While the multiple timelines started to make sense as the show went on, I don't think it actually enhanced the story. If anything it did a disservice to some of the character building, mostly with Yennifer. One ep she is talking to a dead baby about the world isn't worth living in, next time we see her she is driven to having a child

. I get she may have gained power, beauty and found it lacking but it would mean more to actually see that progression. Some of the concepts of the world aren't really clear either. Nilfgard in particular could have used more fleshing out as to their motives and why they want to take over the Continent. Instead of crossing between the 3 stories (Ciri being the least interesting), it would have been dope to see a few episodes focused on a single character or place to better establish the stakes. I know they are adapting a series of short stories, but I felt the writing could have been tightened up. There's a version of the show I could imagine with Geralt and the bard fighting different monsters each work and traveling the country that I could see being more effective.
On the positive side I did like Geralt's gruff demeanor and his wanting to just fight monsters and collect coin

. Destiny always has a way of messing things up in this show though

. Some of the magical elements were cool, particularly in the finale with all the mages waging war and Season 2 is poised to be better with a lot of the pieces in place. The eye candy as well