I didn't realize breh was blind till like episode 8

I hate that they killed Love off (this season felt like it was a 50/50 split but now it's just going to be Joe's show...Again

), but i expected it not even halfway through. I've watched a lot of TV Shows.. When a character that was introduced a season ago, or earlier in the current season is doing too much, and they're spiraling out of control. They usually late in the season do something that is unredeemable, or something that puts the main character at major risk. It get's to a point where "they gotta go". For Love her unredeemable moment was almost killing a 19 kid. She was putting Joe at risk all season.
I think it would of been dope if next season they showed us 5 episodes if Joe killed Love, and 5 episodes if Love killed Joe.
Episode 4 (i think it was) felt like they tied it up real quick due to covid. Then episode 5 everybody look like they were back from a hiatus.