Washington and pass your agenda. Come back and say “Are things better?”
But they would rather stick around and feel important than stick it to Republicans and be important.