Official The Walking Dead: Season 3 Thread

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
Carl like....what the fukk you bringing these people here for...we can't feed they ass...

I'm not sure what Rick was thinking on that one...

Rick made the right choice.
Especially, now he knows and has success defending the prison, twice.
With only one loss,....of collateral damage.

Woodbury/mayberry is a liability tactically in the apocalypse.
Rick brought the group back to a place.
That he knows can be defended.
Even if it is overrun by intruders of mass numbers for the setting and time.
Plus has success at defending.
In the event someone else pops up to raid or attack.
Rick, knows what to do to repel that.
In Woodbury, it is open to any type of seige.
From zombie to raiders,....
Why, go live in a place.
You already successfully ran into whenever you wanted to and were successful with your mission.

Those little towns like that in a zombie apocalypse are nuffin but a setting to make your self fodder.

Art Barr

Jimmy ValenTime

A really good Lawyer
Jun 2, 2012
The Bronx
They went left, i respect it i, I am glad the Governor around to fight another day, the show has a problem of killing people right when they become interesting ..

from a story stand point it makes sens that Rick would take the people from woodberry commons with him

He trying to remain a person and not just become a killing machine ...

Carlito going to body some of those people you just know it ..


Coli TV/Film Expert
Mar 18, 2013
first off,....
This attack was the governor going back to attack the second time.
With no real acclamation to his town or unit in spirit.
Let alone a real plan, of attack or purpose.
So what do you mean, the villain usually goes back.
This was the villian comeback after defeat.
A defeat where the villian never really made a real effort to really win.
The governor attacked the prison and he is not a military or even a trained officer of the law.
or the fact that yeah,...
Rick is the innocent spirit high moral type.
Yet, rick is a damn cop.
Who knows how to at the very least setup a roadblock and merc shyt.
To the point he is overconfident enough, to let his guard down and got shot for it.
So, I think I will take the overconfident got shot guy who lived.
Over a puss ass mark....
Who got manhandled by a lawyer and a shard of glass through his eye.
Rick and his little group already sonned't the shyt outta governor when they went to maybury.

Did nikkaz forget the great episode that was.

When rick showed up and michionne put the beats on the governor.
The governor is just some puss ass dude named Phillip.
This is not the governor from the comic.
This was a nikka collecting zombie heads and writing chicken scratch in a notebook.
Keeping his daughter alive on some weak ass shyt.
All because he was not man enough when the apocalypse popped off.
to be on bitness and had a kid.
A kid that he lost and accepted accountability for in this very episode.
When he gave the incredible:
You kill or you die, or you die and you kill speech.

plus, Phillip attacked the prison on some ho shyt, originally.
Talking about, I just want to scare them.
When, nobody attacks shyt to scare anybody.
You go in and wreck shyt, for a real purpose.
Or you,
The governor failed,....
He was not prepared at all.
He never prepared his group at all.
He thought just because he had more resources he was in the driver's seat.
Yet, for all his resources.
Rick and his crew fell through maybury.
Plus, Rick's group members who were captured escaped.
The only person the governor got over on were people whom he had an emotional attachment to.
Which was Andrea and the weakest servant ever in Milton.
Plus, the people of his town.

the governor is not a thorough dude.
You are not thorough if you hurt people you know, that have their guard down.
That is the type of bytchass dude this nikka, phill is.
Duke, is the governor.
A joke like the governor from blazing saddles on some boss hog shyt.
He never really prepared for any actual scenarios.
When, they live in dangerous times.
shyt, they are in the south with guns aplenty and zombies everywhere and this dude hosting lemonade socials.
With glaidator games,...
With only one moment of training.
After, the town is seiged by a small band of four people.
Which is why he is a villain.
I think, we need to give rick and his little band, more credit.
They had a plan and it was made to deal with.
What if they attack on the frontal approach, like before.
Rick's crew adjusted and immediately was right back on maybury's head like some g's with no hesitation.

Like you are supposed to do.
They survived a winter running from hordes and were on real shyt.
The governor just setup a town and never really prepared his town at all.
Like real talk,...
In Romero zombie shyt, on dawn of the dead and land of the dead.
If raiders would have fell through Mayberry like they did in those movies like the mall.
Or the unit made to secure or fight off and seige towns.
Lead by leguizamo, or the bikers fell through.
Mayberry would have perished.
The governor is closer to the guy in 28days later.
Who ran the compound and was gonna molest the young girl and Naomi Harris's character.
Duke, is a ho ass bytch.

The best part of the governor arc is.
we got an excellent villian backstory.
So, if the governor re-appears.
Now, he can have motive to be on vengeance and live up to more of the villain in the comic.
This was a great end to a great season.
Plus, finally...
You get to see a triumph in a domestic zombie finale.
Where, everything was alright after a conflict.
To establish some bit of hope to the bleakness of the apocalypse.
Which is what I watch zombie shyt for.
As, real talk....
In this situation, moments like this if it occurred in real life may never materialize.
So, It was great to finally see some light at the end of the tunnel, in this scenario for a change.

