Kinda skeptical about all of this "honest review" stuff because clearly 2K knows that they dropped some trash that should've been delayed [plus should no longer be a yearly release] but basically asking everyone you invited to play an early release to effectively tell fans that its bad and you shouldn't buy it?
Tryna see whats the endgame with that, is 2K trying to get out of the WWE deal on the low or just trying to send a message?
I think it's a partial "blame yukes who people have bytched about for years" and "wait till next gen everyone, it'll be great!"
I swear people have selective memory with THQ and Yukes. I played those games and back then people still bytched about the games bc there were many things worth bytching about .
Even the old NES, SNES, Genesis, ps1 games, dreamcast games had basic content and less wrestlers.
Still, 2k will do this what they've done to nba 2k and EA have done to madden/fifa: Microtransactions up the ass.