Official thread on Michael Bay's TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES movie


Gettin' It In
May 23, 2012
:yeshrug:....Will catch it on netflix I guess. Bay is lackluster. Y'all can talk about "turn your brain off" all you want...blockbusters have evolved over the past decade, flashy shyt is hardly enough to keep me invested.

I tend to prefer the charm of rubber suits, animatronics, practical effects, etc to CG anyways, but it's not just CG here, I don't like the designs. Hard to tell how much of that is just me remembering the originals compared to this or if it's just that these guys look ugly.

I'm definitely not feeling the nostrils and lips though.

Not sure about Megan Fox. Obviously, they didn't need a great thespian to play April O'Neil...but I always felt like that role brought a lot of heart and soul to the movies.That IS the human connection so...she better come better than she usually does.

True, but these big name directors tend to have a lot of influence on the movies they produce. Sees to be the trend over the last decade, get a hot shot team to produce, but let a "game manager" actually direct.

And to be honest, the movies he's produced seem to be worst than the ones he full on directs anyways :

Always loved this end fight :



Aug 17, 2012
New York City
Youtube Trailer has 22 Million Hits in 3 days. Which is more than a ton of other up and coming Summer Blockbusters. Looks like even the haters have to watch it and see what it looks like. This is goin to be a hit, probably one of the sleeper films of the summer. Again as for the Suits/Animatronics vs CGI. Jim Henson is a legend and what he did in the Ninja Turtles movie in 1990 was Historic. But that was 25 years ago. Technology has changed. The suits wouldn't look right in this era which Speical Effects have evolved. I think the CGI looked ill. Also for the complaints that "They look to Big and Ugly", They are MUTANT NINJA TURTLES? Mutants aren't suppose to look good, they are mutated.

Also what I like about Bay's Turtles is the style looks like it's going to be more closer to the COMICS than the Cartoon. You know how long I've been waiting for a VIOLENT Ninja Turtles adaptation like the comics? The Turtles didn't start out all loveable, they were hardbody and this is going to be that film. As for Megan Fox. Bay basically discovered her and put her in "Bad Boys II". I think they did or could of had something sexual going on but Megan was out of line with the "Hitler" Comments. Her career fell off hard after "Transformers 2" and she couldn't get work cause they trashed her name. She then finally came back to Bay and apologized. But this is a huge come up for her. This film will be a box office hit and probably end up being a Trilogy. My only complaint is they made Shredder some White Business man evil genius. He's a Japanese Martial Artist period. They could of easily got Ken wantanbe or some Asian actor to play him. They did the same thing with "Iron Man 3" by whitewashing The Maderain.


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
Didn't Bay have an old TMNT script where he tried to create the Turtles as Aliens? The backlash made him reconsider.

Nope. He's always been the producer because Nickelodeon owns the turtles and paramount owns nick. Platinum dunes, his company, is also owned by paramount or is a partner with them so they asked dunes to produce. The original script or at least a version of the script was written and leaked to the net but by that time the guy directing now was already locked in place. Bay was never going to direct but he wanted someone from his camp to direct
May 11, 2012
Youtube Trailer has 22 Million Hits in 3 days. Which is more than a ton of other up and coming Summer Blockbusters. Looks like even the haters have to watch it and see what it looks like. This is goin to be a hit, probably one of the sleeper films of the summer. Again as for the Suits/Animatronics vs CGI. Jim Henson is a legend and what he did in the Ninja Turtles movie in 1990 was Historic. But that was 25 years ago. Technology has changed. The suits wouldn't look right in this era which Speical Effects have evolved. I think the CGI looked ill. Also for the complaints that "They look to Big and Ugly", They are MUTANT NINJA TURTLES? Mutants aren't suppose to look good, they are mutated.

Also what I like about Bay's Turtles is the style looks like it's going to be more closer to the COMICS than the Cartoon. You know how long I've been waiting for a VIOLENT Ninja Turtles adaptation like the comics? The Turtles didn't start out all loveable, they were hardbody and this is going to be that film. As for Megan Fox. Bay basically discovered her and put her in "Bad Boys II". I think they did or could of had something sexual going on but Megan was out of line with the "Hitler" Comments. Her career fell off hard after "Transformers 2" and she couldn't get work cause they trashed her name. She then finally came back to Bay and apologized. But this is a huge come up for her. This film will be a box office hit and probably end up being a Trilogy. My only complaint is they made Shredder some White Business man evil genius. He's a Japanese Martial Artist period. They could of easily got Ken wantanbe or some Asian actor to play him. They did the same thing with "Iron Man 3" by whitewashing The Maderain.

You know Michael Bay has unlimited access to that p*ssy...porno style, to.

No holes barred


Nov 18, 2013
Michael seem alpha enough to cuckold the p*ssy from Brian Austin Green ...make Green lick his busted nuts off of Bad Boys posters whenever Megan and Green get out of line.

This is is a girl who was taken from complete obscurity and placed in a sex-driven role in front of the whole world and told she was the sexiest woman in America.
'And she had a hard time accepting it. When Mike would ask her to do specific things, there was no time for fluffy talk. We're on the run. And the one thing Mike lacks is tact.

'There's no time for... 'I would like you to just arch your back 70 degrees.'

'So maybe, being a porn star in the future might be a good career option. But make-up beware, she has a paragraph tattooed to her backside (probably due her rotten childhood) easily another 45 minutes in the chair!'
'Megan really is a thankless, classless, graceless, and shall we say unfriendly b****. It's sad how fame can twist people, and even sadder that young girls look up to her. If only they knew who they're really looking up to.'



May 3, 2012
Nope. He's always been the producer because Nickelodeon owns the turtles and paramount owns nick. Platinum dunes, his company, is also owned by paramount or is a partner with them so they asked dunes to produce. The original script or at least a version of the script was written and leaked to the net but by that time the guy directing now was already locked in place. Bay was never going to direct but he wanted someone from his camp to direct

:stopitslime: why you write all that shyt when you wrong?

Infuriated fans swooped down on our report about producer Michael Bay’s comment concerning how the upcoming Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles live-action film reboot will change-up the title characters’ backstory by making them aliens. To say the very idea prompted a predominantly negative response from the Turtles-adoring masses, is to put it pretty mildly.