When usually at the end of a domestic zombie movie...
Somebody is always munched on, and the credits are rolling.

Art Barr

I'm not reading all this but God bless you for caring about this show enough to try to justify and use mental acrobatics to explain this mess. You're like a doctor in a inner city hospital treating gangbangers with bullet wounds who've killed women and kids in the past.

But please stop comparing this show to Zombie movies. Kirkman has repeatedly said this show is about AFTER the zombie movie is over. It's supposed to be about the people, the characters. But the writing isn't strong enough for us to care about these folks, even when Zombies aren't around. Not to mention the character inconsistencies and contradictions after long speeches.

They've had 20 Hours to set up characters where movies only have 90 minutes. By that rationale, they shouldn't need fans like you writing dissertations to fill in missing character gaps. The Wire had lower ratings and less money but had great writing and character development. We cared about the cops, the crooks AND the kids.

Wepa Man

Ramblings Of An Angry Old Man
May 1, 2012
On the real, I had no idea this was the season finale until I read yall posts :dead:

A finale supposed to be something that holds you over for months. This shyt was just another episode. These execs are stupid.

Like Breaking Bad!! I cant wait for it this summer :bryan::bryan:

Jimmy ValenTime

A really good Lawyer
Jun 2, 2012
The Bronx
The Governor and Carl killing his men > Rick Daryl Glen and Maggie Killing his men

when he machine gun everybody and then head shot them after ..

I was like :ooh:

But Some of you guys will never be happy ... :yeshrug:

Mr swag

We Out Here
Apr 30, 2012
The Well Respected Uptown,Virginia
On the real, I had no idea this was the season finale until I read yall posts :dead:

A finale supposed to be something that holds you over for months. This shyt was just another episode. These execs are stupid.

so for season 4 opening esipode i better not see your ass posting then. but you will be back like eveyone else



Fire John Harbaugh
May 1, 2012
so nothing at all got resolved and we gonna have to deal with the same shyt next season :snoop:

this governor/prison storyline is so fukking garbage i cant believe they are sticking with this bullshyt...this whole season was complete trash

remember when this show use to be about the zombie apocalypse not rick vs governor...they need to get back to making the show about the zombies,have them run into scientist or military people or something and explain how it started and expand the story...this shyt they doing now is fukking pointless,we already know the main people wont die so hurry up and kill governor and get on with the fukking story

Way too much complaining in this thread. They set up a lot for the next season.
really? like what? :beli:

Francis White

i been away to long, my feeling died.
May 11, 2012
New York, New York
Yeah, they do look excited to leave the town with power and running water and individual homes to live in that dusty ass prison.

It's like they have completely forgotten the Governor is still out there and knows the lay out of the prison and has broke in there TWICE.:laff:
What is going to do with 3 men? 2 who are shook to death of him, he will be back with more men for sure but that will take time, also the prison will have changed by then, with more people in it, they will have it up and running smoothly, Rick has at least 9 shooters on his team now, you do understand why the Gov shoot his troops, he wanted everyone in Woodbury to die, Ty and his sister up 24/7 shootwing walkers:rudy: , he knew what he was doing, he didn't a crap about that town. He wasted 20 men, still more than Ricks team. I would have gutted the town for supplies and fortified the prison to where it was in the comics, a place worth fighting for.


May 19, 2012
Metro Detroit
Weak ass season finale. Nobody cared that Andrea died, people were actually hoping that was gonna be her fate. Like previous posters said, such an anticlimactic letdown for all of the hype that is supposed war was. But with that said, don't front like you're not gonna be watching it next season. It'll be the same hype machine next October when season 4 starts and I bet most people saying they won't watch it just because of this episode will be right back:confused:

Francis White

i been away to long, my feeling died.
May 11, 2012
New York, New York
so nothing at all got resolved and we gonna have to deal with the same shyt next season :snoop:

this governor/prison storyline is so fukking garbage i cant believe they are sticking with this bullshyt...this whole season was complete trash

remember when this show use to be about the zombie apocalypse not rick vs governor...they need to get back to making the show about the zombies,have them run into scientist or military people or something and explain how it started and expand the story...this shyt they doing now is fukking pointless,we already know the main people wont die so hurry up and kill governor and get on with the fukking story

really? like what? :beli:
Well last year people said the prison would be 2 seasons and you got that, in the comics the story ran for about 40 issues, also the showrunner got fired for burning thru the source material, the show is number on that network, makes a ton of money. Correct me if i am wrong, the story is about them surviving the other humans they run into, unless they are out of food, ammo and shelter any 1 person could take out 3 walkers because they have no sense of danger, Carol went from shook to a killer in a year, same with Carl.


May 1, 2012
This is why I never watched season two and threw it in the bushes :birdman:

Andrea couldn't die quicker :pacspit:

All those stupid commercials :pacspit:

After the bullets galore in the first few minutes, everything else was :trash:

The best part was the Gov'nor murking his own people :pachaha:

And, Carl sizing up his pops, like :comeon: you really just let more people in the prison, instead of taking over the better infrastructure at Mayberry :skip:

I should had watched Games of Thrones, instead :snoop: