I'm gonna try and bring the discussion back around to the movie and the trailer itself.
Now if you're so blindly fanatic about this sort of thing and you can't handle someone having a separate opinion from yours, don't even bother replying. I'm not interested in the ridiculous back and forth anymore. I get it, you rule. Please fukk off.
I see that a lot of people have mostly positive feelings toward this trailer, and yes there some things I find good about it, but I still feel there are enough warning signs that indicate this could be yet another soulless, misinformed charade of a superhero movie based on a DC fictional icon.
Wonder Woman or Xena Warrior Princess?
My biggest concern about the trailer is that I don't think it communicates who this character really is beyond the fact that she is an amazonian warrior. I saw no grace, only power. I saw no wonder, only combat. I saw lots of her sword but only half a second of her lasso.
Where Did They Find This Woman again?
Can Gal Gadot act? Can she actually sell us on this character and be our tour guide through this adventure? What does she bring to the role outside of looking beautiful? I couldn't tell from this trailer... maybe because it's not in the movie?
Kickass Theme Bruh!
Her theme is cool and hardcore but it lacks majesty and it's not something I would have associated with Wonder Woman otherwise. Something like Halo maybe? I don't know but it suggests the wrong tone I think, unless of course you think Wonder Woman is best approached as an action movie for teenage boys.
What Can She Do?
The trailer doesn't really communicate what her powers and abilities are. Didn't she fend off Doomsday in the last movie? Why does she use a sword to fight regular human soldiers? Also her shield can take Doomsday's blast no problem but a she struggles to shield herself against a barrage of enemy bullets?
Is The Director She-Snyder?
Patty Jenkins thought Suicide was so great that she was utterly surprised by some of the negative reviews. I say this as someone who enjoyed the movie himself and still empathized with those that thought it was a big mess. How can she not see it? Does she have a handle on character arcs and story structure?