Official TLR Stupidity Thread

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Lol ad hominems

But u lie and say I brag about not reading books.

I asked you if you had read a single book by or about any of those leaders, and you said that history books were meaningless appeals to authority and full of lies.

I'm very well read my nikka.

You still haven't provided one shred of evidence that the burger King was a reward or peek for the crime that boy committed.

Why would I provide evidence for a claim I never made? :dahell:

I mocked you for making up the ducktales story that they had gotten the killer to surrender by offering him a cheeseburger in negotiations. A story you ENTIRELY made up in your head. I never said jack shyt about the burger being a reward for a crime.

Who said I never read a book by Booker T Washington?

I did book reports on "Up from slavery" when I was in middle school.

"Up From Slavery", sadly, includes some of the most embarrassing bootlicking of racist white leaders from that entire era. Not that I blame him entirely, he was doing it to try to raise funds and stay alive in the South in a tough time. But for you to claim that W.E.B. was the sellout who sided with White people was so fukking ahistorical as to be nonsense. DuBois wrote poems about how deeply he hated the White race, while Booker BRAGGED over and over about how noble the southern whites were. I tried to point that out to you repeatedly, but you didn't want to read.

To brag about following the principles of Up From Slavery in 2022, without any caveats, is incredible.

You coming up with a scenario where a burger King manager is disrespecting an employee but you either refusing to acknowledge or purposefully not thinking about the type of employee that would work a fast food job for 27 years with no promotions and not leaving for a better job.

I'm telling you I've worked with ID individuals for almost 20 years and that absolutely sounds like something they would do/be proud of.

He's disrespecting the employee by giving him a couple cheap pens and little pieces of candy for 27 years of perfect service. It doesn't matter what kind of employee he was, that was disrespectful and he could have put far more effort into it. You and the confederate-and-Nazi supporting booklicker DavidTheMan were the only ones defending him.

But u think the actually Burger King corporation would recognize an employee for having perfect attendance for 27 years (lol) and give him a cheap plaque and some candy and broadcast it on social media.

No, I don't think the Burger King corporation would do jack shyt for such an employee, they don't GAF about their employees unless they think they can score publicity from it.


May 7, 2012
I asked you if you had read a single book by or about any of those leaders, and you said that history books were meaningless appeals to authority and full of lies.

Why would I provide evidence for a claim I never made? :dahell:

I mocked you for making up the ducktales story that they had gotten the killer to surrender by offering him a cheeseburger in negotiations. A story you ENTIRELY made up in your head. I never said jack shyt about the burger being a reward for a crime.

"Up From Slavery", sadly, includes some of the most embarrassing bootlicking of racist white leaders from that entire era. Not that I blame him entirely, he was doing it to try to raise funds and stay alive in the South in a tough time. But for you to claim that W.E.B. was the sellout who sided with White people was so fukking ahistorical as to be nonsense. DuBois wrote poems about how deeply he hated the White race, while Booker BRAGGED over and over about how noble the southern whites were. I tried to point that out to you repeatedly, but you didn't want to read.

To brag about following the principles of Up From Slavery in 2022, without any caveats, is incredible.

He's disrespecting the employee by giving him a couple cheap pens and little pieces of candy for 27 years of perfect service. It doesn't matter what kind of employee he was, that was disrespectful and he could have put far more effort into it. You and the confederate-and-Nazi supporting booklicker DavidTheMan were the only ones defending him.

No, I don't think the Burger King corporation would do jack shyt for such an employee, they don't GAF about their employees unless they think they can score publicity from it.

U inferred that I didn't read. Because you want desperately to believe that all your ideological enemies are mumbling retards.

Lol now here u go with the ad hominem on Booker T. Washington.

Booker T advocated for self reliance and personal accountability, which u scamming negroes have branded as "bootstraps" talk.

But when we look past the word salad, you're essentially saying the only way the black man can progress is if the white man and his government allows it.

As far as DuBois' supposed hatred of whites, I can point you to hundreds of supposed "Black activists" who preach opposition to "white supremacy" while enriching themselves and giving nothing back to the community they purport to represent.

Their hatred of the white power structure is as legitimate as hulk hogan's hatred of Yokozuna in the 90s. The BLM leaders are just the latest in a proud tradition of black political grifters.

The average salary of a BK manager is 50k on the high end. If a person making that average salary took the time and money to recognize an employee thats some commendable shyt.

The evidence for this being that I've never in my life heard of someone being rewarded for 27 years service.

25 maybe, 30 maybe, but never 27

get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.
I'm wholeheartedly against lengthy prison sentences and the death penalty. American prisons serve no real purpose besides providing corporations cheap labor. There used to be libraries and academic opportunities afforded to prisoners (the ability to get an online college degree) but many prisons have removed those. I've always thought the Scandinavian model made more sense. Their prisons serve more as mental health clinics where they attempt to rehabilitate the prisoner. If the prisoner shows no significant signs of progress by the end of their prison term then they tack on more years. This approach makes more sense to me and is a bit more humane than America's approach.

Do you think the animal that targeted and murdered those Black elders in Buffalo can be rehabilitated?


The Chosen 1
May 2, 2012

Really nikkas? :why:


Mar 13, 2017

Really nikkas? :why:

Lmao. Explains why a lot of them over there hate women. They don't want women having options that exclude them and their shytty personalities, so an arranged marriage would be a dream solution for them.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Lol now here u go with the ad hominem on Booker T. Washington.

Booker T advocated for self reliance and personal accountability, which u scamming negroes have branded as "bootstraps" talk.

But when we look past the word salad, you're essentially saying the only way the black man can progress is if the white man and his government allows it.

You're just saying shyt at random. I haven't said anything like that, you're making it up out of whole cloth.

I said "Up From Slavery" aged poorly because it aged poorly, and Booker T.'s actual words in the book are quite different from the image you want to create. The entire book kisses Southern White ass and treats those people with kid's gloves because Booker T. was afraid of losing his opportunity to operate in the South. Like I said before, I don't blame him for it considering the circumstances of the time. But in the end Southern White people completely fukkED OVER Booker T. Washington and made all his hopes and dreams a lie, so to claim that this was of going about things was the right way and destined to work was completely disproven by history.

One may get the idea, from what I have said, that there was bitter feeling toward the white people on the part of my race, because of the fact that most of the white population was away fighting in a war which would result in keeping the Negro in slavery if the South was successful. In the case of the slaves on our place this was not true, and it was not true of any large portion of the slave population in the South where the Negro was treated with anything like decency. During the Civil War one of my young masters was killed, and two were severely wounded. I recall the feeling of sorrow which existed among the slaves when they heard of the death of "Mars' Billy." It was no sham sorrow, but real. Some of the slaves had nursed "Mars' Billy"; others had played with him when he was a child. "Mars' Billy" had begged for mercy in the case of others when the overseer or master was thrashing them. The sorrow in the slave quarter was only second to that in the "big house." When the two young masters were brought home wounded, the sympathy of the slaves was shown in many ways. They were just as anxious to assist in the nursing as the family relatives of the wounded. Some of the slaves would even beg for the privilege of sitting up at night to nurse their wounded masters. This tenderness and sympathy on the part of those held in bondage was a result of their kindly and generous nature. In order to defend and protect the women and children who were left on the plantations when the white males went to war, the slaves would have laid down their lives. The slave who was selected to sleep in the "big house" during the absence of the males was considered to have the place of honour. Any one attempting to harm "young Mistress" or "old Mistress" during the night would have had to cross the dead body of the slave to do so.
As a rule, not only did the members of my race entertain no feelings of bitterness against the whites before and during the war, but there are many instances of Negroes tenderly caring for their former masters and mistresses who for some reason have become poor and dependent since the war. I know of instances where the former masters of slaves have for years been supplied with money by their former slaves to keep them from suffering. I have known of still other cases in which the former slaves have assisted in the education of the descendants of their former owners. I know of a case on a large plantation in the South in which a young white man, the son of the former owner of the estate, has become so reduced in purse and self-control by reason of drink that he is a pitiable creature; and yet, notwithstanding the poverty of the coloured people themselves on this plantation, they have for years supplied this young white man with the necessities of life. One sends him a little coffee or sugar, another a little meat, and so on. Nothing that the coloured people possess is too good for the son of "old Mars' Tom," who will perhaps never be permitted to suffer while any remain on the place who knew directly or indirectly of "old Mars' Tom."
One of the best illustrations of this which I know of is in the case of an ex-slave from Virginia whom I met not long ago in a little town in the state of Ohio. I found that this man had made a contract with his master, two or three years previous to the Emancipation Proclamation, to the effect that the slave was to be permitted to buy himself, by paying so much per year for his body; and while he was paying for himself, he was to be permitted to labour where and for whom he pleased. Finding that he could secure better wages in Ohio, he went there. When freedom came, he was still in debt to his master some three hundred dollars. Notwithstanding that the Emancipation Proclamation freed him from any obligation to his master, this black man walked the greater portion of the distance back to where his old master lived in Virginia, and placed the last dollar, with interest, in his hands. In talking to me about this, the man told me that he knew that he did not have to pay the debt, but that he had given his word to the master, and his word he had never broken. He felt that he could not enjoy his freedom till he had fulfilled his promise.
I felt that the Reconstruction policy, so far as it related to my race, was in a large measure on a false foundation, was artificial and forced. In many cases it seemed to me that the ignorance of my race was being used as a tool with which to help white men into office, and that there was an element in the North which wanted to punish the Southern white men by forcing the Negro into positions over the heads of the Southern whites.
Of course the coloured people, so largely without education, and wholly without experience in government, made tremendous mistakes, just as many people similarly situated would have done. Many of the Southern whites have a feeling that, if the Negro is permitted to exercise his political rights now to any degree, the mistakes of the Reconstruction period will repeat themselves. I do not think this would be true, because the Negro is a much stronger and wiser man than he was thirty-five years ago, and he is fast learning the lesson that he cannot afford to act in a manner that will alienate his Southern white neighbours from him.
At the time I went to Alabama the coloured people were taking considerable interest in politics, and they were very anxious that I should become one of them politically, in every respect. They seemed to have a little distrust of strangers in this regard. I recall that one man, who seemed to have been designated by the others to look after my political destiny, came to me on several occasions and said, with a good deal of earnestness: "We wants you to be sure to vote jes' like we votes. We can't read de newspapers very much, but we knows how to vote, an' we wants you to vote jes' like we votes." He added: "We watches de white man, and we keeps watching de white man till we finds out which way de white man's gwine to vote; an' when we finds out which way de white man's gwine to vote, den we votes 'xactly de other way. Den we knows we's right."

