Official THOR: RAGNAROK Thread


Nov 2, 2014
Just came back from seeing it and I thought it was really good.:ehh: I️ don’t know where this bullshyt about this being the best marvel movie is coming from. It's nowhere near as good Civil War or the Winter Soldier or even Homecoming but it's better than every Thor movie which isn't saying a lot:skip:

I thought the villian was meh. Everytime Hela was by herself the movie started to drag and didn't really pick back up until Thor and Banner got back on screen.

Sidenote, when Thor was going on about how he needs his hammer I half expected Tony Stark to pop up and tell Thor “if you’re nothing without the hammer then you shouldn’t have it":troll:

Notorious 1 E.Y.E.

Nov 12, 2012
the low end. southside chi
I’m glad you caught that.... it seems like cats really don’t comprehend the difference between situation humor and punchline actual jokes.

A lot of these movies don’t have even be having a lot of jokes like that but cats love to exaggerate.

theyre being obtuse....
theyre purposely ignoring its a buddy road trip movie


Godzilla got busy.
May 1, 2012

And there is value to that statement.... however :patrice:

As long as there are comic book movies out there like Jonah Hex, Steel, Catwoman, F4 Reboot, and etc.

Calling the Thors awful movies is really such a stretch.

Sidenote though, empty or not its always a good thing to hear progression or when people say the latter movies are better than the predecessors. To me its a sign of going in the right directions or ending on a good note.


Fair enough. I was grading it with the crop of Marvel flicks dating back to IronMan.

Also positive progression is good but IDK how I feel about this "stupify" approach Marvel throws in movies involving obscure (to non comic readers) characters. It just seems like their safe route to ensure favorable public reception. Just cheapens the whole movie IMO. I left with Hov's "dumb down for my audience and double my dollars" line in my head. My shorty who is way more accepting of mediocre film felt similar before I even expressed myself.

I already said I thought movie was good for the most part. I'm just noticing trends that are ultimately lowering my expectations for Infinity Wars. Also Marvel's track record of presenting villains to make us give a damn is :flabbynsick: If they flop on Thanos :francis: mannnn......

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
Fair enough. I was grading it with the crop of Marvel flicks dating back to IronMan.

Also positive progression is good but IDK how I feel about this "stupify" approach Marvel throws in movies involving obscure (to non comic readers) characters. It just seems like their safe route to ensure favorable public reception. Just cheapens the whole movie IMO. I left with Hov's "dumb down for my audience and double my dollars" line in my head. My shorty who is way more accepting of mediocre film felt similar before I even expressed myself.

I already said I thought movie was good for the most part. I'm just noticing trends that are ultimately lowering my expectations for Infinity Wars. Also Marvel's track record of presenting villains to make us give a damn is :flabbynsick: If they flop on Thanos :francis: mannnn......

I dont know.... this "fake dark (cuz per a highly popular comic book movie director their really hasnt too many dark comic book movies) vs comical COMIC book" movie stuff to me is getting a little too exaggerated, played out and overboard.

People are taking this stuff too seriously and its getting to the point that I'm seeing there is a true gift and curse to the TDK trilogy.

I get that every movie that has some humor in it isnt great but people gotta stop pretending just cuz you slap a R or close to line crossing PG-13 rating on a movie and then add a few F bombs, t*ts, and gore dont by default make a comic book movie a great movie.

If that was the case and that easy then on contrary to a comment made earlier about "it funny out the best comic book movies are the darker ones" or whatever paraphrased comment then why arent Kick Ass and Punisher War Zone and etc fringe comics that might not been DC/Marvel movies but still comic book movies held in higher esteem?

Cuz Marvel and DC aint the only ones that made comic book/super hero movies in the last 20 years and not all been funny or PG-13.

I think cats need to stop taking this too seriously and atleast let the 1st generation of this be what it is coming out the gates. Now if cats want to take these "chances" later on then so be in but dont take that chance too soon cuz sometimes you wont get back that base you're trying to build with.

Prime example... chances were taken with Skyline..... that movie is arguably the worst movie I've ever seen in my life. Now there is a sequel coming out next year, but that bridge is burnt to me. I wouldnt care how high RT rated it or how many threads cats on here posted talking highly about it. I wouldnt care if you saw it and told me directly it was great. I would and will never give that piece of shyt franchise the time of day ever again. They lost that privilege.



Godzilla got busy.
May 1, 2012
I dont know.... this "fake dark (cuz per a highly popular comic book movie director their really hasnt too many dark comic book movies) vs comical COMIC book" movie stuff to me is getting a little too exaggerated, played out and overboard.

