OG Shaq on beach vacation with his Fine Petite 21 year old girlfriend.

Wig Twistin Season

May 24, 2022
San Diego
U have nothing in common with your daughter?

Clever. You get it breh.


Y'all got to really stop with this shyt.

Why y'all always bringing up your own daughters and mothers and shyt.

Being sexually attracted to a person ain't really got shyt to do with what we have in common and talk about.
And definitely ain't got nothing to do with your own offspring. Why would you even be thinking about them anyway is my issue.

Y'all post chix everyday on this site that are probably in there twenties, that you would leave your old ass wife for in a heart beat.

You jerk off to porn bytches that are young as hell...

What is really wrong with you nikkaz.
Stop that high and might shyt. Respectfully, it's corny

Cheating on your wife to the point you’re alone and then being seen publicly with women your kids age is corny. I already said in an earlier post sex is one thing, but I wouldn’t be seen publicly with a woman that young. It looks a way that I’m not ever trying to look and I give no points to men who can only bag women because of their money. That woman probably wouldn’t look in his direction otherwise. Be an obvious trick brehs.


Amestafuu (Emeritus)

May 8, 2012
ayo son what type of women you be fukking with? that don't look like the front door...

that looks like the one way express train out of Harlem



Jan 4, 2017
Clever. You get it breh.


Cheating on your wife to the point you’re alone and then being seen publicly with women your kids age is corny. I already said in an earlier post sex is one thing, but I wouldn’t be seen publicly with a woman that young. It looks a way that I’m not ever trying to look and I give no points to men who can only bag women because of their money. That woman probably wouldn’t look in his direction otherwise. Be an obvious trick brehs.


Brother, why you keep bringing up your kids lol.

What the hell does your kids have to do with your healthy sexual preference.
The world done shamed you nikkaz from being normal men.

I remember I had this same convo with my homie tho.
I told him a king wouldn't be picking through the left overs of society and older women to have on his roster and be seen with.
He would have the best and be seen with the best.
We don't work hard, get money, educate ourselves, keep our bodies looking good etc, just to be seen with other nikkaz baby mamas or some miserable women.
When you step out, you should be seen with the best.
Him and his wife didn't work out.
I'm sure shes out fukkin some young bros and having the time of her life. Good for her.
Shaq is a great business man and iconic figure.
I wanna see the Legends eating good and being happy. Enjoying the fruits of his labor.

Also, all women like nikkaz with money or a nikka who's poppin.
So if you saw Shaq with a bad bytch in her 40s. You would think the same thing. Shes with him for his money.
That's not what trickin is.
A bytch liking you because you have money isnt trickin.
You using the money to keep her is trickin.
And even that ain't a bad thing, just Internet nikkaz not understanding women.

Not understanding if you ceased making money right now, your wife/gf already got an escape plan.
Just their nature

Wig Twistin Season

May 24, 2022
San Diego
Brother, why you keep bringing up your kids lol.

What the hell does your kids have to do with your healthy sexual preference.
The world done shamed you nikkaz from being normal men.

I remember I had this same convo with my homie tho.
I told him a king wouldn't be picking through the left overs of society and older women to have on his roster and be seen with.
He would have the best and be seen with the best.
We don't work hard, get money, educate ourselves, keep our bodies looking good etc, just to be seen with other nikkaz baby mamas or some miserable women.
When you step out, you should be seen with the best.
Him and his wife didn't work out.
I'm sure shes out fukkin some young bros and having the time of her life. Good for her.
Shaq is a great business man and iconic figure.
I wanna see the Legends eating good and being happy. Enjoying the fruits of his labor.

Also, all women like nikkaz with money or a nikka who's poppin.
So if you saw Shaq with a bad bytch in her 40s. You would think the same thing. Shes with him for his money.
That's not what trickin is.
A bytch liking you because you have money isnt trickin.
You using the money to keep her is trickin.
And even that ain't a bad thing, just Internet nikkaz not understanding women.

Not understanding if you ceased making money right now, your wife/gf already got an escape plan.
Just their nature

A king shouldn’t be picking through leftovers because he’s with his queen. Most of you are missing my point so I’ll make it simple instead of typing an essay, if your marriage failed because you can’t control your dikk or yourself, prancing around with a young woman who you should be teaching (like a daughter) is just a glaring example of that lack of control and a HORRIBLE example to your daughters to be a fukking gold digging old man chasing joke. The reason I keep bringing up my daughters is because I’ve taught them from an early age NOT to end up with someone they’re only with for what he provides. You know, the shyt most of the nikkas on here complain about?


Y’all nikkas want it both ways and fail to see you’re hypocrites. Brehs whine and moan all day about gold digging hoes who want a 5 star surf and turf first date, but then support the very shyt y’all bytch about when it’s a celebrity goofy tricking. The bigger message to young women should be, get it on your own and THEN select a man you love for who he is, not what he provides. And grown men who claim to have learned from their mistakes should be embarrassed to be seen giving the opposite example.

You got it though.

My wife helped me build my business and was there when I didn’t have a pot to piss in, so again, wrong.



Mar 10, 2017
I don't know how big the pay out is but even Shaunie I'm looking at funny because this man feet I just couldn't, I would try but I know I couldn't 😵