I am glad to add, however, that at the present time the disposition to vote against the white man merely because he is white is largely disappearing, and the race is learning to vote from principle, for what the voter considers to be for the best interests of both races.
Perhaps I might add right here, what I hope to demonstrate later, that, so far as I know, the Tuskegee school at the present time has no warmer and more enthusiastic friends anywhere than it has among the white citizens of Tuskegee and throughout the state of Alabama and the entire South. From the first, I have advised our people in the South to make friends in every straightforward, manly way with their next-door neighbour, whether he be a black man or a white man. I have also advised them, where no principle is at stake, to consult the interests of their local communities, and to advise with their friends in regard to their voting.
I have referred to this unpleasant part of the history of the South simply for the purpose of calling attention to the great change that has taken place since the days of the "Ku Klux." To-day there are no such organizations in the South, and the fact that such ever existed is almost forgotten by both races. There are few places in the South now where public sentiment would permit such organizations to exist.
While writing upon this subject, it is a pleasure for me to add that in all my contact with the white people of the South I have never received a single personal insult. The white people in and near Tuskegee, to an especial degree, seem to count it as a privilege to show me all the respect within their power, and often go out of their way to do this.

Seriously, how do you take that shyt breh?

"No Southern white man has ever insulted me."

"The KKK is pretty much forgotten and White Southerners would never allow such a thing to happen again."

"Slaves loved their White masters and would do anything for them, it truly was a beautiful relationship."

"Black people should listen to White Southerners' advice when it comes to who to vote for."

You're seriously going to claim to me with a straight face that W.E.B. DuBois was the one taking White money for his own profit as opposed to Booker T. Washington? You're seriously going to claim that W.E.B. DuBois was the sellout and the one who allied with Whites? Come on now.

And as I pointed out, all of Booker T. Washington's hopes and dreams about White people came to nothing in the end. I've linked this for you twice but you refuse to read:

As far as DuBois' supposed hatred of whites, I can point you to hundreds of supposed "Black activists" who preach opposition to "white supremacy" while enriching themselves and giving nothing back to the community they purport to represent.

Their hatred of the white power structure is as legitimate as hulk hogan's hatred of Yokozuna in the 90s. The BLM leaders are just the latest in a proud tradition of black political grifters.

WTF are you talking about? All of the stories about DuBois's hatred of white people came from his personal acquaintances and were portrayed as a character defect. It had nothing to do with his public persona at all, his public preaching was always that neither race should hate the other, and it was only in private that he talked about how much he hated white people. How can you lie and claim it was some sort of public performance art when it was completely private behavior?

Adeptus Astartes

Loyal servant of the God-Brehmperor
Sep 15, 2019
Imperium of Man
Bunch of fascist wannabes in this thread :scust:

Also, @HellRell804 Got permabanned? :damn: I enjoyed debating him. Shame.
Feb 7, 2015

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Also, @HellRell804 Got permabanned? :damn: I enjoyed debating him. Shame.

Oh shyt, I didn't even see that. So I caught two bodies in one day. :dead: :deadrose:

They need to have banners for this shyt. When you click on my profile I want all 6-7 heads hanging on my wall with the spinal cords dangling and shyt.