People are taking this stuff too seriously and its getting to the point that I'm seeing there is a true gift and curse to the TDK trilogy.

I get that every movie that has some humor in it isnt great but people gotta stop pretending just cuz you slap a R or close to line crossing PG-13 rating on a movie and then add a few F bombs, t*ts, and gore dont by default make a comic book movie a great movie.

If that was the case and that easy then on contrary to a comment made earlier about "it funny out the best comic book movies are the darker ones" or whatever paraphrased comment then why arent Kick Ass and Punisher War Zone and etc fringe comics that might not been DC/Marvel movies but still comic book movies held in higher esteem?

Cuz Marvel and DC aint the only ones that made comic book/super hero movies in the last 20 years and not all been funny or PG-13.

I think cats need to stop taking this too seriously and atleast let the 1st generation of this be what it is coming out the gates. Now if cats want to take these "chances" later on then so be in but dont take that chance too soon cuz sometimes you wont get back that base you're trying to build with.

Prime example... chances were taken with Skyline..... that movie is arguably the worst movie I've ever seen in my life. Now there is a sequel coming out next year, but that bridge is burnt to me. I wouldnt care how high RT rated it or how many threads cats on here posted talking highly about it. I wouldnt care if you saw it and told me directly it was great. I would and will never give that piece of shyt franchise the time of day ever again. They lost that privilege.


I'm not up-to-date on the current talking points in the Marvel vs. DC stan wars, so I'll assume you're addressing arguments against Marvel's style. Personally, I don't expect current Marvel movies to have a overly serious, "dark" tone. I've accepted Marvel as fun and light-hearted. Cool, whatever.

I just don't know why, in this case, Hulk had to be made into a bumbling idiot. I don't know why the idiot "Rock Man" was necessary to break what felt like every moment of tension. I don't know why Drax had to became an autistic clown in GOTG2. I really enjoy when films don't take themselves too serious but cot damn these forced, low brow comedic inserts got me rolling my eyes more than anything.

I'm just hoping it's not a sign of things to come. :yeshrug:

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
I'm not up-to-date on the current talking points in the Marvel vs. DC stan wars, so I'll assume you're addressing arguments against Marvel's style. Personally, I don't expect current Marvel movies to have a overly serious, "dark" tone. I've accepted Marvel as fun and light-hearted. Cool, whatever.

I just don't know why, in this case, Hulk had to be made into a bumbling idiot. I don't know why the idiot "Rock Man" was necessary to break what felt like every moment of tension. I don't know why Drax had to became an autistic clown in GOTG2. I really enjoy when films don't take themselves too serious but cot damn these forced, low brow comedic inserts got me rolling my eyes more than anything.

I'm just hoping it's not a sign of things to come. :yeshrug:

I got you..... and respect that


To address the Hulk thing, see I didnt really think HULK came off as an bumbling idiot. I mean ok his conversation level was like "Hulk this" or "Hulk that" but aint that typically how Hulks been written? Other than that Agents of SMASH cartoon, when has Hulk or how often has he came off like a highly intelligent physicist? Even the run of WWH it wasnt like this dude was some type of Masters Level when it came to intelligence. Na Hulk 100% comprehended the situation of his environment and he was just there chilling and living the life happily and enjoying being celebrated as a warrior.

They showed him fight, then have a brief convo with Thor were he completely got everything Thor said and equally explained things back, then he the trained and chilled. I mean his comprehension level was higher than Baby Groot.

I dont think the Rock Man scenes was around a lot of times where there was time for tension, those moments happened in between scenes that called for that.

Unlike the Spidermans, Hulks, or etc popular comics.... I havent really read enough of the character of Drax history to really have a solid discussion point on what to compare and contrast from but Drax had like 2 comedic moments where he clowned around and those scenes lasted probably a combined 7 mins.

I kinda mentioned this a few days ago in another thread, but I'm beginning to see maybe its just me. Cuz nothing comedy wise seems forced from a guy that grew up on the 80s action movies or the goonies type movies or Freddy and etc movies where Marvel movies overall arent doing that any worse than some of the classics that we loved.

Majority of Arnolds movies were for its time violent action movies but he always quipped or made jokes and we loved it. Die Hard has so many laughs and its a serious movie series, Lethal Weapon and so on.

Shoot there are more jokes in a Tarantino movie than the Marvel movies but we as fans of these movies praise that.



A Thick Sauce N*gga
Apr 30, 2012
First Thor movie I'll actually watch again at home. That rock dude Korg was funny as hell.

Man WTF, I go back a couple pages to get impressions from other posters and folks talking about Styles P, the Kansas City Chiefs, and business ownership. If I keep going back am I gonna see Kobe and Jordan arguments?
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