Officially about to join team GMB

Tim Dripcan

Mar 25, 2015
sorry to hear that OG. it must be difficult as a former married man to go through this pain. after I read your story I was thinking that it will hard for this 20-22 year old to find a good women who loves me.

the divorce rate and adultery in American is high. im just going to enjoy my youth and wait for the right women base on her actions. it'll be challenging but I'll take the risk.

welcome to #gmb and never give up on love.

Tenchi Ryu

Ashtray B!tch
Nov 17, 2014
Chicago - SouthSide - Wild 100s
thats one thing I won't do is fukk another dudes wife. I've had women married a decade or more come at me, some even right in front of their husband (alcohol involved). shyt be mad uncomfortable. I'm good, that shyt too grime for me.
Yea I don't really fukk with dudes who be proud of fukking other men's wives or long term girlfriends. I mean don't get me wrong, its all the cheater's fault, no one force them to commit adultery. But I just couldn't take part in something I know is foul wrong doing somewhere out there.
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All Star
Sep 17, 2014
Gonna leave this here :mjcry:

Hope this don't happen to me and @Jisselle :to:


@BmoreGorilla So sorry this happened to you. My ex-husband cheated on me as well. Divorce is no fun, I remember thinking in the courtroom how on the day we got married we couldn't stop looking at each other yet at our divorce proceedings, we couldn't even look each other in the eyes.

It's a painful process, I wish you the best and I hope you truly don't go GMB on this, letting this experience and this woman change who you are, that ultimately is her win. I may sound naive, but I never cared/loved/tried any less after my divorce. If you tried so hard, and cared so much with the wrong person, just imagine how rewarding it will be when you find the right one. Good luck with everything :hug:


Aug 4, 2015
I mentioned in a thread a little while back how me and the wife been having issues. Turns out the issues weren't with US but with HER. Over the past few months she's been picking fights more and more for no reason.

Spending waaaaaaaay too much time at the "gym" talking about she "needs her space":aicmon:

I kno what that kinda bullshyt talk means. So I started doing my homework. I kno she been working with this dusty as personal trainer. Got a hold of his IG account. Since it was marked private I had a female co worker of mine request to follow him and he accepted.
I now have screen shots over the past few months which indicate they were having an affair. :damn:

I have a cousin whose a lawyer who told me in MD all I need to prove is that there is a disposition for an affair to occur and the opportunity.

I got both and its all on IG. They thought they were slick marking shyt private. No need for a PI or witnesses. This is why I been laying low for the past few weeks. Gathering my evidence and getting a lawyer on the low. Finally confronted her last night:

Me: "So you been fukking your trainer huh:birdman:"

Her: "You kno I wouldn't do that. We're just friends:francis:"

Me: "Oh yea? That's not what these screenshots and comments say:usure:"

Her: "How'd you get all that:dwillhuh:"

Me: " The Lord works in mysterious ways:sas2:"

So she starts saying how dude filled an emotional void in her and made her feel good about herself blah blah blah.

That nikka just doing his job:mjlol:

Nothing wrong with me or the marriage. Point blank something is wrong with her. bytch wasn't unhappy enough with the marriage to leave but was unhappy enough with herself that she stepped out to fill some bullshyt void. Told me she had tried to end it several times but couldn't

Told the bytch she has until Saturday to get her shyt out and go to her mothers:ufdup:

Ill even help her pack. Already have an appointment Saturday morning to change the locks:sas1:

Took the past few weeks to get perspective on this shyt and wrap my head around the fact everybodys life is gonna be changing. I get the idea she doesn't want the marriage to end but fukk it. Cant put up with that kind of disrespect

@Queen you were right she was plotting behind my back:to:

But fukk her. Adultery is one of the only things in MD you can file for immediately. Bout to get this shyt wrapped up before the holidays. Only people that matter at this point are me and the kids

GMB you gotta new member

fukk her, let the trainer put up with that shyt .... #GMB geng in this bytch ..geng in this bytch ...! You just got jumped in #GMB #HOH ....Gett Money Breh fukk Getting married breh