Then he would have been shot along with the rest of them when brought them there. I mean do you really think Shane could match wits the GovernorShane would had the whole group dead by now if they stayed near the city like he wanted them to, mind you in the open not even on high ground where they could defend themselves, not mention when winter came, they would be sleeping in cars. Yeah Shane was a great leader alright
My post was referring to how bad of a leader Shane would have been. He didn't give a rat's ass about anyone but Lori and Carl (and the baby) so he'd have coughed up anyone to the Governor.
Actually they never would have made it to the prison or even encountered The Governor is Shane had killed Rick on the farm and assumed leadership of the crew. They all would have died in between season 2 and 3 from a combination of starvation annd zombie attacks.
Shane was an able sidekick and nothing more, dude couldn't ever be a good leader ever because he was too hotheaded and self-serving.