So your issue is that Feige is “too woke” or something?
My issue is that, to me, there has been a noticeable difference in quality since that change. Im not in Feige's head, but he has made it clear that politics is his primary focus now, and its degrading the quality, in my opinion.
All the original heroes were flawed, and a major part of their character growth was overcoming those flaws.
Steve was weak, stubborn, and later almost mechanically committed to the military. He overcame that throughout the course of his early movies.
Tony was vain, womanizing and selfish...
Thor was arrogant, immature, and selfish...
Nat was an assassin trying to make things right....
Hawkeye had the whole Ronin thing eventually.....
Hulk was out of control and destructive...
Quill was childish, womanizing, vain, and selfish...
Gamora, Rocket, and Drax were selfish and untrusting of others...
Nebula was Thano's minion...
Strange was an a$$hole..
What made those movies good was that they had actual character arcs that were earned.
Now that he seems to be focused primarily on political messaging, every new character is perfect from the jump.
Capt. Marvel, Monica, Silvie, and now Peggy....all flawless. No character development....just constantly being told through exposition how perfect they are.