I don’t know why you’re tagging me. All you’re going to do is get roasted the fuk up, run to your mods to have me sequestered from the thread, proceed with an emotional breakdown and create a thread for the 40,000th time about how this site has affected your personal life/how you need to leave, make a Farewell to your e-friends, log off to spazz on your
husband wife like a hurt bytch with your feelings of inadequacy and fragility. But it’s only a matter of time before you get exposed for who you really are. Then we shall see how “stupid” does

And if y’all are on it like that, why didn’t OP create this thread in TLR? instead of where you feel protected? Thought this was serious discussions only- y’all
Are shook. Creating a thread about how you feel about another forum where no one forced you to post or comment. TLR could gaf - white tears in this thread but I’m emotional. Be emotional enough to create a thread crying and whining about another forum, crehs, because you feel rejected.